#=============================================================================================================== # NeverSink's Indepth Loot Filter - for Path of Exile #=============================================================================================================== # VERSION: 8.15.2c.2024.257.5 # TYPE: 0-SOFT # STYLE: DEFAULT # AUTHOR: NeverSink # BUILDNOTES: Filter generated with NeverSink's FilterpolishZ and the domainlanguage Exo. # #------------------------------------ # LINKS TO LATEST VERSION AND FILTER EDITOR #------------------------------------ # # EDIT/CUSTOMIZE FILTER ON: https://www.FilterBlade.xyz # GET THE LATEST VERSION ON: https://www.FilterBlade.xyz or https://github.com/NeverSinkDev/NeverSink-Filter # #------------------------------------ # INSTALLATION / UPDATE : #------------------------------------ # # 0) It's recommended to check for updates once a month or at least before new leagues, to receive economy finetuning and new features! # 1) Paste this file into the following folder: %userprofile%/Documents/My Games/Path of Exile # 2) INGAME: Escape -> Options -> UI -> Scroll down -> Select the filter from the Dropdown box # #------------------------------------ # AUTO-UPDATER SERVICE AND SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT #------------------------------------ # # Patreon supporters get access to the FilterBlade Auto-Updater that combines 100% automated updates with custom styles and your customizations! # It's a great way to support us and get something in return and it helps us on our journey of making our own company and potentially game. Thank you # Learn more about the feature here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8RJx0s0zsA # # PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Neversink # OTHER: https://www.filterblade.xyz/About # #------------------------------------ # CONTACT - if you want to get notifications about updates or just get in touch: #------------------------------------ # For feedback, questions and suggestions please join our discord! # # DISCORD: https://discord.gg/mye6xhF # TWITTER: @NeverSinkDev # TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/neversink # GITHUB: NeverSinkDev # FORUM: https://goo.gl/oQn4EN #=============================================================================================================== # [WELCOME] TABLE OF CONTENTS + QUICKJUMP TABLE #=============================================================================================================== # [[0100]] OVERRIDE AREA 1 - Override ALL rules here # [[0100]] Global overriding rules # [[0200]] Gold # [[0300]] High tier influenced items # [0301] Influenced Maps # [0302] Common Tier - T1 # [0303] Specialised Tier - T1 # [0304] Common Tier - T2 # [0305] Specialised Tier - T2 # [0306] Remaining # [[0400]] ELDRITCH ITEMS # [[0500]] Exotic Bases # [[0600]] IDENTIFIED MOD FILTERING - COMBINATIONS # [0601] ID Mod exceptions - override id mod matching section # [0602] Physical # [0603] Elemental # [0604] Blade Blast Daggers # [0605] Gembased # [0606] Caster # [0607] Spellslinger # [0608] Helmets # [0609] Boots # [0610] Gloves # [0611] Shields # [0612] Amulets # [0613] Rings # [0614] Quivers # [0615] Body Armours # [0616] Belts # [0617] Jewels # [[0700]] IDENTIFIED MOD FILTERING - SINGLE MODS # [0701] Top Value # [0702] Uncorrupted Mods # [[0800]] IDENTIFIED MOD - CORRUPTED ITEMS # [[0900]] Exotic Mods Filtering # [0901] Veiled/Betrayal - low prio veiled items # [0902] Incursion/Temple Mods # [0903] Necropolis # [0904] Bestiary # [0905] Other # [[1000]] Exotic Item Classes # [1001] Voidstones # [1002] Trinkets # [1003] Secret Society Equipment # [1004] Pieces # [1005] Craftable Invitations # [1006] Relics # [[1100]] Exotic Item Variations # [1101] Double Corruptions # [1102] Specific Single Corruptions # [1103] Abyss Jeweled Rares # [1104] Synthesised # [1105] Fractured # [1106] Enchanted # [1107] Crucible # [[1200]] Recipes and 5links # [1201] Link Based # [[1300]] High Level Crafting Bases # [1301] Expensive Atlas 86 Bases - matched by economy # [1302] Perfection and Overquality Filtering # [1303] RGB Endgame # [1304] ILVL 86 # [1305] ILVL 84 # [1306] ILVL ANY # [1307] Early Endgame Crafting projects # [1308] Chisel Recipes # [[1400]] Chancing Bases # [[1500]] Endgame Flasks & Tinctures # [1501] Endgame Flasks # [1502] Quality High # [1503] Utility OR quality flasks # [1504] Quality Low # [1505] Early mapping life/mana/utility flasks # [[1600]] Misc Rules # [[1700]] Hide Layer 1 - Normal and Magic Endgame Gear # [[1800]] Rare Item Decorators # [[1900]] Endgame - Rare - Exotic Corrupted Items # [[2000]] Endgame - Rare - Accessoires # [[2100]] Endgame - Conditional Hide Layers # [[2200]] Endgame - Rare - Accessoires # [[2300]] Endgame - Rare - Gear - Droplevel Hiding # [[2400]] Endgame - Rare - Gear # [[2500]] Hide Layer 2 - Rare Gear # [[2600]] Jewels # [2601] Special Cases # [2602] Leveling Exceptions # [2603] Abyss Jewels # [2604] Generic Jewels # [2605] Cluster Jewels: Eco-Based-Large # [2606] Cluster Jewels: Random # [[2700]] Heist Gear # [2701] Heist Cloak # [2702] Heist Brooch # [2703] Heist Gear # [2704] Heist Tool # [[2800]] Gem Tierlists # [2801] Exceptional Gems - Awakened and AltQuality # [2802] Exceptional Gems - Special gems # [2803] High Quality and Leveled Gems # [[2900]] REPLICA UNIQUES # [[3000]] Special Maps # [3001] Unique Maps # [3002] T17 # [3003] Blighted maps # [3004] Special Maps # [[3100]] Normal Map Progression # [3101] Generic Decorators # [3102] Map progression # [[3200]] Pseudo-Map-Items # [[3300]] Fragments # [3301] Exceptions # [3302] Scarabs # [3303] Regular Fragment Tiering # [[3400]] Currency - Exceptions - Leveling Currencies # [[3500]] Currency - Exceptions - Stacked Currency # [3501] Supplies: High Stacking # [3502] Supplies: Low Stacking # [3503] Supplies: Portal Stacking # [3504] Supplies: Wisdom Stacking # [3505] Stacked Currencies: 6x # [3506] Stacked Currencies: 3x # [3507] Heist Coins # [[3600]] Currency - Regular Currency Tiering # [[3700]] Currency - SPECIAL # [3701] Incursion - Vials # [3702] Delirum Orbs # [3703] Delve - Resonators # [3704] Delve - Fossils # [3705] Blight - Oils # [3706] Runes # [3707] Corpses # [3708] Essences # [3709] Incubators # [3710] Trial of the Ancestors # [3711] Others # [[3800]] Currency - Splinters # [3801] Breach and Legion Splinters - stacked # [3802] Breach and Legion Splinters - single # [3803] Simulacrum Splinters # [[3900]] Divination Cards # [[4000]] Remaining Currency # [[4100]] Questlike-Items1 (override uniques) # [[4200]] Uniques # [4201] Exceptions #1 # [4202] Tier 1 and 2 uniques # [4203] Exceptions #2 # [4204] Multi-Unique bases. # [4205] Low tier exceptions # [4206] Tier 3 uniques # [4207] Tier 4 uniques # [[4300]] Misc Map Items # [[4400]] Questlike-Items2 # [[4500]] Hide outdated leveling flasks # [[4600]] Leveling - Utility Flasks and Tinctures # [[4700]] Leveling - Life, Mana, Hybrid # [4701] Hybrid Flasks # [4702] Life flasks # [4703] Mana flasks # [[4800]] Leveling - Rules # [4801] Links and Sockets # [4802] Rares - Decorators # [4803] Rares - Universal # [4804] Rares - Caster # [4805] Rares - Archer # [4806] Rares - Melee # [4807] Rares - Other # [[4900]] Leveling - Useful magic and normal items # [4901] Purpose Picked Items # [4902] Normals # [4903] Weapon Progression # [4904] Remaining Magics # [4905] Hide All known Section # [4906] Show All unknown Section #=============================================================================================================== # [[0100]] Global overriding rules #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c0.alpha : "All Rules - Highest priority - DANGER ZONE" Show # $type->6l $tier->hightier Mirrored False Corrupted False LinkedSockets 6 ItemLevel >= 75 Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Apex Cleaver" "Arcane Vestment" "Assassin's Garb" "Astral Leather" "Banishing Blade" "Battery Staff" "Carnal Armour" "Conquest Lamellar" "Despot Axe" "Destiny Leather" "Eventuality Rod" "Exquisite Leather" "Full Dragonscale" "Full Wyvernscale" "General's Brigandine" "Gladiator Plate" "Glorious Plate" "Grand Ringmail" "Grove Bow" "Harbinger Bow" "Impact Force Propagator" "Imperial Bow" "Ivory Bow" "Legion Plate" "Maraketh Bow" "Marshall's Brigandine" "Necrotic Armour" "Nightweave Robe" "Paladin's Hauberk" "Royal Plate" "Sacred Chainmail" "Sadist Garb" "Saint's Hauberk" "Saintly Chainmail" "Sanguine Raiment" "Short Bow" "Solarine Bow" "Spine Bow" "Supreme Leather" "Syndicate's Garb" "Thicket Bow" "Titan Plate" "Torturer Garb" "Triumphant Lamellar" "Twilight Regalia" "Vaal Regalia" "Zodiac Leather" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 200 0 0 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # %D5 $type->6l $tier->others LinkedSockets 6 Rarity Normal Magic Rare SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 200 0 0 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 1 Red Diamond #=============================================================================================================== # [[0200]] Gold #=============================================================================================================== Show # $type->gold $tier->stack3 StackSize >= 3000 BaseType == "Gold" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 235 200 110 255 SetBorderColor 235 200 110 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Orange MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Cross Show # $type->gold $tier->stack2 StackSize >= 500 BaseType == "Gold" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayEffect Orange Temp MinimapIcon 1 White Cross Show # $type->gold $tier->stack1 StackSize >= 150 BaseType == "Gold" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 MinimapIcon 2 Grey Cross Show # $type->gold $tier->stacklvl1 StackSize >= 50 BaseType == "Gold" AreaLevel <= 68 SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 MinimapIcon 2 Grey Cross Show # $type->gold $tier->anyother BaseType == "Gold" SetFontSize 35 SetTextColor 180 180 180 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 MinimapIcon 2 Grey Cross #=============================================================================================================== # [[0300]] High tier influenced items #=============================================================================================================== #------------------------------------ # [0301] Influenced Maps #------------------------------------ Show # $type->maps->influenced $tier->infshaper HasInfluence Shaper Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 100 0 122 255 SetBorderColor 100 0 122 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Square Show # $type->maps->influenced $tier->infelder HasInfluence Elder Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 100 0 122 255 SetBorderColor 100 0 122 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Square Show # $type->maps->influenced $tier->infconquerors HasInfluence Crusader Hunter Redeemer Warlord Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 100 0 122 255 SetBorderColor 100 0 122 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Square # !! Waypoint c1.infl.all : "All rules - except 6links and influenced maps" #------------------------------------ # [0302] Common Tier - T1 #------------------------------------ Show # $type->influenced->common $tier->t1_exo HasInfluence Crusader Elder Hunter Redeemer Shaper Warlord Rarity Rare BaseType == "Accumulator Wand" "Aetherwind Gloves" "Alternating Sceptre" "Anarchic Spiritblade" "Apex Cleaver" "Apprentice Gloves" "Archdemon Crown" "Astrolabe Amulet" "Atonement Mask" "Banishing Blade" "Basemetal Treads" "Battery Staff" "Blasting Blade" "Blizzard Crown" "Boom Mace" "Brimstone Treads" "Capricious Spiritblade" "Cloudwhisper Boots" "Cogwork Ring" "Cold-attuned Buckler" "Composite Ring" "Congregator Wand" "Crack Mace" "Crushing Force Magnifier" "Darksteel Treads" "Demon Crown" "Disapprobation Axe" "Dreamquest Slippers" "Duskwalk Slippers" "Eventuality Rod" "Flashfire Blade" "Focused Amulet" "Foundry Bow" "Gale Crown" "Geodesic Ring" "Guarding Gauntlets" "Heat-attuned Tower Shield" "Helical Ring" "Honed Cleaver" "Imp Crown" "Impact Force Propagator" "Infernal Blade" "Leyline Gloves" "Magmatic Tower Shield" "Malign Fangs" "Manifold Ring" "Mechanical Belt" "Micro-Distillery Belt" "Nexus Gloves" "Nightwind Slippers" "Ornate Quiver" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Penitent Mask" "Pneumatic Dagger" "Polar Buckler" "Potentiality Rod" "Preserving Gauntlets" "Pressurised Dagger" "Psychotic Axe" "Ratcheting Ring" "Reciprocation Staff" "Runic Crest" "Runic Crown" "Runic Gages" "Runic Gauntlets" "Runic Gloves" "Runic Greaves" "Runic Helm" "Runic Sabatons" "Runic Sollerets" "Simplex Amulet" "Solarine Bow" "Sorrow Mask" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Stormrider Boots" "Subsuming Spirit Shield" "Thwarting Gauntlets" "Tinker Gloves" "Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield" "Trapsetter Gloves" "Void Fangs" "Windbreak Boots" "Winter Crown" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0303] Specialised Tier - T1 #------------------------------------ #Show # $type->rare->crusader $tier->t11 # HasInfluence Crusader # ItemLevel >= 82 # Rarity Rare # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 # SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->crusader $tier->t12 HasInfluence Crusader ItemLevel >= 85 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Cerulean Ring" "Crystal Belt" "Fugitive Boots" "Opal Ring" "Sacrificial Garb" "Spiked Gloves" "Stygian Vise" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->crusader $tier->t13 HasInfluence Crusader ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Prismatic Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond #Show # $type->rare->warlord $tier->t11 # HasInfluence Warlord # ItemLevel >= 82 # Rarity Rare # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 # SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->warlord $tier->t12 HasInfluence Warlord ItemLevel >= 85 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Nameless Ring" "Steel Ring" "Stygian Vise" "Vermillion Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->warlord $tier->t13 HasInfluence Warlord ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Apothecary's Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fugitive Boots" "Opal Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->redeemer $tier->t11 HasInfluence Redeemer ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Stygian Vise" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->redeemer $tier->t12 HasInfluence Redeemer ItemLevel >= 85 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Dusk Ring" "Fugitive Boots" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->redeemer $tier->t13 HasInfluence Redeemer ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Crystal Belt" "Opal Ring" "Vermillion Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->hunter $tier->t11 HasInfluence Hunter ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Iolite Ring" "Stygian Vise" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->hunter $tier->t12 HasInfluence Hunter ItemLevel >= 85 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Fugitive Boots" "Nameless Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Spiked Gloves" "Vermillion Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->hunter $tier->t13 HasInfluence Hunter ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Crystal Belt" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->shaper $tier->t11 HasInfluence Shaper ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->shaper $tier->t12 HasInfluence Shaper ItemLevel >= 85 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Crystal Belt" "Fugitive Boots" "Stygian Vise" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->shaper $tier->t13 HasInfluence Shaper ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Artillery Quiver" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->elder $tier->t11 HasInfluence Elder ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fugitive Boots" "Spiked Gloves" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->elder $tier->t12 HasInfluence Elder ItemLevel >= 85 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Giantslayer Helmet" "Gripped Gloves" "Imperial Claw" "Sacrificial Garb" "Stygian Vise" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond Show # $type->rare->elder $tier->t13 HasInfluence Elder ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Conqueror's Helmet" "Crystal Belt" "Vermillion Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 130 165 255 SetBorderColor 50 130 165 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0304] Common Tier - T2 #------------------------------------ #Show # $type->influenced->common $tier->t2_exo # HasInfluence Crusader Elder Hunter Redeemer Shaper Warlord # Rarity Rare # BaseType == "Apothecary's Gloves" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Bone Helmet" "Cerulean Ring" "Crystal Belt" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fugitive Boots" "Gripped Gloves" "Iolite Ring" "Marble Amulet" "Opal Ring" "Sacrificial Garb" "Spiked Gloves" "Steel Ring" "Stygian Vise" "Two-Toned Boots" "Vanguard Belt" "Vermillion Ring" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 110 220 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond #Show # $type->influenced->common $tier->t2_86 # HasInfluence Crusader Elder Hunter Redeemer Shaper Warlord # ItemLevel >= 86 # Rarity Rare # BaseType == "Agate Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Amethyst Ring" "Ancient Mask" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Arcane Vestment" "Archon Kite Shield" "Assassin's Boots" "Assassin's Mitts" "Astral Leather" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Bone Helmet" "Bone Ring" "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Cerulean Ring" "Chimerascale Boots" "Chimerascale Gauntlets" "Citrine Amulet" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Conqueror's Helmet" "Conquest Helmet" "Conquest Lamellar" "Convening Wand" "Convoking Wand" "Coral Ring" "Crusader Boots" "Crusader Gloves" "Crystal Belt" "Deicide Mask" "Despot Axe" "Diamond Ring" "Dire Pelt" "Divine Crown" "Dragonscale Boots" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Eternal Burgonet" "Faithful Helmet" "Feathered Arrow Quiver" "Fugitive Boots" "Full Wyvernscale" "Gemini Claw" "General's Helmet" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Goliath Greaves" "Grand Ringmail" "Gripped Gloves" "Grizzly Pelt" "Harpyskin Boots" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Haunted Bascinet" "Heavy Belt" "Hubris Circlet" "Hydrascale Boots" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Imbued Wand" "Imperial Claw" "Infiltrator Boots" "Infiltrator Mitts" "Iolite Ring" "Jade Amulet" "Jester Mask" "Knight Helm" "Lacquered Buckler" "Lapis Amulet" "Leather Belt" "Legion Boots" "Legion Plate" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Lion Pelt" "Majestic Pelt" "Marble Amulet" "Marshall's Brigandine" "Martyr Boots" "Martyr Gloves" "Moonlit Circlet" "Murder Boots" "Murder Mitts" "Necrotic Armour" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Nightweave Robe" "Onyx Amulet" "Opal Ring" "Opal Sceptre" "Paladin Boots" "Paladin Crown" "Paladin Gloves" "Paladin's Hauberk" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Pig-Faced Bascinet" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Praetor Crown" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Precursor Greaves" "Prismatic Ring" "Profane Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Reaver Axe" "Royal Burgonet" "Royal Plate" "Ruby Ring" "Sacred Chainmail" "Sage Gloves" "Sage Slippers" "Sanguine Raiment" "Sapphire Ring" "Shagreen Boots" "Short Bow" "Siege Axe" "Sinner Tricorne" "Slink Boots" "Slink Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Spine Bow" "Stealth Boots" "Stealth Gloves" "Steel Ring" "Sunfire Circlet" "Supreme Leather" "Syndicate's Garb" "Titan Gauntlets" "Titan Greaves" "Titan Plate" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Topaz Ring" "Torturer Garb" "Torturer's Mask" "Turquoise Amulet" "Twilight Regalia" "Two-Stone Ring" "Two-Toned Boots" "Unset Ring" "Vaal Axe" "Vaal Greaves" "Vaal Mask" "Vanguard Belt" "Velour Boots" "Velour Gloves" "Vermillion Ring" "Void Sceptre" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyrmscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 110 220 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0305] Specialised Tier - T2 #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->rare->crusader $tier->t21 HasInfluence Crusader ItemLevel >= 80 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Jade Amulet" "Penumbra Ring" "Precursor Greaves" "Sacrificial Garb" "Turquoise Amulet" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 110 220 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rare->crusader $tier->t22 HasInfluence Crusader ItemLevel >= 85 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Agate Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Amethyst Ring" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Archon Kite Shield" "Artillery Quiver" "Assassin's Garb" "Astral Leather" "Astral Plate" "Blood Sceptre" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Bone Ring" "Bronze Tower Shield" "Carnal Armour" "Cerulean Ring" "Citrine Amulet" "Conquest Chainmail" "Conquest Lamellar" "Convening Wand" "Convoking Wand" "Coral Amulet" "Coronal Leather" "Coronal Maul" "Corrugated Buckler" "Courtesan Sword" "Crystal Belt" "Crystal Wand" "Cutthroat's Garb" "Destiny Leather" "Destroyer Regalia" "Dragoon Sword" "Ebony Tower Shield" "Engraved Wand" "Exquisite Leather" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Faun's Horn" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fugitive Boots" "General's Brigandine" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Glorious Leather" "Gold Amulet" "Gold Ring" "Golden Buckler" "Gripped Gloves" "Grizzly Pelt" "Haunted Bascinet" "Heathen Wand" "Horned Sceptre" "Iolite Ring" "Karui Maul" "Karui Sceptre" "Lacewood Spirit Shield" "Lapis Amulet" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Marble Amulet" "Moonstone Ring" "Murder Boots" "Nameless Ring" "Necrotic Armour" "Nightweave Robe" "Onyx Amulet" "Opal Ring" "Opal Wand" "Pagan Wand" "Paladin Boots" "Paua Amulet" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Praetor Crown" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Prismatic Ring" "Profane Wand" "Sacred Chainmail" "Sadist Garb" "Sage Wand" "Sanguine Raiment" "Sapphire Ring" "Seaglass Amulet" "Shagreen Gloves" "Siege Axe" "Slink Boots" "Slink Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Spiked Gloves" "Steel Ring" "Stygian Vise" "Sun Plate" "Sunfire Circlet" "Supreme Leather" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Syndicate's Garb" "Teak Round Shield" "Tiger Hook" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Torturer Garb" "Torturer's Mask" "Triumphant Lamellar" "Twilight Regalia" "Twin Claw" "Two-Stone Ring" "Two-Toned Boots" "Vaal Regalia" "Varnished Coat" "Vermillion Ring" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Widowsilk Robe" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Zodiac Leather" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 110 220 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rare->warlord $tier->t21 HasInfluence Warlord ItemLevel >= 80 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Apothecary's Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Steel Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 110 220 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rare->warlord $tier->t22 HasInfluence Warlord ItemLevel >= 85 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Agate Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Amethyst Ring" "Ancient Gauntlets" "Ancient Mask" "Artillery Quiver" "Astral Plate" "Behemoth Mace" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Bone Helmet" "Calling Wand" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Cerulean Ring" "Chimerascale Gauntlets" "Citrine Amulet" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Conquest Helmet" "Conquest Lamellar" "Crystal Belt" "Deicide Mask" "Diamond Ring" "Divine Crown" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Engraved Wand" "Exquisite Blade" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fleshripper" "Fugitive Boots" "Full Dragonscale" "General's Helmet" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Gold Amulet" "Goliath Gauntlets" "Grasping Mail" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Haunted Bascinet" "Horned Sceptre" "Hubris Circlet" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Imperial Buckler" "Imperial Skean" "Iolite Ring" "Ivory Spirit Shield" "Karui Maul" "Knight Helm" "Lacewood Spirit Shield" "Laminated Kite Shield" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Majestic Pelt" "Marshall's Brigandine" "Martyr Gloves" "Nameless Ring" "Necrotic Armour" "Onyx Amulet" "Opal Ring" "Pagan Wand" "Paladin Boots" "Penetrating Arrow Quiver" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Prismatic Ring" "Reaver Sword" "Regicide Mask" "Royal Plate" "Runic Hatchet" "Sacred Chainmail" "Sage Wand" "Samnite Helmet" "Satin Gloves" "Seaglass Amulet" "Serpentscale Gauntlets" "Sharkskin Gloves" "Slink Boots" "Slink Gloves" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Stag Sceptre" "Stealth Gloves" "Steel Circlet" "Stygian Vise" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Syndicate's Garb" "Thorium Spirit Shield" "Titan Gauntlets" "Titan Plate" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Torturer Garb" "Torturer's Mask" "Turquoise Amulet" "Twilight Regalia" "Two-Toned Boots" "Vaal Gauntlets" "Vaal Regalia" "Vanguard Belt" "Velour Boots" "Velour Gloves" "Vermillion Ring" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyrmscale Gauntlets" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" "Zodiac Leather" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 110 220 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rare->redeemer $tier->t21 HasInfluence Redeemer ItemLevel >= 80 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Imbued Wand" "Stygian Vise" "Two-Toned Boots" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 110 220 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rare->redeemer $tier->t22 HasInfluence Redeemer ItemLevel >= 85 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Agate Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Ambush Boots" "Amethyst Ring" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Arcane Vestment" "Artillery Quiver" "Astral Plate" "Blazing Arrow Quiver" "Blood Raiment" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Bone Helmet" "Calling Wand" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Cerulean Ring" "Citrine Amulet" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Colosseum Plate" "Conquest Chainmail" "Conquest Lamellar" "Coral Ring" "Courtesan Sword" "Crested Tower Shield" "Crimson Raiment" "Crusader Buckler" "Crypt Armour" "Crystal Belt" "Deicide Mask" "Demon Dagger" "Demon's Horn" "Divine Crown" "Dusk Ring" "Engraved Wand" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Faun's Horn" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fire Arrow Quiver" "Fleshripper" "Fugitive Boots" "General's Helmet" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Golden Buckler" "Goliath Greaves" "Gripped Gloves" "Harmonic Spirit Shield" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Heathen Wand" "Horned Sceptre" "Hubris Circlet" "Imperial Buckler" "Imperial Staff" "Infiltrator Boots" "Iolite Ring" "Jade Amulet" "Jewelled Foil" "Karui Maul" "Lacquered Buckler" "Laminated Kite Shield" "Lapis Amulet" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Majestic Pelt" "Marble Amulet" "Marshall's Brigandine" "Martyr Boots" "Mirrored Spiked Shield" "Moon Staff" "Murder Boots" "Necrotic Armour" "Opal Ring" "Pagan Wand" "Phantom Boots" "Pig-Faced Bascinet" "Polished Spiked Shield" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Profane Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Reaver Axe" "Royal Plate" "Ruby Ring" "Sacred Chainmail" "Sage Wand" "Sanguine Raiment" "Sentinel Jacket" "Siege Axe" "Slink Boots" "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" "Spiked Gloves" "Spine Bow" "Spiraled Wand" "Steel Ring" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Syndicate's Garb" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Topaz Ring" "Torturer Garb" "Torturer's Mask" "Triumphant Lamellar" "Twilight Regalia" "Vaal Buckler" "Vaal Greaves" "Vanguard Belt" "Velour Boots" "Vermillion Ring" "Vile Arrow Quiver" "Void Sceptre" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 110 220 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rare->hunter $tier->t21 HasInfluence Hunter ItemLevel >= 80 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Imbued Wand" "Iolite Ring" "Stygian Vise" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 110 220 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rare->hunter $tier->t22 HasInfluence Hunter ItemLevel >= 85 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Amethyst Ring" "Ancient Greaves" "Ancient Spirit Shield" "Angelic Kite Shield" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Artillery Quiver" "Astral Plate" "Battle Buckler" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Blunt Arrow Quiver" "Bone Helmet" "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Calling Wand" "Cerulean Ring" "Chimerascale Boots" "Chimerascale Gauntlets" "Chiming Spirit Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Commander's Brigandine" "Conqueror's Helmet" "Conquest Chainmail" "Conquest Lamellar" "Coral Ring" "Coronal Leather" "Courtesan Sword" "Crested Tower Shield" "Crimson Round Shield" "Crusader Boots" "Crystal Belt" "Crystal Sceptre" "Crystal Wand" "Dire Pelt" "Divine Crown" "Ebony Tower Shield" "Engraved Wand" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Faun's Horn" "Feathered Arrow Quiver" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fugitive Boots" "General's Helmet" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Goliath Gauntlets" "Gripped Gloves" "Harmonic Spirit Shield" "Harpyskin Boots" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Heavy Arrow Quiver" "Hydrascale Boots" "Imperial Claw" "Imperial Skean" "Infiltrator Boots" "Infiltrator Mitts" "Ivory Bow" "Karui Maul" "Lacquered Buckler" "Lapis Amulet" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Lion Pelt" "Lion Sword" "Maraketh Bow" "Marble Amulet" "Marshall's Brigandine" "Murder Mitts" "Nameless Ring" "Necrotic Armour" "Opal Ring" "Opal Sceptre" "Pagan Wand" "Paladin Boots" "Penetrating Arrow Quiver" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Poignard" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Prismatic Ring" "Profane Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Reaver Sword" "Royal Plate" "Ruby Ring" "Runic Hatchet" "Sacred Chainmail" "Sage Gloves" "Sage Wand" "Sambar Sceptre" "Samite Slippers" "Serrated Arrow Quiver" "Shagreen Tower Shield" "Sharkskin Boots" "Sharkskin Gloves" "Sharktooth Arrow Quiver" "Soldier Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Spiraled Wand" "Stag Sceptre" "Stealth Boots" "Stealth Gloves" "Steel Ring" "Steelwood Bow" "Syndicate's Garb" "Thorium Spirit Shield" "Topaz Ring" "Turquoise Amulet" "Twilight Regalia" "Two-Stone Ring" "Two-Toned Boots" "Unset Ring" "Vaal Gauntlets" "Vaal Spirit Shield" "Vanguard Belt" "Velour Boots" "Velour Gloves" "Vermillion Ring" "Vile Arrow Quiver" "Void Sceptre" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 110 220 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rare->shaper $tier->t21 HasInfluence Shaper ItemLevel >= 80 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Colossal Tower Shield" "Crystal Belt" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Imperial Claw" "Spiked Gloves" "Vermillion Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 110 220 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rare->shaper $tier->t22 HasInfluence Shaper ItemLevel >= 85 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Ambusher" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Artillery Quiver" "Battle Buckler" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Bone Helmet" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Cerulean Ring" "Crusader Buckler" "Ebony Tower Shield" "Elegant Round Shield" "Engraved Wand" "Exquisite Blade" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Fossilised Spirit Shield" "Fugitive Boots" "Gemini Claw" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Girded Tower Shield" "Harmonic Spirit Shield" "Heavy Belt" "Horned Sceptre" "Imbued Wand" "Imperial Buckler" "Imperial Skean" "Iolite Ring" "Lacquered Buckler" "Lapis Amulet" "Lich's Circlet" "Necrotic Armour" "Pagan Wand" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Platinum Kris" "Profane Wand" "Sage Wand" "Sai" "Steel Ring" "Stygian Vise" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Turquoise Amulet" "Vanguard Belt" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 110 220 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rare->elder $tier->t21 HasInfluence Elder ItemLevel >= 80 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fugitive Boots" "Gripped Gloves" "Reaver Axe" "Sai" "Spiked Gloves" "Spiraled Wand" "Vermillion Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 110 220 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rare->elder $tier->t22 HasInfluence Elder ItemLevel >= 85 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Ambusher" "Amethyst Ring" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Artillery Quiver" "Astral Leather" "Behemoth Mace" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Bone Helmet" "Calling Wand" "Cerulean Ring" "Conjurer Boots" "Conqueror's Helmet" "Conquest Helmet" "Conquest Lamellar" "Crystal Belt" "Demon Dagger" "Dire Pelt" "Divine Crown" "Eelskin Boots" "Engraved Wand" "Eternal Burgonet" "Ezomyte Burgonet" "Ezomyte Dagger" "Faithful Helmet" "General's Helmet" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Gutting Knife" "Haunted Bascinet" "Hellion's Paw" "Horned Sceptre" "Imbued Wand" "Imperial Claw" "Imperial Skean" "Infiltrator Boots" "Karui Maul" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Lion Pelt" "Mirrored Spiked Shield" "Necrotic Armour" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Noble Claw" "Opal Ring" "Pagan Wand" "Paladin Boots" "Paladin Gloves" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Platinum Kris" "Poignard" "Profane Wand" "Prophet Crown" "Reaver Helmet" "Royal Burgonet" "Royal Plate" "Runic Hatchet" "Sacrificial Garb" "Sage Gloves" "Samite Slippers" "Samnite Helmet" "Shagreen Tower Shield" "Sharkskin Gloves" "Siege Axe" "Siege Helmet" "Sinner Tricorne" "Steel Ring" "Stygian Vise" "Syndicate's Garb" "Terror Maul" "Tiger Hook" "Twin Claw" "Two-Toned Boots" "Velour Boots" "Velour Gloves" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 110 220 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0306] Remaining #------------------------------------ Show # %D4 $type->rare->any $tier->anytrinket HasInfluence Crusader Elder Hunter Redeemer Shaper Warlord Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Rings" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 130 165 PlayEffect Blue Temp Show # %D4 $type->rare->any $tier->anytoplevel HasInfluence Crusader Elder Hunter Redeemer Shaper Warlord ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Rare SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 50 200 50 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 130 165 PlayEffect Blue Temp Show # %D3 $type->rare->any $tier->any HasInfluence Crusader Elder Hunter Redeemer Shaper Warlord Rarity Normal Magic Rare SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 130 165 PlayEffect Blue Temp #=============================================================================================================== # [[0400]] ELDRITCH ITEMS #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c1.eldritch.all : "Eldritch Items - Exarch and Eater" Show # %D3 $type->rare->exarch $tier->anyhigh HasSearingExarchImplicit >= 1 Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Ancient Mask" "Assassin's Mitts" "Chimerascale Boots" "Chimerascale Gauntlets" "Conqueror's Helmet" "Conquest Helmet" "Crusader Boots" "Crusader Gloves" "Deicide Mask" "Dire Pelt" "Divine Crown" "Dragonscale Boots" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Eternal Burgonet" "Faithful Helmet" "General's Helmet" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Grizzly Pelt" "Harpyskin Boots" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Haunted Bascinet" "Hubris Circlet" "Hydrascale Boots" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Infiltrator Boots" "Infiltrator Mitts" "Jester Mask" "Knight Helm" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Lion Pelt" "Majestic Pelt" "Martyr Boots" "Martyr Gloves" "Moonlit Circlet" "Murder Boots" "Murder Mitts" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Paladin Boots" "Paladin Crown" "Paladin Gloves" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Pig-Faced Bascinet" "Praetor Crown" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Precursor Greaves" "Sage Gloves" "Sage Slippers" "Shagreen Gloves" "Slink Boots" "Slink Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Stealth Boots" "Stealth Gloves" "Sunfire Circlet" "Titan Gauntlets" "Titan Greaves" "Torturer's Mask" "Vaal Gauntlets" "Vaal Greaves" "Velour Boots" "Velour Gloves" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyrmscale Gauntlets" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 130 165 PlayEffect Blue Temp Show # %D1 $type->rare->exarch $tier->any HasSearingExarchImplicit >= 1 Rarity Normal Magic Rare SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 130 165 PlayEffect Blue Temp Show # %D3 $type->rare->eater $tier->anyhigh HasEaterOfWorldsImplicit >= 1 Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Ancient Mask" "Assassin's Mitts" "Chimerascale Boots" "Chimerascale Gauntlets" "Conqueror's Helmet" "Conquest Helmet" "Crusader Boots" "Crusader Gloves" "Deicide Mask" "Dire Pelt" "Divine Crown" "Dragonscale Boots" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Eternal Burgonet" "Faithful Helmet" "General's Helmet" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Grizzly Pelt" "Harpyskin Boots" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Haunted Bascinet" "Hubris Circlet" "Hydrascale Boots" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Infiltrator Boots" "Infiltrator Mitts" "Jester Mask" "Knight Helm" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Lion Pelt" "Majestic Pelt" "Martyr Boots" "Martyr Gloves" "Moonlit Circlet" "Murder Boots" "Murder Mitts" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Paladin Boots" "Paladin Crown" "Paladin Gloves" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Pig-Faced Bascinet" "Praetor Crown" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Precursor Greaves" "Sage Gloves" "Sage Slippers" "Shagreen Gloves" "Slink Boots" "Slink Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Stealth Boots" "Stealth Gloves" "Sunfire Circlet" "Titan Gauntlets" "Titan Greaves" "Torturer's Mask" "Vaal Gauntlets" "Vaal Greaves" "Velour Boots" "Velour Gloves" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyrmscale Gauntlets" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 130 165 PlayEffect Blue Temp Show # %D1 $type->rare->eater $tier->any HasEaterOfWorldsImplicit >= 1 Rarity Normal Magic Rare SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 130 165 PlayEffect Blue Temp #=============================================================================================================== # [[0500]] Exotic Bases #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c1.exotic.all : "Exotic - Expedition, exotic Talismans, Sacrificial garbs" # These bases don't usually drop during normal gameplay and are usually only acquired form certain sources # These are bases such as heist and ritual bases. Show # $type->exoticbases $tier->exoticheistbases Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Accumulator Wand" "Alternating Sceptre" "Anarchic Spiritblade" "Apex Cleaver" "Astrolabe Amulet" "Banishing Blade" "Battery Staff" "Blasting Blade" "Boom Mace" "Capricious Spiritblade" "Cogwork Ring" "Cold-attuned Buckler" "Composite Ring" "Congregator Wand" "Crack Mace" "Crushing Force Magnifier" "Disapprobation Axe" "Eventuality Rod" "Flashfire Blade" "Focused Amulet" "Foundry Bow" "Geodesic Ring" "Heat-attuned Tower Shield" "Helical Ring" "Honed Cleaver" "Impact Force Propagator" "Infernal Blade" "Magmatic Tower Shield" "Malign Fangs" "Manifold Ring" "Mechalarm Belt" "Mechanical Belt" "Micro-Distillery Belt" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Pneumatic Dagger" "Polar Buckler" "Potentiality Rod" "Pressurised Dagger" "Psychotic Axe" "Ratcheting Ring" "Reciprocation Staff" "Simplex Amulet" "Solarine Bow" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Subsuming Spirit Shield" "Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield" "Void Fangs" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # $type->exoticbases $tier->exoticritualbases Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Aetherwind Gloves" "Apprentice Gloves" "Archdemon Crown" "Atonement Mask" "Basemetal Treads" "Blizzard Crown" "Brimstone Treads" "Cloudwhisper Boots" "Darksteel Treads" "Demon Crown" "Dreamquest Slippers" "Duskwalk Slippers" "Gale Crown" "Guarding Gauntlets" "Imp Crown" "Leyline Gloves" "Nexus Gloves" "Nightwind Slippers" "Penitent Mask" "Preserving Gauntlets" "Sorrow Mask" "Stormrider Boots" "Thwarting Gauntlets" "Tinker Gloves" "Trapsetter Gloves" "Windbreak Boots" "Winter Crown" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # $type->exoticbases $tier->exoticlakekala Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Dusk Ring" "Gloam Ring" "Penumbra Ring" "Shadowed Ring" "Tenebrous Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D5 $type->exoticbases $tier->exoticexpeditionbases Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Iron Flask" "Runic Crest" "Runic Crown" "Runic Gages" "Runic Gauntlets" "Runic Gloves" "Runic Greaves" "Runic Helm" "Runic Sabatons" "Runic Sollerets" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # $type->exoticbases $tier->exotictalismanbases $artefactex Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Greatwolf Talisman" "Rot Head Talisman" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # $type->exoticbases $tier->exoticbasesmisc Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Grasping Mail" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # $type->exoticbases $tier->exoticuniquebases Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Nameless Ring" "Ornate Quiver" "Prismatic Jewel" "Ring" "Ruby Amulet" "Unset Amulet" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->exoticbaseslower $tier->stygian86 Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Stygian Vise" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D5 $type->exoticbaseslower $tier->stygian Mirrored False Corrupted False Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Stygian Vise" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->exoticbaseslower $tier->exoticsacrificial Mirrored False Corrupted False Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Sacrificial Garb" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond #=============================================================================================================== # [[0600]] IDENTIFIED MOD FILTERING - COMBINATIONS #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c1.idmod.all : "Identified Mods - Best Veiled mods and combinations of expensive ID mods" #------------------------------------ # [0601] ID Mod exceptions - override id mod matching section #------------------------------------ Show # %DS5 $type->exoticmods $tier->t1veil Identified True Rarity Rare HasExplicitMod "Catarina's Veiled" "Elreon's Veiled" "Leo's Veiled" "Rin's Veiled" "Vagan's Veiled" "Vorici's Veiled" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %DS4 $type->exoticmods $tier->t2veil Identified True Rarity Rare HasExplicitMod "Gravicius' Veiled" "Guff's Veiled" "Haku's" "It That Fled's Veiled" "Korell's Veiled" "of Aisling's Veil" "of Cameria's Veil" "of Hillock's Veil" "of Janus' Veil" "of Jorgin's Veil" "Riker" "Tora's Veiled" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0602] Physical #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->weapon_phys Identified True DropLevel >= 50 Rarity Rare Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" HasExplicitMod "Merciless" "Tyrannical" "Cruel" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "of Tacati" "Tacati's" HasExplicitMod >=3 "Merciless" "Tyrannical" "Flaring" "Dictator's" "Emperor's" "of Celebration" "of Incision" "of Dissolution" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "of Tacati" "Tacati's" HasExplicitMod =0 "Heavy" "Serrated" "Wicked" "Vicious" "Glinting" "Burnished" "Polished" "Honed" "of Needling" "of Skill" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->weapon_physpure Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True DropLevel >= 50 Rarity Rare Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" HasExplicitMod "Merciless" "Tyrannical" "Cruel" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "of Tacati" "Tacati's" HasExplicitMod >=2 "Merciless" "Tyrannical" "Flaring" "Dictator's" "Emperor's" "of Celebration" "of Incision" "of Dissolution" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "of Tacati" "Tacati's" HasExplicitMod =0 "Heavy" "Serrated" "Wicked" "Vicious" "Glinting" "Burnished" "Polished" "Honed" "of Needling" "of Skill" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0603] Elemental #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->weapon_ele Identified True Rarity Rare BaseType == "Ambusher" "Corsair Sword" "Dragonbone Rapier" "Eagle Claw" "Elegant Foil" "Eye Gouger" "Fancy Foil" "Gemini Claw" "Grove Bow" "Hellion's Paw" "Highborn Bow" "Imbued Wand" "Imperial Bow" "Imperial Claw" "Imperial Skean" "Jewelled Foil" "Maraketh Bow" "Noble Claw" "Opal Wand" "Poignard" "Reflex Bow" "Serrated Foil" "Spine Bow" "Spiraled Foil" "Steelwood Bow" "Stiletto" "Terror Claw" "Thicket Bow" "Throat Stabber" "Tornado Wand" "Twin Claw" "Wyrmbone Rapier" HasExplicitMod "Carbonising" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Crystalising" "Entombing" "Polar" "Vapourising" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" HasExplicitMod >=4 "Carbonising" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Crystalising" "Entombing" "Polar" "Vapourising" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of Celebration" "of Infamy" "of Fame" "of Incision" "of Penetrating" "of Puncturing" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" HasExplicitMod =0 "Heated" "Smouldering" "Smoking" "Burning" "Frosted" "Chilled" "Icy" "Frigid" "Humming" "Buzzing" "Snapping" "Crackling" "of Needling" "of Skill" "Glinting" "Heavy" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->weapon_elepure Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True Rarity Rare BaseType == "Ambusher" "Corsair Sword" "Dragonbone Rapier" "Eagle Claw" "Elegant Foil" "Eye Gouger" "Fancy Foil" "Gemini Claw" "Grove Bow" "Hellion's Paw" "Highborn Bow" "Imbued Wand" "Imperial Bow" "Imperial Claw" "Imperial Skean" "Jewelled Foil" "Maraketh Bow" "Noble Claw" "Opal Wand" "Poignard" "Reflex Bow" "Serrated Foil" "Spine Bow" "Spiraled Foil" "Steelwood Bow" "Stiletto" "Terror Claw" "Thicket Bow" "Throat Stabber" "Tornado Wand" "Twin Claw" "Wyrmbone Rapier" HasExplicitMod "Carbonising" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Crystalising" "Entombing" "Polar" "Vapourising" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" HasExplicitMod >=3 "Carbonising" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Crystalising" "Entombing" "Polar" "Vapourising" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of Celebration" "of Infamy" "of Fame" "of Incision" "of Penetrating" "of Puncturing" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" HasExplicitMod =0 "Heated" "Smouldering" "Smoking" "Burning" "Frosted" "Chilled" "Icy" "Frigid" "Humming" "Buzzing" "Snapping" "Crackling" "of Needling" "of Skill" "Glinting" "Heavy" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0604] Blade Blast Daggers #------------------------------------ Show # %D4 $type->rareid $tier->bladeblast_2core Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Daggers" "Rune Daggers" HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "of Tacati" "Tacati's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "Carbonising" "Cremating" "Crystalising" "Entombing" "Vapourising" "Electrocuting" "Merciless" "Tyrannical" HasExplicitMod >=4 "Carbonising" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Crystalising" "Entombing" "Polar" "Vapourising" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Flaring" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Lithomancer's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "of Tacati" "Tacati's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "Merciless" "Tyrannical" "of Finesse" "of Sortilege" "of Prestidigitation" "of Unmaking" "of Ruin" "of Calamity" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0605] Gembased #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->gem_bow Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Bows" HasExplicitMod >=2 "Paragon's" "Sharpshooter's" "of Dissolution" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # $type->rareid $tier->gem_caster Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Wands" HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "Martinet's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "Magister's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # $type->rareid $tier->gem_staves Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Staves" HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "Martinet's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "Lava Conjurer's" "Winter Beckoner's" "Tempest Master's" "Splintermind's" "Tecton's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0606] Caster #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->caster_fireweapont2 Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Wands" HasExplicitMod "Martinet's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "Magister's" "Empress's" "Queen's" "Lithomancer's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Xoph's" "Pyroclastic" "Magmatic" "Flame Shaper's" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Shocking" "Entombing" "Cremating" HasExplicitMod >=4 "Martinet's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "Magister's" "Empress's" "Queen's" "Lithomancer's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Xoph's" "Pyroclastic" "Magmatic" "Flame Shaper's" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Shocking" "Entombing" "Cremating" "of Unmaking" "of Ruin" "of Calamity" "of Finesse" "of Sortilege" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "Lich's" "Archmage's" "Mage's" "Zaffre" "Blue" "Polar" "Blasting" "Corrosive" "Dissolving" "of Ashes" "of Conflagrating" "of Combusting" "of the Fanatical" "of the Zealous" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" HasExplicitMod =0 "Heated" "Smouldering" "Smoking" "Frosted" "Chilled" "Icy" "Humming" "Buzzing" "Snapping" "Apprentice's" "Adept's" "Scholar's" "Searing" "Sizzling" "Blistering" "Bitter" "Biting" "Alpine" "Charged" "Hissing" "Bolting" "of Talent" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->caster_coldweapont2 Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Wands" HasExplicitMod "Martinet's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "Magister's" "Empress's" "Queen's" "Lithomancer's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Tul's" "Cryomancer's" "Crystalline" "Frost Singer's" "Electrocuting" "Entombing" "Polar" "Glaciated" "Cremating" HasExplicitMod >=4 "Martinet's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "Magister's" "Empress's" "Queen's" "Lithomancer's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Tul's" "Cryomancer's" "Crystalline" "Frost Singer's" "Electrocuting" "Entombing" "Polar" "Glaciated" "Cremating" "of Unmaking" "of Ruin" "of Calamity" "of Finesse" "of Sortilege" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "Lich's" "Archmage's" "Mage's" "Zaffre" "Blue" "Discharging" "Blasting" "Mortifying" "Festering" "of Glaciation" "of Heartstopping" "of the Gelid" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" HasExplicitMod =0 "Heated" "Smouldering" "Smoking" "Frosted" "Chilled" "Icy" "Humming" "Buzzing" "Snapping" "Apprentice's" "Adept's" "Scholar's" "Searing" "Sizzling" "Blistering" "Bitter" "Biting" "Alpine" "Charged" "Hissing" "Bolting" "of Talent" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->caster_lightweapont2 Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Wands" HasExplicitMod "Martinet's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "Magister's" "Empress's" "Queen's" "Lithomancer's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Esh's" "Ionising" "Smiting" "Thunderhand's" "Electrocuting" "Entombing" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Incinerating" HasExplicitMod >=4 "Martinet's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "Magister's" "Empress's" "Queen's" "Lithomancer's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Esh's" "Ionising" "Smiting" "Thunderhand's" "Electrocuting" "Entombing" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Incinerating" "of Unmaking" "of Ruin" "of Calamity" "of Finesse" "of Sortilege" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "Lich's" "Archmage's" "Mage's" "Zaffre" "Blue" "Discharging" "Polar" "Excruciating" "Harrowing" "of Arcing" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" HasExplicitMod =0 "Heated" "Smouldering" "Smoking" "Frosted" "Chilled" "Icy" "Humming" "Buzzing" "Snapping" "Apprentice's" "Adept's" "Scholar's" "Searing" "Sizzling" "Blistering" "Bitter" "Biting" "Alpine" "Charged" "Hissing" "Bolting" "of Talent" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->caster_physweapont2 Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Wands" HasExplicitMod "Martinet's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "Magister's" "Empress's" "Queen's" "Lithomancer's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Entombing" "Polar" "Cremating" "Blasting" HasExplicitMod >=4 "Martinet's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "Magister's" "Empress's" "Queen's" "Lithomancer's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Entombing" "Polar" "Cremating" "Blasting" "of Unmaking" "of Ruin" "of Calamity" "of Finesse" "of Sortilege" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "Lich's" "Archmage's" "Mage's" "Zaffre" "Blue" "of Exsanguinating" "of Hemorrhaging" "of Phlebotomising" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" HasExplicitMod =0 "Heated" "Smouldering" "Smoking" "Frosted" "Chilled" "Icy" "Humming" "Buzzing" "Snapping" "Apprentice's" "Adept's" "Scholar's" "Searing" "Sizzling" "Blistering" "Bitter" "Biting" "Alpine" "Charged" "Hissing" "Bolting" "of Talent" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->caster_chaosweapont2 Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Wands" HasExplicitMod "Martinet's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "Magister's" "Empress's" "Queen's" "Lithomancer's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Mad Lord's" "Electrocuting" "Entombing" "Cremating" HasExplicitMod >=4 "Martinet's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "Magister's" "Empress's" "Queen's" "Lithomancer's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Mad Lord's" "Electrocuting" "Entombing" "Cremating" "of Unmaking" "of Ruin" "of Calamity" "of Finesse" "of Sortilege" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "Lich's" "Archmage's" "Mage's" "Zaffre" "Blue" "Discharging" "Polar" "Blasting" "of Disintegrating" "of Atrophying" "of Deteriorating" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" HasExplicitMod =0 "Heated" "Smouldering" "Smoking" "Frosted" "Chilled" "Icy" "Humming" "Buzzing" "Snapping" "Apprentice's" "Adept's" "Scholar's" "Searing" "Sizzling" "Blistering" "Bitter" "Biting" "Alpine" "Charged" "Hissing" "Bolting" "of Talent" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0607] Spellslinger #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->caster_slingert2 Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Wands" HasExplicitMod "Carbonising" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Crystalising" "Entombing" "Polar" "Vapourising" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Martinet's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "Magister's" "Empress's" "Queen's" "Lithomancer's" "of Tacati" "Tacati's" "Runic" "Glyphic" HasExplicitMod >=3 "Carbonising" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Crystalising" "Entombing" "Polar" "Vapourising" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Martinet's" "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "Magister's" "Empress's" "Queen's" "Lithomancer's" "of Tacati" "Tacati's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of Celebration" "of Infamy" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Unmaking" "of Ruin" "Flame Shaper's" "Frost Singer's" "Thunderhand's" "Mad Lord's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0608] Helmets #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->helmet_life_based Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Helmets" HasExplicitMod "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Overseer's" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of Puhuarte" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "Overseer's" "Taskmaster's" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of Recuperation" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Sturdy" "Durable" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Illusory" "Unreal" "Enveloped" "Encased" "Elusory" "Vaporous" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Beatified" "Hallowed" "Spirit's" "Cherub's" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Abbot's" "Prior's" "Ram's" "Fawn's" "Nautilus's" "Urchin's" HasExplicitMod =0 "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D4 $type->rareid $tier->helmet_es_based Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Helmets" HasExplicitMod >=2 "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Blazing" "Seething" "Overseer's" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of Puhuarte" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "Overseer's" "Taskmaster's" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of Recuperation" "Blazing" "Seething" "Pulsing" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Priest's" "Abbot's" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "Fecund" "Athlete's" HasExplicitMod =0 "Hale" "Shining" "Glimmering" "Glittering" "Protective" "Strong-Willed" "Resolute" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0609] Boots #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->boots_life_based Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Boots" HasExplicitMod "Athlete's" "Hellion's" "Cheetah's" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Hellion's" "Cheetah's" "Matatl's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Abbot's" "Prior's" "Ram's" "Fawn's" "Nautilus's" "Urchin's" HasExplicitMod =0 "Runner's" "Sprinter's" "Stallion's" "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D4 $type->rareid $tier->boots_es_based Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Boots" HasExplicitMod "Hellion's" "Cheetah's" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "Blazing" "Seething" "Pulsing" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Priest's" "Abbot's" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "Hellion's" "Cheetah's" "Matatl's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" HasExplicitMod =0 "Runner's" "Sprinter's" "Stallion's" "Shining" "Glimmering" "Glittering" "Protective" "Strong-Willed" "Resolute" "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0610] Gloves #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->gloves_life_based Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Gloves" HasExplicitMod "Athlete's" "Virile" "of Puhuarte" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Grandmastery" "of Mastery" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "Zaffre" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "of Puhuarte" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Abbot's" "Prior's" "Ram's" "Fawn's" "Nautilus's" "Urchin's" HasExplicitMod =0 "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->gloves_es_based Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Gloves" HasExplicitMod >=2 "Blazing" "Seething" "Pulsing" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "of Puhuarte" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Grandmastery" "of Mastery" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "Zaffre" "Blazing" "Seething" "Pulsing" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Priest's" "Abbot's" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "of Puhuarte" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " HasExplicitMod =0 "Runner's" "Sprinter's" "Stallion's" "Shining" "Glimmering" "Glittering" "Protective" "Strong-Willed" "Resolute" "Hale" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0611] Shields #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->shield_esfocus Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Shields" HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of Nullification" "Vigorous" "Unyielding" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Xoph's" "Tul's" "Esh's" "Incandescent" "Scintillating" "Blazing" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of Nullification" "Vigorous" "Unyielding" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Xoph's" "Tul's" "Esh's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Will" "of Fortitude" "Enduring" "Unwavering" "of the Bastion" "of Revitalization" "of Obstruction" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of the Deathless" "of Harmony" "of the Lightning Rod" "of the Mammoth" "of the Solar Storm" "of Unmaking" "Incandescent" "Scintillating" "Blazing" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable" "Priest's" "Abbot's" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Pyroclastic" "Magmatic" "Cryomancer's" "Crystalline" "Ionising" "Smiting" "of Nirvana" "of Ruin" "of Calamity" HasExplicitMod =0 "Shining" "Glimmering" "Glittering" "Glowing" "Protective" "Strong-Willed" "Resolute" "Fearless" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->shield_defensefocus Identified True DropLevel >= 55 Rarity Rare Class == "Shields" HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of Nullification" "Vigorous" "Unyielding" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Xoph's" "Tul's" "Esh's" "Unmoving" "Abating" "Lissome" "Adroit" "Adaptable" "Resilient" "Saintly" "Consecrated" "Apparition's" "Eidolon's" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Victor's" "Sturdy" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Fecund" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of Nullification" "Vigorous" "Unyielding" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Xoph's" "Tul's" "Esh's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Will" "of Fortitude" "Enduring" "Unwavering" "of the Bastion" "of Revitalization" "of Obstruction" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of the Deathless" "of Harmony" "of the Lightning Rod" "of the Mammoth" "of the Solar Storm" "of Unmaking" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "of the Ranger" "of Mastery" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Victor's" "Sturdy" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unmoving" "Abating" "Lissome" "Adroit" "Adaptable" "Resilient" "Saintly" "Consecrated" "Apparition's" "Eidolon's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->shield_casterfocus Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Shields" HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of Nullification" "Vigorous" "Unyielding" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Xoph's" "Tul's" "Esh's" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Pyroclastic" "Magmatic" "Cryomancer's" "Crystalline" "Ionising" "Smiting" "of Unmaking" "of Ruin" "Fecund" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of Nullification" "Vigorous" "Unyielding" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Xoph's" "Tul's" "Esh's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Will" "of Fortitude" "Enduring" "Unwavering" "of the Bastion" "of Revitalization" "of Obstruction" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of the Deathless" "of Harmony" "of the Lightning Rod" "of the Mammoth" "of the Solar Storm" "of Unmaking" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Pyroclastic" "Magmatic" "Cryomancer's" "Crystalline" "Ionising" "Smiting" "of Nirvana" "of Ruin" "of Calamity" "Incandescent" "Scintillating" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->shield_lifefocus Identified True DropLevel >= 55 Rarity Rare Class == "Shields" HasExplicitMod "Vigorous" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of Nullification" "Vigorous" "Unyielding" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Xoph's" "Tul's" "Esh's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Will" "of Fortitude" "Enduring" "Unwavering" "of the Bastion" "of Revitalization" "of Obstruction" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of the Deathless" "of Harmony" "of the Lightning Rod" "of the Mammoth" "of the Solar Storm" "of Unmaking" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Pyroclastic" "Magmatic" "Cryomancer's" "Crystalline" "Ionising" "Smiting" "of Nirvana" "of Ruin" "of Calamity" "Unmoving" "Abating" "Lissome" "Adroit" "Adaptable" "Resilient" "Saintly" "Consecrated" "Apparition's" "Eidolon's" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Victor's" "Sturdy" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Incandescent" "Scintillating" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable" HasExplicitMod =0 "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" "Stalwart" "Stout" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0612] Amulets #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->amu_exalter Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" HasExplicitMod "Exalter's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->amu_1corecaster Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" HasExplicitMod "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Dazzling" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Dissolution" "of the Multiverse" "Unassailable" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Perandus'" "of Legerdemain" "of Expertise" "Wizard's" "Thaumaturgist's" "Zaffre" "of Immolation" "of Flames" "of Floe" "of Rime" "of Discharge" "of Voltage" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Incision" "of Penetrating" HasExplicitMod =0 "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->amu_2corecaster Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Robust" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Perandus'" "of Legerdemain" "of Expertise" "Wizard's" "Thaumaturgist's" "Zaffre" "of Immolation" "of Flames" "of Floe" "of Rime" "of Discharge" "of Voltage" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Incision" "of Penetrating" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->amu_1coredot Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" HasExplicitMod "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Dazzling" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Dissolution" "of the Multiverse" "Unassailable" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Perandus'" "of Destruction" "of Legerdemain" "Wizard's" "Thaumaturgist's" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Immolation" "of Floe" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Liquefaction" HasExplicitMod =0 "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->amu_2coredot Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Robust" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Perandus'" "of Destruction" "of Legerdemain" "Wizard's" "Thaumaturgist's" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Immolation" "of Floe" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Liquefaction" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->amu_1coreattack Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" HasExplicitMod "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Dazzling" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Dissolution" "of the Multiverse" "Unassailable" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Perandus'" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Rage" "of Incision" "of Penetrating" "Cremating" "Entombing" "Electrocuting" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "Unleashed" "Flaring" "Tempered" HasExplicitMod =0 "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->amu_2coreattack Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Robust" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Perandus'" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Rage" "of Incision" "of Penetrating" "Cremating" "Entombing" "Electrocuting" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "Unleashed" "Flaring" "Tempered" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0613] Rings #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->ring_caster Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Rings" HasExplicitMod "Guatelitzi's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" HasExplicitMod >=3 "Quintessential" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "of Fleshbinding" "of Suturing" "Perandus'" "of the Comet" "of Legerdemain" "of Expertise" "of Nimbleness" "of Flames" "of Rime" "of Voltage" "Ultramarine" HasExplicitMod =0 "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->ring_attack Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Rings" HasExplicitMod "Guatelitzi's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" HasExplicitMod >=3 "Quintessential" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "of Fleshbinding" "of Suturing" "Perandus'" "of the Comet" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "Unleashed" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "Flaring" "Cremating" "Entombing" "Electrocuting" "of Skill" "of Flames" "of Rime" "of Voltage" HasExplicitMod =0 "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->ring_minion Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Rings" BaseType == "Bone Ring" HasExplicitMod "Guatelitzi's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" HasExplicitMod "Duchess's" "Countess's" "Marchioness's" "of Agitation" "of Incitation" "of Coercion" "of Harmony" "of Orchestration" HasExplicitMod >=3 "Quintessential" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "of Fleshbinding" "of Suturing" "Perandus'" "of the Comet" "Duchess's" "Countess's" "Marchioness's" "of Agitation" "of Incitation" "of Coercion" "of Harmony" "of Orchestration" "of Metamorphosis" "of the Taskmaster" HasExplicitMod =0 "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0614] Quivers #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->quiv_hit Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Quivers" HasExplicitMod >=2 "Impaling" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Grandmastery" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Rending" "Devastating" HasExplicitMod >=4 "Impaling" "Lacerating" "Incisive" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Flaring" "Cremating" "Entombing" "Electrocuting" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of Grandmastery" "of Mastery" "of Ease" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "of Dissolution" "of the Gale" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Rending" "of Incision" "of Penetrating" HasExplicitMod =0 "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->quiv_dot Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Quivers" HasExplicitMod >=2 "Impaling" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Grandmastery" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Rending" "Devastating" HasExplicitMod >=4 "Impaling" "Lacerating" "Incisive" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Cremating" "Flaring" "Devastating" "of Grandmastery" "of Mastery" "of Ease" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Liquefaction" "of the Gale" "of Destruction" "of Rending" HasExplicitMod =0 "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0615] Body Armours #------------------------------------ Show # %D4 $type->rareid $tier->body_life Identified True DropLevel >= 55 Rarity Rare Class == "Body Armours" HasExplicitMod "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" HasExplicitMod >=5 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Crocodile's" "Nautilus's" "Ibex's" "Ram's" "Exarch's" "of Tacati" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal" HasExplicitMod =0 "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" "Stalwart" "Stout" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D4 $type->rareid $tier->body_defense Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True DropLevel >= 55 Rarity Rare Class == "Body Armours" HasExplicitMod >=2 "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Crocodile's" "Nautilus's" "Ibex's" "Ram's" "Exarch's" "of Tacati" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D4 $type->rareid $tier->body_lifedefense Identified True DropLevel >= 55 Rarity Rare Class == "Body Armours" HasExplicitMod >=2 "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal" HasExplicitMod "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Crocodile's" "Nautilus's" "Ibex's" "Ram's" "Exarch's" "of Tacati" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D4 $type->rareid $tier->body_es Identified True DropLevel >= 55 Rarity Rare Class == "Body Armours" HasExplicitMod >=2 "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "Bishop's" "Priest's" "Exarch's" "Abbot's" "of Tacati" "Prime" "Rapturous" HasExplicitMod =0 "Shining" "Glimmering" "Glittering" "Glowing" "Protective" "Strong-Willed" "Resolute" "Fearless" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0616] Belts #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->rareid $tier->belt_general Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Belts" HasExplicitMod "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Guatelitzi's" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Dazzling" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Guatelitzi's" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Dazzling" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Recuperation" "Enveloped" "Encased" "Carapaced" "Magnifying" "Condensing" "of Reveling" "of Relishing" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "Unleashed" "Blue" "Mazarine" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" HasExplicitMod =0 "Hale" "Healthy" "Sanguine" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0617] Jewels #------------------------------------ Show # $type->rareid $tier->idjewel_minion Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Abyss Jewels" "Jewels" BaseType == "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Viridian Jewel" HasExplicitMod >=2 "Vivid" "Shimmering" "Leadership" "Master's" "of Resilience" HasExplicitMod >=3 "Vivid" "Shimmering" "Leadership" "Master's" "of Resilience" "of the Phoenix" "of the Kraken" "of the Leviathan" "of Order" "of Resistance" "of Insulation" "of the Hearth" "of Shelter" "of Spirit" "of Athletics" "of Cunning" "of Adaptation" "of Wounding" "Thwarting" "of Training" "Enlightened" "of Efficiency" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # $type->rareid $tier->idjewel_dot Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Abyss Jewels" "Jewels" BaseType == "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Viridian Jewel" HasExplicitMod >=1 "Vivid" "Shimmering" "of Acrimony" HasExplicitMod =1 "of Exsanguinating" "of Zealousness" "of Atrophy" "of Gelidity" HasExplicitMod >=3 "Vivid" "Shimmering" "of the Phoenix" "of the Kraken" "of the Leviathan" "of Order" "of Resistance" "of Insulation" "of the Hearth" "of Shelter" "of Spirit" "of Athletics" "of Cunning" "of Adaptation" "of Wounding" "Thwarting" "of Entropy" "Decrepifying" "of Acrimony" "of Exsanguinating" "of Zealousness" "of Atrophy" "of Gelidity" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # $type->rareid $tier->idjewel_critattack Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Abyss Jewels" "Jewels" BaseType == "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Viridian Jewel" HasExplicitMod >=1 "of Potency" "of the Elements" "Vivid" "Shimmering" "of Demolishing" HasExplicitMod >=2 "of Potency" "of the Elements" "Vivid" "Shimmering" "of Demolishing" "Piercing" "Rupturing" "of Menace" "Arctic" "Surging" "Infernal" "Puncturing" "of the Phoenix" "of the Kraken" "of the Leviathan" "of Order" "of Resistance" "of Insulation" "of the Hearth" "of Shelter" "of Spirit" "of Athletics" "of Cunning" "of Adaptation" "of Wounding" "Thwarting" HasExplicitMod >=3 "of Potency" "of the Elements" "Vivid" "Shimmering" "of Demolishing" "Piercing" "Rupturing" "of Menace" "Arctic" "Surging" "Infernal" "Puncturing" "of the Phoenix" "of the Kraken" "of the Leviathan" "of Order" "of Resistance" "of Insulation" "of the Hearth" "of Shelter" "of Spirit" "of Athletics" "of Cunning" "of Adaptation" "of Wounding" "Thwarting" "of Berserking" "Sharpened" "Humming" "Chaotic" "Flaming" "Chilling" "of Zeal" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # $type->rareid $tier->idjewel_critspell Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Abyss Jewels" "Jewels" BaseType == "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Viridian Jewel" HasExplicitMod >=1 "of Potency" "of the Elements" "Vivid" "Shimmering" "of Unmaking" HasExplicitMod >=2 "of Potency" "of the Elements" "Vivid" "Shimmering" "of Unmaking" "of Menace" "Arctic" "Surging" "Infernal" "Puncturing" "of the Phoenix" "of the Kraken" "of the Leviathan" "of Order" "of Resistance" "of Insulation" "of the Hearth" "of Shelter" "of Spirit" "of Athletics" "of Cunning" "of Adaptation" "of Wounding" "Thwarting" HasExplicitMod >=3 "of Potency" "of the Elements" "Vivid" "Shimmering" "of Unmaking" "of Menace" "Arctic" "Surging" "Infernal" "Puncturing" "of the Phoenix" "of the Kraken" "of the Leviathan" "of Order" "of Resistance" "of Insulation" "of the Hearth" "of Shelter" "of Spirit" "of Athletics" "of Cunning" "of Adaptation" "of Wounding" "Thwarting" "of Mysticism" "of Blasting" "of Archery" "Chilling" "Trapping" "Sharpened" "Humming" "Chaotic" "Flaming" "Battlemage's" "Warding" "Sorcerer's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # $type->rareid $tier->idaj_attack Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Abyss Jewels" "Jewels" BaseType == "Murderous Eye Jewel" "Searching Eye Jewel" HasExplicitMod >=1 "Beclouded" "Sanguine" "Stalwart" "Healthy" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Deadeye" "Acuminate" "Flaring" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Entombing" "Polar" "Vile" HasExplicitMod >=3 "Beclouded" "Sanguine" "Stalwart" "Healthy" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Deadeye" "Acuminate" "Flaring" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Entombing" "Polar" "Vile" "Fleet" "Seething" "Sapphire" "Carapaced" "Encased" "Vaporous" "Expediting" "of Athletics" "of Spirit" "of Cunning" "of Adaption" "of Shelter" "of Grounding" "of the Hearth" "of Resistance" "of Order" "of Potency" "of the Inquisitor" "of Menace" "of Blinding" "of the Assassin" "of Taunting" "of Phasing" "of Ashes" "of Glaciation" "of Arcing" "of Collision" "of the Inferno" "of Opportunity" "of Berserking" "of the Ranger" "Lancing" "of Unholy Might" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # $type->rareid $tier->idaj_caster Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Abyss Jewels" "Jewels" BaseType == "Hypnotic Eye Jewel" HasExplicitMod >=1 "Beclouded" "Sanguine" "Stalwart" "Healthy" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Deadeye" "Acuminate" "Flaring" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Entombing" "Polar" "Vile" HasExplicitMod >=3 "Beclouded" "Sanguine" "Stalwart" "Healthy" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Deadeye" "Acuminate" "Flaring" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Entombing" "Polar" "Vile" "Fleet" "Seething" "Sapphire" "Carapaced" "Encased" "Vaporous" "Expediting" "of Athletics" "of Spirit" "of Cunning" "of Adaption" "of Shelter" "of Grounding" "of the Hearth" "of Resistance" "of Order" "of Potency" "of the Inquisitor" "of Menace" "of Blinding" "of the Assassin" "of Taunting" "of Phasing" "of Ashes" "of Glaciation" "of Arcing" "of Collision" "of the Inferno" "of Abuse" "of Enchanting" "of Hindering" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # $type->rareid $tier->idaj_minion Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Abyss Jewels" "Jewels" BaseType == "Ghastly Eye Jewel" HasExplicitMod >=1 "Beclouded" "Sanguine" "Stalwart" "Healthy" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Deadeye" "Acuminate" "Flaring" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Entombing" "Polar" "Vile" HasExplicitMod >=3 "Beclouded" "Sanguine" "Stalwart" "Healthy" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Deadeye" "Acuminate" "Flaring" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Entombing" "Polar" "Vile" "Fleet" "Seething" "Sapphire" "Carapaced" "Encased" "Vaporous" "Expediting" "of Athletics" "of Spirit" "of Cunning" "of Adaption" "of Shelter" "of Grounding" "of the Hearth" "of Resistance" "of Order" "of Potency" "of the Inquisitor" "of Menace" "of Blinding" "of the Assassin" "of Taunting" "of Phasing" "of Ashes" "of Glaciation" "of Arcing" "of Collision" "of the Inferno" "of Stifling" "of Distraction" "of Delaying" "of Training" "of Vampirism" "of Command" "of Acclimatisation" "of Authority" "of Shocking" "of Chilling" "Resonating" "Motivating" "Foul-tongued" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # $type->rareid $tier->idaj_mixer Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Abyss Jewels" "Jewels" BaseType == "Ghastly Eye Jewel" "Hypnotic Eye Jewel" "Murderous Eye Jewel" "Searching Eye Jewel" HasExplicitMod >=4 "Beclouded" "Sanguine" "Stalwart" "Healthy" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Deadeye" "Acuminate" "Flaring" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Entombing" "Polar" "Vile" "Fleet" "Seething" "Sapphire" "Carapaced" "Encased" "Vaporous" "Expediting" "of Athletics" "of Spirit" "of Cunning" "of Adaption" "of Shelter" "of Grounding" "of the Hearth" "of Resistance" "of Order" "of Potency" "of the Inquisitor" "of Menace" "of Blinding" "of the Assassin" "of Taunting" "of Phasing" "of Ashes" "of Glaciation" "of Arcing" "of Collision" "of the Inferno" "of Opportunity" "of Berserking" "of the Ranger" "Lancing" "of Unholy Might" "of Abuse" "of Enchanting" "of Hindering" "of Stifling" "of Distraction" "of Delaying" "of Training" "of Vampirism" "of Command" "of Acclimatisation" "of Authority" "of Shocking" "of Chilling" "Resonating" "Motivating" "Foul-tongued" "of Fireproofing" "of Heating" "of the Lightning Rod" "of Poise" "of the Tourniquet" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 47 0 74 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #=============================================================================================================== # [[0700]] IDENTIFIED MOD FILTERING - SINGLE MODS #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c1.idmod.singlemod.all : "Identified Mods - Single Mods and low priority combinations" #------------------------------------ # [0701] Top Value #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->magicid $tier->t1caster Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Wands" HasExplicitMod >=1 "Magister's" "Martinet's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->magicid $tier->t1proj Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Bows" "Wands" HasExplicitMod >=1 "of Many" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D6 $type->magicid $tier->t1amu Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Amulets" HasExplicitMod >=1 "Exalter's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond Show # %D5 $type->magicid $tier->t1minionhelm Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Helmets" HasExplicitMod >=1 "Overseer's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0702] Uncorrupted Mods #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->magicid $tier->t2amu Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Amulets" HasExplicitMod >=1 "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Dissolution" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #Show # %D5 $type->magicid $tier->t2quiver # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # Identified True # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # Class == "Quivers" # HasExplicitMod >=1 "of Splintering" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #Show # %D4 $type->magicid $tier->t2caster # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # Identified True # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # Class == "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Wands" # HasExplicitMod >=1 "Lithomancer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Frost Singer's" "Thunderhand's" "Runic" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #Show # %D4 $type->magicid $tier->t2shield # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # Identified True # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # Class == "Shields" # HasExplicitMod >=1 "of the Deathless" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #Show # %D4 $type->magicid $tier->t2suppress # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # Identified True # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # Class == "Boots" "Gloves" "Helmets" # HasExplicitMod >=1 "of Nullification" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #Show # %D4 $type->magicid $tier->t2purephys # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # Identified True # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" # HasExplicitMod >=1 "Merciless" "Dictator's" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #Show # %D4 $type->magicid $tier->t2dotwand # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # Identified True # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # Class == "Rune Daggers" "Wands" # HasExplicitMod >=1 "of Dissolution" "of Exsanguinating" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #Show # %D4 $type->magicid $tier->t2sceptre # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # Identified True # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # Class == "Sceptres" # HasExplicitMod >=1 "of the Fanatical" "of Dissolution" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #Show # %D4 $type->magicid $tier->t2eleweapons # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # Identified True # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Wands" # HasExplicitMod >=1 "Carbonising" "Crystalising" "Vapourising" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 1 Purple Diamond #=============================================================================================================== # [[0800]] IDENTIFIED MOD - CORRUPTED ITEMS #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c1.idmod.corruptedmod : "Identified Mods - Items with corrupted implicits" Show # %D4 $type->corruptedid $tier->gloves_life_based Corrupted True Identified True CorruptedMods 1 Class == "Gloves" HasExplicitMod >=1 "Athlete's" "Virile" "of Puhuarte" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " HasExplicitMod >=3 "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Grandmastery" "of Mastery" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "Zaffre" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "of Puhuarte" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Abbot's" "Prior's" "Ram's" "Fawn's" "Nautilus's" "Urchin's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 250 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->corruptedid $tier->quiv_hit Corrupted True Identified True CorruptedMods 1 ItemLevel >= 80 Class == "Quivers" HasExplicitMod >=1 "Impaling" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Grandmastery" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Rending" "Devastating" HasExplicitMod >=3 "Impaling" "Lacerating" "Incisive" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Flaring" "Cremating" "Entombing" "Electrocuting" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of Grandmastery" "of Mastery" "of Ease" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "of Dissolution" "of the Gale" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Rending" "of Incision" "of Penetrating" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 250 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->corruptedid $tier->quiv_dot Corrupted True Identified True CorruptedMods 1 ItemLevel >= 80 Class == "Quivers" HasExplicitMod >=1 "Impaling" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Grandmastery" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Rending" "Devastating" HasExplicitMod >=3 "Impaling" "Lacerating" "Incisive" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Cremating" "Flaring" "Devastating" "of Grandmastery" "of Mastery" "of Ease" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Liquefaction" "of the Gale" "of Destruction" "of Rending" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 250 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond #=============================================================================================================== # [[0900]] Exotic Mods Filtering #=============================================================================================================== #------------------------------------ # [0901] Veiled/Betrayal - low prio veiled items #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c1.idmod.veil.all : "Identified Mods - Low priority veiled items (not member specific)" Show # %D4 $type->exoticmods $tier->fracturedveiled FracturedItem True Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True Rarity Rare HasExplicitMod "Veil" "Citaqualotl" "Guatelitzi" "Matatl" "Puhuarte" "Tacati" "Topotante" "Xopec" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->exoticmods $tier->duoveil Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True Rarity Rare HasExplicitMod "Veiled" HasExplicitMod "of the Veil" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->exoticmods $tier->smallveil1 Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True Width <= 2 Height <= 2 Rarity Rare HasExplicitMod "Veil" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->exoticmods $tier->smallveil2 Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True Width <= 1 Height <= 4 Rarity Rare HasExplicitMod "Veil" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond Show # %D3 $type->exoticmods $tier->veilrest Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True Rarity Rare HasExplicitMod "Veil" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 180 PlayEffect Blue Temp #------------------------------------ # [0902] Incursion/Temple Mods #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c1.idmod.league.all : "Identified Mods - Incursion mod filtering" Show # %D5 $type->exoticmods $tier->incursionspeedtraps Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Boots" HasExplicitMod "Matatl's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D5 $type->exoticmods $tier->incursioncaster Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Wands" HasExplicitMod "Matatl's" "Tacati" "Topotante's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D5 $type->exoticmods $tier->incursionelemental Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Wands" HasExplicitMod "Topotante's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D5 $type->exoticmods $tier->incursionjwlry Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Rings" HasExplicitMod "Citaqualotl" "Guatelitzi" "Matatl" "Puhuarte" "Tacati" "Topotante" "Xopec" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D5 $type->exoticmods $tier->incursionglovehelm Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Gloves" "Helmets" HasExplicitMod "Puhuarte" "Topotante" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D5 $type->exoticmods $tier->incursionattack Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" HasExplicitMod "of Tacati" "Tacati's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->exoticmods $tier->incursionlifechest Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Body Armours" HasExplicitMod "Guatelitzi's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->exoticmods $tier->incursionminion Identified True Rarity Rare Class == "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Wands" HasExplicitMod "Citaqualotl's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->exoticmods $tier->incursionmagic Identified True Rarity Magic HasExplicitMod "Citaqualotl" "Guatelitzi" "Matatl" "Puhuarte" "Tacati" "Topotante" "Xopec" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond Show # %D2 $type->exoticmods $tier->incursionrandom Identified True Rarity Rare HasExplicitMod "Citaqualotl" "Guatelitzi" "Matatl" "Puhuarte" "Tacati" "Topotante" "Xopec" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0903] Necropolis #------------------------------------ Show # $type->exoticmods $tier->necropoliscraft Identified True Rarity Rare HasExplicitMod "Haunted" "of Haunting" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0904] Bestiary #------------------------------------ Show # $type->exoticmods $tier->bestiaryvaluable Identified True Rarity Rare HasExplicitMod "of Farrul" "of Fenumus" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->exoticmods $tier->bestiaryother Identified True Rarity Rare HasExplicitMod "of Craiceann" "of Saqawal" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond #------------------------------------ # [0905] Other #------------------------------------ Show # $type->exoticmods $tier->delvefractured FracturedItem True Identified True Rarity Normal Magic Rare HasExplicitMod "of the Underground" "Subterranean" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->exoticmods $tier->delve Identified True Rarity Normal Magic Rare HasExplicitMod "of the Underground" "Subterranean" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D3 $type->exoticmods $tier->warband Identified True Rarity Normal Magic Rare HasExplicitMod "Betrayer's" "Brinerot" "Deceiver's" "Mutewind" "Redblade" "Turncoat's" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond Show # %D2 $type->exoticmods $tier->essence Identified True Rarity Rare HasExplicitMod "of the Essence" "Essences" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 180 PlayEffect Blue Temp Show # %D1 $type->exoticmods $tier->crafting Identified True Rarity Rare HasExplicitMod "of Crafting" "of Spellcraft" "of Weaponcraft" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 180 PlayEffect Blue Temp #=============================================================================================================== # [[1000]] Exotic Item Classes #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c2.exotic.artefacts.all : "Exotic - Voidstones, Trinkets, Fishing items, Pieces" #------------------------------------ # [1001] Voidstones #------------------------------------ Show # $type->artefact->trinkets $tier->any BaseType == "Ceremonial Voidstone" "Decayed Voidstone" "Grasping Voidstone" "Omniscient Voidstone" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 240 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 240 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 70 0 20 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Orange MinimapIcon 0 Orange Pentagon #------------------------------------ # [1002] Trinkets #------------------------------------ Show # $type->artefact->trinkets $tier->anytrinket Class == "Trinkets" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 240 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 240 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 70 0 20 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Orange MinimapIcon 0 Orange Pentagon #------------------------------------ # [1003] Secret Society Equipment #------------------------------------ Show # $type->artefact->redacted $tier->scp3889 Class == "Fishing Rods" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 240 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 240 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 70 0 20 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Orange MinimapIcon 0 Orange Pentagon #------------------------------------ # [1004] Pieces #------------------------------------ Show # $type->artefact->piece $tier->vaal Class == "Pieces" BaseType == "Vaal Aspect" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 240 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 240 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 70 0 20 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Orange MinimapIcon 0 Orange Pentagon Show # $type->artefact->piece $tier->any Rarity Unique Class == "Pieces" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 240 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 240 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 70 0 20 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Orange MinimapIcon 0 Orange Pentagon #------------------------------------ # [1005] Craftable Invitations #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c2.exotic.invitations.all : "Exotic - Invitations and Quest items" Show # $type->questlikeexception $tier->questheist Class == "Quest Items" BaseType "Contract:" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 74 230 58 255 SetBorderColor 74 230 58 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Green MinimapIcon 0 Green Pentagon Show # $type->questlikeexception $tier->questitems Class == "Pantheon Souls" "Quest Items" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 74 230 58 255 SetBorderColor 74 230 58 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Green MinimapIcon 0 Green Pentagon Show # $type->exotic->invitation $tier->t1 Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Incandescent Invitation" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 120 230 240 SetBorderColor 175 120 230 240 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->exotic->invitation $tier->t2 Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Polaric Invitation" "Screaming Invitation" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 120 230 240 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Pentagon Show # %H6 $type->exotic->invitation $tier->t3 Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Writhing Invitation" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 120 230 240 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon #------------------------------------ # [1006] Relics #------------------------------------ Show # $type->artefact->sanctifiedrelics $tier->selectedrelics Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Relics" BaseType == "Candlestick Relic" "Censer Relic" "Coffer Relic" "Papyrus Relic" "Processional Relic" "Tome Relic" "Urn Relic" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # $type->artefact->sanctifiedrelics $tier->anyrelic Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Relics" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond #=============================================================================================================== # [[1100]] Exotic Item Variations #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c2.exotic.doublecorrupted.all : "SpecialGear - Double corrupted rare items" #------------------------------------ # [1101] Double Corruptions #------------------------------------ Show # %D6 $type->exotic->corruptions $tier->doublecorruptedjwlry Corrupted True CorruptedMods >= 2 Rarity Rare Class == "Abyss Jewels" "Amulets" "Belts" "Gloves" "Jewels" "Quivers" "Rings" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 250 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D5 $type->exotic->corruptions $tier->doublecorruptedany Corrupted True CorruptedMods >= 2 Rarity Rare SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 250 0 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond #------------------------------------ # [1102] Specific Single Corruptions #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c2.exotic.singlecorrupted.all : "SpecialGear - Single corrupted rare items with implicits" Show # %D3 $type->exotic->corruptions $tier->singlecorruptedquivers Corrupted True CorruptedMods >= 1 ItemLevel >= 80 Rarity Rare Class == "Quivers" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 250 0 0 255 PlayEffect Blue Temp #------------------------------------ # [1103] Abyss Jeweled Rares #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c2.exotic.abysssocketed : "SpecialGear - Rares with Abyss Sockets" Show # $type->exotic->sockets $tier->anynonbelt Rarity Normal Magic Rare SocketGroup "A" Class == "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond #------------------------------------ # [1104] Synthesised #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c2.exotic.synthesised.all : "SpecialGear - All synthesised items" Show # %D6 $type->exotic->synthesised $tier->synthselected SynthesisedItem True Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Ambusher" "Ancient Mask" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Arcane Vestment" "Archon Kite Shield" "Assassin's Garb" "Astral Leather" "Battered Foil" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Carnal Armour" "Champion Kite Shield" "Chimerascale Boots" "Chimerascale Gauntlets" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Conqueror's Helmet" "Conquest Helmet" "Conquest Lamellar" "Coronal Maul" "Corsair Sword" "Crusader Boots" "Crusader Buckler" "Crusader Gloves" "Deicide Mask" "Despot Axe" "Dire Pelt" "Divine Crown" "Dragonscale Boots" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Elegant Round Shield" "Eternal Burgonet" "Eternal Sword" "Exquisite Blade" "Ezomyte Axe" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Faithful Helmet" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fugitive Boots" "Full Wyvernscale" "Gemini Claw" "General's Helmet" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Glorious Plate" "Grand Ringmail" "Gripped Gloves" "Grizzly Pelt" "Harpyskin Boots" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Haunted Bascinet" "Hubris Circlet" "Imperial Buckler" "Imperial Claw" "Imperial Staff" "Infiltrator Boots" "Infiltrator Mitts" "Jester Mask" "Jewelled Foil" "Judgement Staff" "Knight Helm" "Lacquered Buckler" "Lathi" "Legion Plate" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Lion Pelt" "Majestic Pelt" "Marshall's Brigandine" "Martyr Boots" "Martyr Gloves" "Moonlit Circlet" "Mosaic Kite Shield" "Murder Boots" "Murder Mitts" "Necrotic Armour" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Nightmare Mace" "Nightweave Robe" "Paladin Boots" "Paladin Crown" "Paladin Gloves" "Paladin's Hauberk" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Piledriver" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Praetor Crown" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Precursor Greaves" "Reaver Axe" "Reaver Sword" "Royal Burgonet" "Royal Plate" "Runic Hatchet" "Sacred Chainmail" "Sadist Garb" "Sage Gloves" "Sage Slippers" "Saint's Hauberk" "Saintly Chainmail" "Sanguine Raiment" "Siege Axe" "Sinner Tricorne" "Slink Boots" "Slink Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Stealth Boots" "Sunfire Circlet" "Supreme Leather" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Syndicate's Garb" "Titan Gauntlets" "Titan Greaves" "Titan Plate" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Torturer Garb" "Torturer's Mask" "Triumphant Lamellar" "Twilight Regalia" "Two-Toned Boots" "Vaal Axe" "Vaal Buckler" "Vaal Greaves" "Vaal Regalia" "Velour Boots" "Velour Gloves" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" "Zodiac Leather" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->exotic->synthesised $tier->synthclasses SynthesisedItem True Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Bows" "Jewels" "Maps" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Wands" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D5 $type->exotic->synthesised $tier->synthrandom SynthesisedItem True Rarity Normal Magic Rare SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond #------------------------------------ # [1105] Fractured #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c2.exotic.fractured.all : "SpecialGear - All fractured items" Show # %D5 $type->exotic->fractured $tier->fractt1 FracturedItem True Mirrored False Corrupted False Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Agate Amulet" "Amethyst Ring" "Ancient Mask" "Arcane Vestment" "Assassin's Mitts" "Astral Leather" "Bone Ring" "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Chimerascale Boots" "Chimerascale Gauntlets" "Citrine Amulet" "Conqueror's Helmet" "Conquest Helmet" "Conquest Lamellar" "Convening Wand" "Convoking Wand" "Crusader Boots" "Crystal Belt" "Deicide Mask" "Despot Axe" "Dire Pelt" "Divine Crown" "Dragonscale Boots" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Eternal Burgonet" "Ezomyte Axe" "Faithful Helmet" "Feathered Arrow Quiver" "Fossilised Spirit Shield" "Full Wyvernscale" "Gemini Claw" "General's Helmet" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Grand Ringmail" "Grizzly Pelt" "Harpyskin Boots" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Haunted Bascinet" "Hubris Circlet" "Hydrascale Boots" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Imbued Wand" "Imperial Claw" "Infiltrator Boots" "Infiltrator Mitts" "Jester Mask" "Knight Helm" "Legion Plate" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Lion Pelt" "Majestic Pelt" "Marshall's Brigandine" "Martyr Boots" "Martyr Gloves" "Moonlit Circlet" "Necrotic Armour" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Nightweave Robe" "Onyx Amulet" "Opal Sceptre" "Opal Wand" "Paladin Boots" "Paladin Crown" "Paladin Gloves" "Paladin's Hauberk" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Pig-Faced Bascinet" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Precursor Greaves" "Profane Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Reaver Axe" "Royal Burgonet" "Royal Plate" "Sacred Chainmail" "Sadist Garb" "Sage Gloves" "Sage Slippers" "Sanguine Raiment" "Short Bow" "Siege Axe" "Sinner Tricorne" "Slink Boots" "Slink Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Spine Bow" "Stealth Boots" "Stealth Gloves" "Stygian Vise" "Sunfire Circlet" "Supreme Leather" "Syndicate's Garb" "Thicket Bow" "Titan Gauntlets" "Titan Plate" "Tornado Wand" "Torturer Garb" "Torturer's Mask" "Turquoise Amulet" "Twilight Regalia" "Two-Stone Ring" "Vaal Axe" "Vaal Gauntlets" "Velour Boots" "Velour Gloves" "Void Sceptre" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->exotic->fractured $tier->fractt2 FracturedItem True Mirrored False Corrupted False Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Alder Spiked Shield" "Amber Amulet" "Ambush Boots" "Ambush Mitts" "Angelic Kite Shield" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Arcanist Gloves" "Arcanist Slippers" "Assassin's Boots" "Assassin's Garb" "Battered Foil" "Blood Raiment" "Blood Sceptre" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Bone Helmet" "Breach Ring" "Callous Mask" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Carnal Armour" "Carnal Boots" "Carnal Mitts" "Carnal Sceptre" "Cerulean Ring" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Conjurer Gloves" "Copper Kris" "Coral Ring" "Crusader Buckler" "Crusader Gloves" "Crystal Sceptre" "Demon's Horn" "Diamond Ring" "Eelskin Boots" "Eelskin Gloves" "Engraved Wand" "Eternal Sword" "Eye Gouger" "Ezomyte Burgonet" "Ezomyte Spiked Shield" "Ezomyte Staff" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Fencer Helm" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fluted Bascinet" "Fugitive Boots" "Full Dragonscale" "General's Brigandine" "Glorious Plate" "Golden Kris" "Goliath Gauntlets" "Goliath Greaves" "Grinning Fetish" "Gripped Gloves" "Grove Bow" "Harlequin Mask" "Harmonic Spirit Shield" "Heathen Wand" "Heavy Arrow Quiver" "Heavy Belt" "Hellion's Paw" "Highborn Bow" "Horned Sceptre" "Imperial Bow" "Imperial Skean" "Iolite Ring" "Ivory Bow" "Jade Amulet" "Jewelled Foil" "Lacquered Buckler" "Lacquered Helmet" "Lapis Amulet" "Lead Sceptre" "Leather Belt" "Legion Boots" "Legion Gloves" "Maelström Staff" "Maraketh Bow" "Marble Amulet" "Mind Cage" "Mirrored Spiked Shield" "Murder Boots" "Murder Mitts" "Necromancer Circlet" "Noble Tricorne" "Nubuck Gloves" "Ochre Sceptre" "Omen Wand" "Opal Ring" "Platinum Kris" "Praetor Crown" "Primal Arrow Quiver" "Prismatic Ring" "Prophet Crown" "Reaver Sword" "Regicide Mask" "Ritual Sceptre" "Royal Sceptre" "Ruby Ring" "Runic Hatchet" "Saintly Chainmail" "Samnite Helmet" "Sapphire Ring" "Seaglass Amulet" "Sekhem" "Serpentscale Boots" "Serpentscale Gauntlets" "Shadow Sceptre" "Shagreen Boots" "Shagreen Gloves" "Sharkskin Boots" "Sharkskin Gloves" "Sharktooth Arrow Quiver" "Siege Helmet" "Silken Hood" "Solaris Circlet" "Soldier Boots" "Soldier Gloves" "Sovereign Spiked Shield" "Spiked Gloves" "Spiny Round Shield" "Steel Ring" "Steelscale Gauntlets" "Sundering Axe" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Thorium Spirit Shield" "Titan Greaves" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Topaz Ring" "Triumphant Lamellar" "Two-Point Arrow Quiver" "Two-Toned Boots" "Unset Ring" "Ursine Pelt" "Vaal Greaves" "Vaal Hatchet" "Vaal Mask" "Vaal Regalia" "Vaal Sceptre" "Vaal Spirit Shield" "Vanguard Belt" "Vermillion Ring" "Void Axe" "Wyrmscale Boots" "Wyrmscale Gauntlets" "Zealot Boots" "Zodiac Leather" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond Show # %D2 $type->exotic->fractured $tier->fractt3 FracturedItem True Mirrored False Corrupted False Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Abyssal Sceptre" "Ambusher" "Ancient Gauntlets" "Ancient Greaves" "Ancient Spirit Shield" "Antique Gauntlets" "Antique Greaves" "Archon Kite Shield" "Artillery Quiver" "Assassin Bow" "Astral Plate" "Aventail Helmet" "Baroque Round Shield" "Battle Buckler" "Battle Lamellar" "Blazing Arrow Quiver" "Blunt Arrow Quiver" "Bone Bow" "Bone Circlet" "Branded Kite Shield" "Bronzescale Boots" "Bronzescale Gauntlets" "Butcher Knife" "Calling Wand" "Carved Wand" "Ceremonial Kite Shield" "Chain Belt" "Chain Boots" "Champion Kite Shield" "Chiming Spirit Shield" "Citadel Bow" "Clasped Boots" "Clasped Mitts" "Close Helmet" "Cloth Belt" "Coiled Wand" "Compound Spiked Shield" "Conjurer Boots" "Conquest Chainmail" "Coral Amulet" "Coronal Leather" "Corsair Sword" "Crimson Raiment" "Crimson Round Shield" "Crusader Plate" "Crypt Armour" "Crystal Wand" "Cutthroat's Garb" "Deerskin Boots" "Deerskin Gloves" "Demon Dagger" "Desert Brigandine" "Destiny Leather" "Dragonscale Doublet" "Ebony Tower Shield" "Eclipse Staff" "Eelskin Tunic" "Elegant Ringmail" "Elegant Round Shield" "Etched Kite Shield" "Exquisite Blade" "Exquisite Leather" "Ezomyte Blade" "Ezomyte Dagger" "Faun's Horn" "Festival Mask" "Fiend Dagger" "Fire Arrow Quiver" "Fleshripper" "Frontier Leather" "Gilded Sallet" "Gladiator Helmet" "Gladiator Plate" "Glorious Leather" "Goathide Boots" "Goathide Gloves" "Gold Amulet" "Gold Ring" "Golden Buckler" "Golden Mask" "Golden Plate" "Great Crown" "Harbinger Bow" "Hunter Hood" "Imp Dagger" "Imperial Buckler" "Imperial Maul" "Imperial Staff" "Iron Ring" "Ironscale Boots" "Ironscale Gauntlets" "Ironwood Buckler" "Ivory Spirit Shield" "Judgement Staff" "Karui Chopper" "Karui Maul" "Karui Sceptre" "Lacewood Spirit Shield" "Lacquered Garb" "Laminated Kite Shield" "Layered Kite Shield" "Leather Hood" "Lunaris Circlet" "Magistrate Crown" "Maple Round Shield" "Meatgrinder" "Mesh Boots" "Moonstone Ring" "Mosaic Kite Shield" "Nightmare Mace" "Noble Axe" "Noble Claw" "Nubuck Boots" "Occultist's Vestment" "Ornate Spiked Shield" "Pagan Wand" "Paua Amulet" "Paua Ring" "Penetrating Arrow Quiver" "Piledriver" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Plated Greaves" "Platinum Sceptre" "Polished Spiked Shield" "Quartz Wand" "Ranger Bow" "Raven Mask" "Reaver Helmet" "Reinforced Greaves" "Ringmail Boots" "Riveted Boots" "Riveted Gloves" "Royal Bow" "Royal Skean" "Rustic Sash" "Sage Wand" "Sai" "Saint's Hauberk" "Sambar Sceptre" "Samite Slippers" "Satin Slippers" "Scholar Boots" "Secutor Helm" "Sentinel Jacket" "Serrated Foil" "Shackled Boots" "Shagreen Tower Shield" "Sharkskin Tunic" "Slaughter Knife" "Sniper Bow" "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" "Spiked Round Shield" "Spiraled Foil" "Spiraled Wand" "Splendid Round Shield" "Steel Circlet" "Steel Gauntlets" "Steel Kite Shield" "Steelscale Boots" "Steelwood Bow" "Strapped Boots" "Strapped Mitts" "Studded Belt" "Teak Round Shield" "Terror Claw" "Throat Stabber" "Trapper Boots" "Trapper Mitts" "Twin Claw" "Tyrant's Sekhem" "Vaal Buckler" "Varnished Coat" "Vile Arrow Quiver" "Widowsilk Robe" "Wolf Pelt" "Zealot Gloves" "Zealot Helmet" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->exotic->fractured $tier->fractspecial FracturedItem True Mirrored False Corrupted False Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Abyss Jewels" "Heist Brooches" "Heist Cloaks" "Heist Gear" "Heist Tools" "Jewels" "Utility Flasks" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D2 $type->exotic->fractured $tier->fractothers FracturedItem True Mirrored False Corrupted False Rarity Normal Magic Rare SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 180 PlayEffect Blue Temp #------------------------------------ # [1106] Enchanted #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c2.exotic.enchanted.all : "SpecialGear - All enchanted items" Show # %D7 $type->exotic->enchanted $tier->exotic AnyEnchantment True Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->exotic->enchanted $tier->anointedamulets AnyEnchantment True Mirrored False Corrupted False Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Amulets" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D3 $type->exotic->enchanted $tier->anointedrings AnyEnchantment True Mirrored False Corrupted False Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Rings" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond #------------------------------------ # [1107] Crucible #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c2.exotic.others : "SpecialGear - Others exotic items" Show # %D3 $type->exotic->crucible $tier->crucibleany HasCruciblePassiveTree True Rarity Normal Magic Rare SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond #=============================================================================================================== # [[1200]] Recipes and 5links #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c3.gear.alllinks.all : "SpecialGear - 5-links and 6-socketed items" #------------------------------------ # [1201] Link Based #------------------------------------ Show # %D4 $type->socketslinks $tier->5linksleveling LinkedSockets >= 5 Rarity Normal Magic Rare AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond Show # %D4 $type->socketslinks $tier->5link6sockets LinkedSockets >= 5 Sockets >= 6 Rarity Normal Magic Rare SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 155 138 138 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Hexagon Show # %D3 $type->socketslinks $tier->5links LinkedSockets >= 5 Rarity Normal Magic Rare AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond Show # %DS4 $type->socketslinks $tier->whitesocketweapons2h Sockets >= 6WWWWWW Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Bows" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond Show # %D3 $type->socketslinks $tier->6sockets4h Sockets >= 6 Height 4 Rarity Normal Magic Rare SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 155 138 138 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Hexagon Show # %DS3 $type->socketslinks $tier->6sockets Sockets >= 6 Height 3 Rarity Normal Magic Rare SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 155 138 138 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Hexagon #=============================================================================================================== # [[1300]] High Level Crafting Bases #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c3.gear.valuableilvl86 : "Crafting Bases - ilvl86 crafting bases" #------------------------------------ # [1301] Expensive Atlas 86 Bases - matched by economy #------------------------------------ #Show # %D5 $type->crafting->expensive $tier->any # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # ItemLevel >= 86 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Blue # MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond #------------------------------------ # [1302] Perfection and Overquality Filtering #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c3.gear.perfectionbased.all : "Crafting Bases - Perfection & Quality filtering" Show # %D3 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->qualchancing Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 29 BaseType == "Riveted Boots" "Steel Kite Shield" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->body1 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 30 ItemLevel >= 84 BaseDefencePercentile >= 96 Class == "Body Armours" BaseType == "Conquest Lamellar" "Necrotic Armour" "Royal Plate" "Sacred Chainmail" "Syndicate's Garb" "Twilight Regalia" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->boots1 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 30 ItemLevel >= 84 BaseDefencePercentile >= 96 Class == "Boots" BaseType == "Leviathan Greaves" "Paladin Boots" "Phantom Boots" "Velour Boots" "Warlock Boots" "Wyvernscale Boots" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->shields1 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 30 ItemLevel >= 84 BaseDefencePercentile >= 96 Class == "Shields" BaseType == "Archon Kite Shield" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Crusader Buckler" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Lacquered Buckler" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Titanium Spirit Shield" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->gloves1 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 30 ItemLevel >= 84 BaseDefencePercentile >= 96 Class == "Gloves" BaseType == "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Paladin Gloves" "Phantom Mitts" "Velour Gloves" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->helmets1 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 30 ItemLevel >= 84 BaseDefencePercentile >= 96 Class == "Helmets" BaseType == "Divine Crown" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Haunted Bascinet" "Lich's Circlet" "Majestic Pelt" "Torturer's Mask" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->body2 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 29 ItemLevel >= 84 Class == "Body Armours" BaseType == "Conquest Lamellar" "Necrotic Armour" "Royal Plate" "Sacred Chainmail" "Syndicate's Garb" "Twilight Regalia" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->boots2 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 29 ItemLevel >= 84 Class == "Boots" BaseType == "Leviathan Greaves" "Paladin Boots" "Phantom Boots" "Velour Boots" "Warlock Boots" "Wyvernscale Boots" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D5 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->shields2 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 29 ItemLevel >= 84 Class == "Shields" BaseType == "Archon Kite Shield" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Crusader Buckler" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Lacquered Buckler" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Titanium Spirit Shield" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->gloves2 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 29 ItemLevel >= 84 Class == "Gloves" BaseType == "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Paladin Gloves" "Phantom Mitts" "Velour Gloves" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->helmets2 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 29 ItemLevel >= 84 Class == "Helmets" BaseType == "Divine Crown" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Haunted Bascinet" "Lich's Circlet" "Majestic Pelt" "Torturer's Mask" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->body3 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 24 ItemLevel >= 84 Class == "Body Armours" BaseType == "Conquest Lamellar" "Necrotic Armour" "Royal Plate" "Sacred Chainmail" "Syndicate's Garb" "Twilight Regalia" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->boots3 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 24 ItemLevel >= 84 Class == "Boots" BaseType == "Leviathan Greaves" "Paladin Boots" "Phantom Boots" "Velour Boots" "Warlock Boots" "Wyvernscale Boots" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->shields3 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 24 ItemLevel >= 84 Class == "Shields" BaseType == "Archon Kite Shield" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Crusader Buckler" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Lacquered Buckler" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Titanium Spirit Shield" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->gloves3 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 24 ItemLevel >= 84 Class == "Gloves" BaseType == "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Paladin Gloves" "Phantom Mitts" "Velour Gloves" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->helmets3 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 24 ItemLevel >= 84 Class == "Helmets" BaseType == "Divine Crown" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Haunted Bascinet" "Lich's Circlet" "Majestic Pelt" "Torturer's Mask" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond #Show # %D5 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->bodyp1 # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # ItemLevel >= 84 # BaseDefencePercentile >= 99 # Class == "Body Armours" # BaseType == "Conquest Lamellar" "Necrotic Armour" "Royal Plate" "Sacred Chainmail" "Syndicate's Garb" "Twilight Regalia" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Blue # MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond #Show # %D4 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->bootsp1 # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # ItemLevel >= 84 # BaseDefencePercentile >= 99 # Class == "Boots" # BaseType == "Leviathan Greaves" "Paladin Boots" "Phantom Boots" "Velour Boots" "Warlock Boots" "Wyvernscale Boots" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Blue # MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond #Show # %D4 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->shieldsp1 # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # ItemLevel >= 84 # BaseDefencePercentile >= 99 # Class == "Shields" # BaseType == "Archon Kite Shield" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Crusader Buckler" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Lacquered Buckler" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Titanium Spirit Shield" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Blue # MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond #Show # %D4 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->glovesp1 # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # ItemLevel >= 84 # BaseDefencePercentile >= 99 # Class == "Gloves" # BaseType == "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Paladin Gloves" "Phantom Mitts" "Velour Gloves" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Blue # MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond #Show # %D4 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->helmetsp1 # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # ItemLevel >= 84 # BaseDefencePercentile >= 99 # Class == "Helmets" # BaseType == "Divine Crown" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Haunted Bascinet" "Lich's Circlet" "Majestic Pelt" "Torturer's Mask" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Blue # MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->weapont1q1 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 29 ItemLevel >= 83 BaseType == "Battered Foil" "Convoking Wand" "Copper Kris" "Despot Axe" "Gemini Claw" "Golden Kris" "Imbued Wand" "Imperial Claw" "Opal Sceptre" "Opal Wand" "Platinum Kris" "Profane Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Reaver Axe" "Reflex Bow" "Sambar Sceptre" "Short Bow" "Siege Axe" "Spine Bow" "Sundering Axe" "Thicket Bow" "Void Sceptre" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->weapont2q1 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 29 ItemLevel >= 83 BaseType == "Ambusher" "Behemoth Mace" "Citadel Bow" "Coronal Maul" "Corsair Sword" "Eclipse Staff" "Eternal Sword" "Exquisite Blade" "Ezomyte Blade" "Fleshripper" "Grove Bow" "Harbinger Bow" "Jewelled Foil" "Judgement Staff" "Karui Chopper" "Karui Maul" "Karui Sceptre" "Maelström Staff" "Maraketh Bow" "Piledriver" "Royal Axe" "Runic Hatchet" "Spiraled Foil" "Vaal Axe" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->weapont1q2 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 24 ItemLevel >= 83 BaseType == "Battered Foil" "Convoking Wand" "Copper Kris" "Despot Axe" "Gemini Claw" "Golden Kris" "Imbued Wand" "Imperial Claw" "Opal Sceptre" "Opal Wand" "Platinum Kris" "Profane Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Reaver Axe" "Reflex Bow" "Sambar Sceptre" "Short Bow" "Siege Axe" "Spine Bow" "Sundering Axe" "Thicket Bow" "Void Sceptre" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->crafting->qualityperfection $tier->weapont2q2 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 24 ItemLevel >= 83 BaseType == "Ambusher" "Behemoth Mace" "Citadel Bow" "Coronal Maul" "Corsair Sword" "Eclipse Staff" "Eternal Sword" "Exquisite Blade" "Ezomyte Blade" "Fleshripper" "Grove Bow" "Harbinger Bow" "Jewelled Foil" "Judgement Staff" "Karui Chopper" "Karui Maul" "Karui Sceptre" "Maelström Staff" "Maraketh Bow" "Piledriver" "Royal Axe" "Runic Hatchet" "Spiraled Foil" "Vaal Axe" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond #------------------------------------ # [1303] RGB Endgame #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c4.recipes.rgb.all : "Recipes - Endgame chromatic recipes (normal and magic RGBs)" Show # %D2 $type->endgamergb $tier->rgbsmall1 Width 2 Height 2 Rarity Normal Magic SocketGroup "RGB" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 200 200 200 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 Show # %D2 $type->endgamergb $tier->rgbsmall2 Width 1 Height <= 4 Rarity Normal Magic SocketGroup "RGB" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 200 200 200 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 Show # %D0 $type->endgamergb $tier->rgblarge Width 2 Height 4 Rarity Normal Magic SocketGroup "RGB" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 Show # %D0 $type->endgamergb $tier->rgbmedium Width 2 Height 3 Rarity Normal Magic SocketGroup "RGB" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 #------------------------------------ # [1304] ILVL 86 #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c3.gear.crafting-decorators : "Crafting Bases - decorators" Show # $type->decorator->craftingrare $tier->raredecoratorilvl75 Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 75 Rarity Rare SetTextColor 245 190 0 255 Continue Show # $type->decorator->craftingrare $tier->raredecoratorilvl84 Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Rare SetTextColor 250 165 0 255 Continue Show # $type->decorator->craftingrare $tier->raredecoratorilvl86 Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Rare SetTextColor 255 140 0 255 Continue Show # $type->decorator->craftingrare $tier->raredecoratorgear Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetFontSize 45 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Continue Show # $type->decorator->craftingrare $tier->raredecoratorjwlry Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Rings" SetFontSize 45 SetBackgroundColor 0 80 30 255 Continue Show # $type->decorator->craftingrare $tier->normaldecoratorjwlry Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Rings" SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Continue Show # $type->decorator->craftingrare $tier->normaldecorator Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Continue # !! Waypoint c3.gear.crafting86.all : "Crafting Bases - High level basetypes - ILVL86" Show # %D5 $type->normalcraft->i86 $tier->t1 Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Crystal Belt" "Iolite Ring" "Marble Amulet" "Opal Ring" "Sacrificial Garb" "Steel Ring" "Vermillion Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 255 125 0 240 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->normalcraft->i86 $tier->t2 Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Amethyst Ring" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Archon Kite Shield" "Artillery Quiver" "Battered Foil" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Bone Helmet" "Bone Ring" "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Cerulean Ring" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Conquest Lamellar" "Convoking Wand" "Copper Kris" "Despot Axe" "Diamond Ring" "Divine Crown" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Feathered Arrow Quiver" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fossilised Spirit Shield" "Fugitive Boots" "Gemini Claw" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Golden Kris" "Gripped Gloves" "Harpyskin Boots" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Haunted Bascinet" "Imbued Wand" "Imperial Claw" "Lacquered Buckler" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Lion Pelt" "Majestic Pelt" "Martyr Boots" "Martyr Gloves" "Necrotic Armour" "Onyx Amulet" "Opal Sceptre" "Opal Wand" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Platinum Kris" "Primal Arrow Quiver" "Prismatic Ring" "Profane Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Reaver Axe" "Reflex Bow" "Royal Plate" "Sacred Chainmail" "Sambar Sceptre" "Short Bow" "Siege Axe" "Spiked Gloves" "Spine Bow" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Syndicate's Garb" "Thicket Bow" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Torturer's Mask" "Twilight Regalia" "Two-Stone Ring" "Two-Toned Boots" "Unset Ring" "Vanguard Belt" "Void Sceptre" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" SetBorderColor 255 125 0 185 Show # %D1 $type->normalcraft->i86 $tier->t3 Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Agate Amulet" "Ambusher" "Ancient Mask" "Astral Leather" "Behemoth Mace" "Champion Kite Shield" "Chimerascale Boots" "Chimerascale Gauntlets" "Citadel Bow" "Citrine Amulet" "Conqueror's Helmet" "Conquest Helmet" "Convening Wand" "Coronal Maul" "Corsair Sword" "Crusader Buckler" "Eclipse Staff" "Elegant Round Shield" "Eternal Sword" "Exquisite Blade" "Ezomyte Axe" "Ezomyte Blade" "Ezomyte Staff" "Fleshripper" "Grizzly Pelt" "Grove Bow" "Harbinger Bow" "Harmonic Spirit Shield" "Heavy Arrow Quiver" "Heavy Belt" "Imperial Bow" "Imperial Buckler" "Infiltrator Boots" "Infiltrator Mitts" "Jewelled Foil" "Judgement Staff" "Karui Chopper" "Karui Maul" "Karui Sceptre" "Leather Belt" "Legion Plate" "Maelström Staff" "Maraketh Bow" "Marshall's Brigandine" "Meatgrinder" "Mirrored Spiked Shield" "Moonstone Ring" "Nightweave Robe" "Paladin Boots" "Paladin Crown" "Paladin Gloves" "Paladin's Hauberk" "Piledriver" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Precursor Greaves" "Reaver Sword" "Royal Axe" "Runic Hatchet" "Rustic Sash" "Sage Gloves" "Sage Slippers" "Sai" "Seaglass Amulet" "Spiraled Foil" "Sundering Axe" "Sunfire Circlet" "Torturer Garb" "Turquoise Amulet" "Vaal Axe" "Velour Boots" "Velour Gloves" "Vile Arrow Quiver" SetBorderColor 255 125 0 185 #------------------------------------ # [1305] ILVL 84 #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c3.gear.crafting84.all : "Crafting Bases - High level basetypes - ILVL84" Show # %D1 $type->normalcraft->i84 $tier->t1 Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Crystal Belt" "Iolite Ring" "Marble Amulet" "Opal Ring" "Sacrificial Garb" "Steel Ring" "Vermillion Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 200 200 0 240 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Diamond #Show # %D0 $type->normalcraft->i84 $tier->t2 # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # ItemLevel >= 84 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # BaseType == "Amethyst Ring" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Archon Kite Shield" "Artillery Quiver" "Battered Foil" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Bone Helmet" "Bone Ring" "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Cerulean Ring" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Conquest Lamellar" "Convoking Wand" "Copper Kris" "Despot Axe" "Diamond Ring" "Divine Crown" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Feathered Arrow Quiver" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fossilised Spirit Shield" "Fugitive Boots" "Gemini Claw" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Golden Kris" "Gripped Gloves" "Harpyskin Boots" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Haunted Bascinet" "Imbued Wand" "Imperial Claw" "Lacquered Buckler" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Lion Pelt" "Majestic Pelt" "Martyr Boots" "Martyr Gloves" "Necrotic Armour" "Onyx Amulet" "Opal Sceptre" "Opal Wand" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Platinum Kris" "Primal Arrow Quiver" "Prismatic Ring" "Profane Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Reaver Axe" "Reflex Bow" "Royal Plate" "Sacred Chainmail" "Sambar Sceptre" "Short Bow" "Siege Axe" "Spiked Gloves" "Spine Bow" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Syndicate's Garb" "Thicket Bow" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Torturer's Mask" "Twilight Regalia" "Two-Stone Ring" "Two-Toned Boots" "Unset Ring" "Vanguard Belt" "Void Sceptre" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" # SetBorderColor 200 200 0 185 #Show # %D0 $type->normalcraft->i84 $tier->t3 # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # ItemLevel >= 84 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # BaseType == "Agate Amulet" "Ambusher" "Ancient Mask" "Astral Leather" "Behemoth Mace" "Champion Kite Shield" "Chimerascale Boots" "Chimerascale Gauntlets" "Citadel Bow" "Citrine Amulet" "Conqueror's Helmet" "Conquest Helmet" "Convening Wand" "Coronal Maul" "Corsair Sword" "Crusader Buckler" "Eclipse Staff" "Elegant Round Shield" "Eternal Sword" "Exquisite Blade" "Ezomyte Axe" "Ezomyte Blade" "Ezomyte Staff" "Fleshripper" "Grizzly Pelt" "Grove Bow" "Harbinger Bow" "Harmonic Spirit Shield" "Heavy Arrow Quiver" "Heavy Belt" "Imperial Bow" "Imperial Buckler" "Infiltrator Boots" "Infiltrator Mitts" "Jewelled Foil" "Judgement Staff" "Karui Chopper" "Karui Maul" "Karui Sceptre" "Leather Belt" "Legion Plate" "Maelström Staff" "Maraketh Bow" "Marshall's Brigandine" "Meatgrinder" "Mirrored Spiked Shield" "Moonstone Ring" "Nightweave Robe" "Paladin Boots" "Paladin Crown" "Paladin Gloves" "Paladin's Hauberk" "Piledriver" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Precursor Greaves" "Reaver Sword" "Royal Axe" "Runic Hatchet" "Rustic Sash" "Sage Gloves" "Sage Slippers" "Sai" "Seaglass Amulet" "Spiraled Foil" "Sundering Axe" "Sunfire Circlet" "Torturer Garb" "Turquoise Amulet" "Vaal Axe" "Velour Boots" "Velour Gloves" "Vile Arrow Quiver" # SetBorderColor 200 200 0 185 #------------------------------------ # [1306] ILVL ANY #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c3.gear.crafting-others : "Crafting Bases - High level basetypes - others" Show # %D1 $type->normalcraft->rest $tier->t1 Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel <= 83 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Crystal Belt" "Iolite Ring" "Marble Amulet" "Opal Ring" "Sacrificial Garb" "Steel Ring" "Vermillion Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Diamond #Show # %D0 $type->normalcraft->rest $tier->t2 # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # ItemLevel <= 83 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # BaseType == "Amethyst Ring" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Archon Kite Shield" "Artillery Quiver" "Battered Foil" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Bone Helmet" "Bone Ring" "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Cerulean Ring" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Conquest Lamellar" "Convoking Wand" "Copper Kris" "Despot Axe" "Diamond Ring" "Divine Crown" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Feathered Arrow Quiver" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fossilised Spirit Shield" "Fugitive Boots" "Gemini Claw" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Golden Kris" "Gripped Gloves" "Harpyskin Boots" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Haunted Bascinet" "Imbued Wand" "Imperial Claw" "Lacquered Buckler" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Lion Pelt" "Majestic Pelt" "Martyr Boots" "Martyr Gloves" "Necrotic Armour" "Onyx Amulet" "Opal Sceptre" "Opal Wand" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Platinum Kris" "Primal Arrow Quiver" "Prismatic Ring" "Profane Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Reaver Axe" "Reflex Bow" "Royal Plate" "Sacred Chainmail" "Sambar Sceptre" "Short Bow" "Siege Axe" "Spiked Gloves" "Spine Bow" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Syndicate's Garb" "Thicket Bow" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Torturer's Mask" "Twilight Regalia" "Two-Stone Ring" "Two-Toned Boots" "Unset Ring" "Vanguard Belt" "Void Sceptre" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" # SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 #Show # %D0 $type->normalcraft->rest $tier->t3 # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # ItemLevel <= 83 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # BaseType == "Agate Amulet" "Ambusher" "Ancient Mask" "Astral Leather" "Behemoth Mace" "Champion Kite Shield" "Chimerascale Boots" "Chimerascale Gauntlets" "Citadel Bow" "Citrine Amulet" "Conqueror's Helmet" "Conquest Helmet" "Convening Wand" "Coronal Maul" "Corsair Sword" "Crusader Buckler" "Eclipse Staff" "Elegant Round Shield" "Eternal Sword" "Exquisite Blade" "Ezomyte Axe" "Ezomyte Blade" "Ezomyte Staff" "Fleshripper" "Grizzly Pelt" "Grove Bow" "Harbinger Bow" "Harmonic Spirit Shield" "Heavy Arrow Quiver" "Heavy Belt" "Imperial Bow" "Imperial Buckler" "Infiltrator Boots" "Infiltrator Mitts" "Jewelled Foil" "Judgement Staff" "Karui Chopper" "Karui Maul" "Karui Sceptre" "Leather Belt" "Legion Plate" "Maelström Staff" "Maraketh Bow" "Marshall's Brigandine" "Meatgrinder" "Mirrored Spiked Shield" "Moonstone Ring" "Nightweave Robe" "Paladin Boots" "Paladin Crown" "Paladin Gloves" "Paladin's Hauberk" "Piledriver" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Precursor Greaves" "Reaver Sword" "Royal Axe" "Runic Hatchet" "Rustic Sash" "Sage Gloves" "Sage Slippers" "Sai" "Seaglass Amulet" "Spiraled Foil" "Sundering Axe" "Sunfire Circlet" "Torturer Garb" "Turquoise Amulet" "Vaal Axe" "Velour Boots" "Velour Gloves" "Vile Arrow Quiver" # SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 Show # $type->decorator->craftinggeneric $tier->raredecoratorremover Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetFontSize 32 SetTextColor 255 255 119 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 240 Continue Show # $type->decorator->craftinggeneric $tier->magicdecoratorremover Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Magic Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetFontSize 32 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 240 Continue Show # $type->decorator->craftinggeneric $tier->normaldecoratorremover Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Normal Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetFontSize 32 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 240 Continue #------------------------------------ # [1307] Early Endgame Crafting projects #------------------------------------ # Minimal list of bases for harvest specific crafting. This list is really not conclusive, but you can adjust it yourself on filterblade or here. # Having this list too long will lead to being too flooded with these drops. #Show # %D0 $type->normalcraft->extra $tier->any # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # ItemLevel >= 68 # ItemLevel <= 83 # Rarity Normal # BaseType == "Amethyst Ring" "Convoking Wand" "Imbued Wand" "Imperial Claw" "Spine Bow" "Two-Stone Ring" # SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 #Show # %D1 $type->normalcraft->lowstrict $tier->overquality # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # Quality >= 29 # ItemLevel >= 75 # ItemLevel <= 83 # DropLevel >= 50 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" # SetFontSize 40 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 180 # PlayEffect Blue Temp Show # %D1 $type->normalcraft->lowstrict $tier->earlyendgame4link Mirrored False Corrupted False LinkedSockets >= 4 ItemLevel >= 68 ItemLevel <= 83 Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Body Armours" "Boots" "Gloves" "Helmets" AreaLevel <= 72 AreaLevel >= 68 SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 #------------------------------------ # [1308] Chisel Recipes #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c4.recipes.chisel.all : "Recipes - Chisel recipe" #Show # %D0 $type->chiselrecipe $tier->chisel20 # Quality >= 20 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # BaseType == "Gavel" # SetFontSize 40 # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 200 200 200 255 # SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 #Show # %D0 $type->chiselrecipe $tier->chiselhighqualnormal # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # Quality >= 15 # Rarity Normal # BaseType == "Gavel" # SetFontSize 35 # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 #Show # %D0 $type->chiselrecipe $tier->chiselhighqualmagic # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # Quality >= 18 # Rarity Magic # BaseType == "Gavel" # SetFontSize 35 # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 #Show # %D0 $type->chiselrecipe $tier->chiselanyqualmagic # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # Rarity Magic # BaseType == "Gavel" # SetFontSize 35 # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 #Show # %D0 $type->chiselrecipe $tier->chiselanyqualnormal # Mirrored False # Corrupted False # Rarity Normal # BaseType == "Gavel" # SetFontSize 35 # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 #=============================================================================================================== # [[1400]] Chancing Bases #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c4.chancing : "Chancing bases" Show # %D1 $type->chancing $tier->hh Mirrored False Corrupted False Rarity Normal BaseType == "Heavy Belt" "Leather Belt" SetFontSize 35 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 0 150 0 90 Show # %D1 $type->chancing $tier->t2 Mirrored False Corrupted False Rarity Normal BaseType == "Champion Kite Shield" "Elegant Round Shield" SetFontSize 35 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 0 150 0 90 #=============================================================================================================== # [[1500]] Endgame Flasks & Tinctures #=============================================================================================================== Show # %D6 $type->endgametinctures $tier->overqual1 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 26 ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Tinctures" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D5 $type->endgametinctures $tier->overqual2 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 21 ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Tinctures" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->endgametinctures $tier->tinc82 ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Tinctures" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 50 200 125 SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 PlayEffect Grey Temp Show # %D4 $type->endgametinctures $tier->any Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Tinctures" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 PlayEffect Grey Temp #------------------------------------ # [1501] Endgame Flasks #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c4.flasks.all : "Endgame Flasks - All non-unique" Show # %D4 $type->endgameflasks $tier->overqualcorrupted Corrupted True Quality >= 30 Rarity Magic Class == "Utility Flasks" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 240 SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 PlayEffect Grey Temp Show # %D6 $type->endgameflasks $tier->overqualutil1 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 26 ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Utility Flasks" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->endgameflasks $tier->overqualutil2 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 21 ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Utility Flasks" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %D6 $type->endgameflasks $tier->overquallife1 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 30 ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Divine Life Flask" "Divine Mana Flask" "Eternal Life Flask" "Eternal Mana Flask" "Hallowed Hybrid Flask" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->endgameflasks $tier->overquallife2 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 21 ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Divine Life Flask" "Divine Mana Flask" "Eternal Life Flask" "Eternal Mana Flask" "Hallowed Hybrid Flask" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond # !! Waypoint c4.flasks.eg : "Endgame Flasks - High level utility and life flasks" Show # %D5 $type->endgameflasks $tier->utility85 Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 85 Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Utility Flasks" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 200 125 SetBorderColor 50 200 125 SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # %D5 $type->endgameflasks $tier->utility84 Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Utility Flasks" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 50 200 125 SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 PlayEffect Grey Temp Show # %D4 $type->endgameflasks $tier->utility82 Mirrored False Corrupted False ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Utility Flasks" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 PlayEffect Grey Temp Show # %D3 $type->endgameflasks $tier->lifemana82 Mirrored False Corrupted False Quality >= 10 ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" BaseType == "Divine Life Flask" "Divine Mana Flask" "Eternal Life Flask" "Eternal Mana Flask" "Hallowed Hybrid Flask" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 200 200 200 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 #------------------------------------ # [1502] Quality High #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c4.flasks.others : "Endgame Flasks - Other flasks" Show # %D2 $type->endgameflasks $tier->any20qualflask Quality >= 20 Rarity Normal Class == "Hybrid Flasks" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Utility Flasks" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 155 138 138 255 PlayEffect Grey Temp #------------------------------------ # [1503] Utility OR quality flasks #------------------------------------ Show # %D4 $type->endgameflasks $tier->earlymappingflasks Mirrored False Corrupted False Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Utility Flasks" AreaLevel >= 68 AreaLevel <= 75 SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 PlayEffect Grey Temp Show # %D3 $type->endgameflasks $tier->anyutility Mirrored False Corrupted False Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Utility Flasks" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 PlayEffect Grey Temp #------------------------------------ # [1504] Quality Low #------------------------------------ #Show # %D1 $type->endgameflasks $tier->qualityhigh # Quality >= 15 # Rarity Normal Magic # Class == "Hybrid Flasks" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Tinctures" "Utility Flasks" # AreaLevel >= 68 # AreaLevel <= 77 # SetFontSize 40 # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 200 200 200 255 # SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 #Show # %D0 $type->endgameflasks $tier->qualitylow # Quality >= 1 # Rarity Normal Magic # Class == "Hybrid Flasks" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Tinctures" "Utility Flasks" # AreaLevel >= 68 # AreaLevel <= 77 # SetFontSize 35 # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 #------------------------------------ # [1505] Early mapping life/mana/utility flasks #------------------------------------ Show # %D2 $type->endgameflasks $tier->earlymappinglifemana Mirrored False Corrupted False Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Divine Life Flask" "Divine Mana Flask" "Eternal Life Flask" "Eternal Mana Flask" "Hallowed Hybrid Flask" AreaLevel >= 68 AreaLevel <= 70 SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 #=============================================================================================================== # [[1600]] Misc Rules #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c4.misc.others : "SpecialGear - Overquality items and optional animated weapon module" Show # %D3 $type->miscendgamerules $tier->whitesocketweapons1h Mirrored False Corrupted False Sockets >= 3WWW Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Wands" AreaLevel < 79 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 180 PlayEffect Blue Temp #Show # $type->animatedweapons $tier->normalmelee # Rarity Normal # Class == "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" # SetFontSize 18 # SetBorderColor 230 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 100 #Show # $type->animatedweapons $tier->normalranged # Rarity Normal # Class == "Bows" "Wands" # SetFontSize 18 # SetBorderColor 230 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 100 #Show # $type->animatedweapons $tier->magicmelee # Rarity Magic # Class == "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" # SetFontSize 18 # SetBorderColor 230 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 100 #Show # $type->animatedweapons $tier->magicranged # Rarity Magic # Class == "Bows" "Wands" # SetFontSize 18 # SetBorderColor 230 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 100 # !! Waypoint c5.hidelayer.normalmagic : "HIDELAYER - all endgame and magic and normal items" #=============================================================================================================== # [[1700]] Hide Layer 1 - Normal and Magic Endgame Gear #=============================================================================================================== Hide # $type->hidelayer $tier->normalmagicendgame Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Utility Flasks" "Wands" "Warstaves" AreaLevel >= 68 SetFontSize 18 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 0 DisableDropSound True #=============================================================================================================== # [[1800]] Rare Item Decorators #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c6.rare.decorator.all : "Rare Endgame Items - decorators" Show # $type->decorators->rareeg $tier->largerares Width >= 2 Height >= 3 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 Continue Show # $type->decorators->rareeg $tier->mediumrares1 Width 1 Height >= 3 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetBorderColor 180 180 180 255 Continue Show # $type->decorators->rareeg $tier->mediumrares2 Width 2 Height 2 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetBorderColor 180 180 180 255 Continue Show # $type->decorators->rareeg $tier->tinyrares Width <= 2 Height 1 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetBorderColor 50 200 50 255 Continue Show # $type->decorators->rareeg $tier->ilvl68 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" Continue Show # $type->decorators->rareeg $tier->ilvl75 ItemLevel >= 75 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 245 190 0 255 Continue Show # $type->decorators->rareeg $tier->ilvl84 ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 250 165 0 255 Continue Show # $type->decorators->rareeg $tier->ilvl86 ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 255 140 0 255 Continue Show # $type->decorators->rareeg $tier->atlasgear1 ItemLevel >= 68 ItemLevel <= 77 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" BaseType == "Arcane Vestment" "Dire Pelt" "Faithful Helmet" "Full Wyvernscale" "General's Helmet" "Grand Ringmail" "Jester Mask" "Knight Helm" "Moonlit Circlet" "Sanguine Raiment" "Supreme Leather" "Titan Plate" SetBorderColor 120 255 100 255 Continue Show # $type->decorators->rareeg $tier->atlasgear2 ItemLevel >= 68 ItemLevel <= 83 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" BaseType == "Ancient Mask" "Astral Leather" "Chimerascale Boots" "Chimerascale Gauntlets" "Conqueror's Helmet" "Conquest Helmet" "Grizzly Pelt" "Harpyskin Boots" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Infiltrator Boots" "Infiltrator Mitts" "Legion Plate" "Marshall's Brigandine" "Martyr Boots" "Martyr Gloves" "Nightweave Robe" "Paladin Crown" "Paladin's Hauberk" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Precursor Greaves" "Sage Gloves" "Sage Slippers" "Sunfire Circlet" "Torturer Garb" SetBorderColor 120 255 100 255 Continue Show # $type->decorators->rareeg $tier->atlasgear3 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" BaseType == "Conquest Lamellar" "Divine Crown" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Haunted Bascinet" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Majestic Pelt" "Necrotic Armour" "Paladin Boots" "Paladin Gloves" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Royal Plate" "Sacred Chainmail" "Syndicate's Garb" "Torturer's Mask" "Twilight Regalia" "Velour Boots" "Velour Gloves" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" SetBorderColor 120 255 100 255 Continue Show # $type->decorators->rareeg $tier->fourlinkedrares LinkedSockets >= 4 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetBorderColor 0 140 240 255 Continue Show # $type->decorators->rareeg $tier->corruptedrares Corrupted True CorruptedMods 0 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetBorderColor 120 0 0 240 Continue Show # $type->decorators->rareeg $tier->corruptedraresimplicit Corrupted True CorruptedMods >= 1 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetBorderColor 250 0 0 255 Continue #Show # $type->rare->utility->droppeditems $tier->any # Identified True # ItemLevel >= 4 # Rarity Rare # Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" # AreaLevel 1 # SetFontSize 45 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 #=============================================================================================================== # [[1900]] Endgame - Rare - Exotic Corrupted Items #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c6.rare.breach.all : "Rare Endgame Items - Breach rings" Show # %HS3 $type->rare->exotic->breachrings $tier->high ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Rare Class == "Rings" BaseType == "Breach Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %HS1 $type->rare->exotic->breachrings $tier->any ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Rings" BaseType == "Breach Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond # !! Waypoint c6.rare.talisman.all : "Rare Endgame Items - Talismans" Show # %H5 $type->rare->exotic->talisman $tier->t1attacktalisman AnyEnchantment True ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" BaseType == "Ashscale Talisman" "Avian Twins Talisman" "Breakrib Talisman" "Deadhand Talisman" "Deep One Talisman" "Fangjaw Talisman" "Hexclaw Talisman" "Lone Antler Talisman" "Longtooth Talisman" "Mandible Talisman" "Rotfeather Talisman" "Spinefuse Talisman" "Three Rat Talisman" "Wereclaw Talisman" "Writhing Talisman" HasExplicitMod "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Robust" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Perandus'" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Rage" "of Incision" "of Penetrating" "Cremating" "Entombing" "Electrocuting" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "Unleashed" "Flaring" "Tempered" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %H5 $type->rare->exotic->talisman $tier->t1castertalisman AnyEnchantment True ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" BaseType == "Ashscale Talisman" "Avian Twins Talisman" "Bonespire Talisman" "Breakrib Talisman" "Chrysalis Talisman" "Clutching Talisman" "Deadhand Talisman" "Deep One Talisman" "Fangjaw Talisman" "Hexclaw Talisman" "Lone Antler Talisman" "Longtooth Talisman" "Mandible Talisman" "Rotfeather Talisman" "Spinefuse Talisman" "Three Rat Talisman" "Wereclaw Talisman" HasExplicitMod "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Robust" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Perandus'" "of Legerdemain" "of Expertise" "Wizard's" "Thaumaturgist's" "Zaffre" "of Immolation" "of Flames" "of Floe" "of Rime" "of Discharge" "of Voltage" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Incision" "of Penetrating" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %H5 $type->rare->exotic->talisman $tier->t1dottalisman AnyEnchantment True ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" BaseType == "Ashscale Talisman" "Avian Twins Talisman" "Bonespire Talisman" "Breakrib Talisman" "Chrysalis Talisman" "Clutching Talisman" "Deadhand Talisman" "Deep One Talisman" "Fangjaw Talisman" "Hexclaw Talisman" "Lone Antler Talisman" "Longtooth Talisman" "Mandible Talisman" "Rotfeather Talisman" "Spinefuse Talisman" "Three Rat Talisman" "Wereclaw Talisman" HasExplicitMod "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Robust" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Perandus'" "of Destruction" "of Legerdemain" "Wizard's" "Thaumaturgist's" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Immolation" "of Floe" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Liquefaction" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond Show # %H4 $type->rare->exotic->talisman $tier->t2stattalisman AnyEnchantment True ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" BaseType == "Avian Twins Talisman" "Three Rat Talisman" HasExplicitMod "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" HasExplicitMod "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 240 190 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond Show # %H2 $type->rare->exotic->talisman $tier->t3decenttypetalisman AnyEnchantment True ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" BaseType == "Avian Twins Talisman" "Fangjaw Talisman" "Hexclaw Talisman" "Longtooth Talisman" "Mandible Talisman" "Rotfeather Talisman" "Spinefuse Talisman" "Three Rat Talisman" "Wereclaw Talisman" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond Show # %H0 $type->rare->exotic->talisman $tier->any AnyEnchantment True ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" BaseType "Talisman" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 180 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayEffect Blue Temp #=============================================================================================================== # [[2000]] Endgame - Rare - Accessoires #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c6.rare.generic.all : "Rare Endgame Items - (Optional) Hiding identified rares" #Hide # $type->rareoptional $tier->idhider # Identified True # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Rare # Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" # SetFontSize 35 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 #=============================================================================================================== # [[2100]] Endgame - Conditional Hide Layers #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c6.rare.corrupthider : "Hide rare corrupted unidentified gear with no implicits" Hide # $type->hidelayer $tier->corruptedrares Corrupted True Identified False CorruptedMods 0 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 Hide # $type->hidelayer $tier->mirroredrares Mirrored True Identified False CorruptedMods 0 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 #=============================================================================================================== # [[2200]] Endgame - Rare - Accessoires #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c6.rare.trinkets.all : "Rare Endgame Items - Amulets, Rings" Show # %D4 $type->rr->amuring $tier->t1 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Rings" BaseType == "Agate Amulet" "Amethyst Ring" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Cerulean Ring" "Citrine Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Opal Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Steel Ring" "Turquoise Amulet" "Two-Stone Ring" "Vermillion Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetBackgroundColor 0 80 30 255 Show # %D3 $type->rr->amuring $tier->t2 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Rings" BaseType == "Amber Amulet" "Bone Ring" "Coral Ring" "Diamond Ring" "Iolite Ring" "Jade Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Marble Amulet" "Ruby Ring" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Unset Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetBackgroundColor 0 40 10 255 Show # %D2 $type->rr->amuring $tier->t3 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Rings" BaseType == "Coral Amulet" "Gold Amulet" "Gold Ring" "Iron Ring" "Moonstone Ring" "Paua Amulet" "Paua Ring" "Seaglass Amulet" SetFontSize 40 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # !! Waypoint c6.rare.belts.all : "Rare Endgame Items - Belts" #Show # %D4 $type->rr->belts $tier->t1 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Rare # Class == "Belts" # SetFontSize 45 # SetBackgroundColor 0 80 30 255 Show # %D3 $type->rr->belts $tier->t2 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Belts" BaseType == "Crystal Belt" "Heavy Belt" "Leather Belt" "Vanguard Belt" SetFontSize 45 SetBackgroundColor 0 40 10 255 Show # %D2 $type->rr->belts $tier->t3 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Belts" BaseType == "Chain Belt" "Cloth Belt" "Rustic Sash" "Studded Belt" SetFontSize 40 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 #=============================================================================================================== # [[2300]] Endgame - Rare - Gear - Droplevel Hiding #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c6.rare.drophiders : "Rare Endgame Items - Hide low items on high levels" #Hide # %RH3 $type->hidelayer $tier->rrihide1 # ItemLevel >= 68 # DropLevel < 75 # Rarity Rare # Class == "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" # AreaLevel >= 82 # SetFontSize 18 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 0 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 0 # DisableDropSound True #Hide # %RH2 $type->hidelayer $tier->rrihide2 # ItemLevel >= 68 # DropLevel < 60 # Rarity Rare # Class == "Body Armours" "Boots" "Gloves" "Helmets" # AreaLevel >= 82 # SetFontSize 18 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 0 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 0 # DisableDropSound True #Hide # %RH2 $type->hidelayer $tier->rrihide3 # ItemLevel >= 68 # DropLevel < 50 # Rarity Rare # Class == "Body Armours" "Boots" "Gloves" "Helmets" # AreaLevel >= 78 # SetFontSize 18 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 0 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 0 # DisableDropSound True #Hide # %RH1 $type->hidelayer $tier->rrihide4 # ItemLevel >= 68 # DropLevel < 40 # Rarity Rare # Class == "Body Armours" "Boots" "Gloves" "Helmets" # AreaLevel >= 73 # SetFontSize 18 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 0 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 0 # DisableDropSound True #=============================================================================================================== # [[2400]] Endgame - Rare - Gear #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c6.rare.t1.all : "Rare Endgame Items - T1" Show # %D4 $type->rr $tier->t1 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Ancient Mask" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Arcane Vestment" "Archon Kite Shield" "Assassin's Boots" "Assassin's Mitts" "Astral Leather" "Bone Helmet" "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Chimerascale Boots" "Chimerascale Gauntlets" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Conqueror's Helmet" "Conquest Helmet" "Conquest Lamellar" "Convening Wand" "Convoking Wand" "Crusader Boots" "Crusader Gloves" "Deicide Mask" "Despot Axe" "Dire Pelt" "Divine Crown" "Dragonscale Boots" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Eternal Burgonet" "Faithful Helmet" "Feathered Arrow Quiver" "Fugitive Boots" "Full Wyvernscale" "Gemini Claw" "General's Helmet" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Goliath Greaves" "Grand Ringmail" "Gripped Gloves" "Grizzly Pelt" "Harpyskin Boots" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Haunted Bascinet" "Hubris Circlet" "Hydrascale Boots" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Imbued Wand" "Imperial Claw" "Infiltrator Boots" "Infiltrator Mitts" "Jester Mask" "Knight Helm" "Lacquered Buckler" "Legion Boots" "Legion Plate" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Leviathan Greaves" "Lich's Circlet" "Lion Pelt" "Majestic Pelt" "Marshall's Brigandine" "Martyr Boots" "Martyr Gloves" "Moonlit Circlet" "Murder Boots" "Murder Mitts" "Necrotic Armour" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Nightweave Robe" "Opal Sceptre" "Paladin Boots" "Paladin Crown" "Paladin Gloves" "Paladin's Hauberk" "Phantom Boots" "Phantom Mitts" "Pig-Faced Bascinet" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Praetor Crown" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Precursor Greaves" "Profane Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Reaver Axe" "Royal Burgonet" "Royal Plate" "Sacred Chainmail" "Sage Gloves" "Sage Slippers" "Sanguine Raiment" "Shagreen Boots" "Short Bow" "Siege Axe" "Sinner Tricorne" "Slink Boots" "Slink Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Spine Bow" "Stealth Boots" "Stealth Gloves" "Sunfire Circlet" "Supreme Leather" "Syndicate's Garb" "Titan Gauntlets" "Titan Greaves" "Titan Plate" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Torturer Garb" "Torturer's Mask" "Twilight Regalia" "Two-Toned Boots" "Vaal Axe" "Vaal Greaves" "Vaal Mask" "Velour Boots" "Velour Gloves" "Void Sceptre" "Warlock Boots" "Warlock Gloves" "Wyrmscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" SetFontSize 45 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # !! Waypoint c6.rare.t2.all : "Rare Endgame Items - T2" Show # %D3 $type->rr $tier->t2 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Ambush Boots" "Ambush Mitts" "Ambusher" "Ancient Greaves" "Antique Greaves" "Arcanist Gloves" "Arcanist Slippers" "Astral Plate" "Battered Foil" "Bronzescale Boots" "Calling Wand" "Callous Mask" "Carnal Boots" "Carnal Mitts" "Carnal Sceptre" "Champion Kite Shield" "Crusader Buckler" "Demon Dagger" "Demon's Horn" "Eelskin Boots" "Elegant Round Shield" "Eternal Sword" "Eye Gouger" "Ezomyte Axe" "Ezomyte Burgonet" "Ezomyte Staff" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Fencer Helm" "Fiend Dagger" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fluted Bascinet" "Fossilised Spirit Shield" "Full Dragonscale" "Glorious Plate" "Goliath Gauntlets" "Harlequin Mask" "Harmonic Spirit Shield" "Heathen Wand" "Heavy Arrow Quiver" "Hellion's Paw" "Imperial Bow" "Imperial Buckler" "Lacquered Helmet" "Legion Gloves" "Magistrate Crown" "Maraketh Bow" "Mirrored Spiked Shield" "Mosaic Kite Shield" "Nubuck Boots" "Omen Wand" "Opal Wand" "Platinum Kris" "Primal Arrow Quiver" "Prophet Crown" "Reaver Sword" "Regicide Mask" "Royal Axe" "Runic Hatchet" "Sadist Garb" "Saintly Chainmail" "Samnite Helmet" "Serpentscale Boots" "Serpentscale Gauntlets" "Shagreen Gloves" "Sharkskin Boots" "Silken Hood" "Soldier Boots" "Soldier Gloves" "Steelscale Boots" "Steelscale Gauntlets" "Sundering Axe" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Thicket Bow" "Tornado Wand" "Triumphant Lamellar" "Ursine Pelt" "Vaal Gauntlets" "Vaal Sceptre" "Vaal Spirit Shield" "Wyrmscale Gauntlets" "Zealot Boots" "Zodiac Leather" SetFontSize 40 SetBackgroundColor 35 35 35 240 # !! Waypoint c6.rare.idhandling.all : "Rare Endgame Items - Identified Item Handling" Show # %D0 $type->rr $tier->identifieditemhandling Mirrored False Corrupted False Identified True ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 180 PlayEffect Blue Temp # !! Waypoint c6.rare.t3.all : "Rare Endgame Items - t3" Show # %D2 $type->rr $tier->t3 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Abyssal Sceptre" "Ancient Gauntlets" "Angelic Kite Shield" "Antique Gauntlets" "Artillery Quiver" "Assassin's Garb" "Aventail Helmet" "Battle Buckler" "Behemoth Mace" "Blood Raiment" "Blood Sceptre" "Bone Bow" "Branded Kite Shield" "Bronze Tower Shield" "Bronzescale Gauntlets" "Butcher Axe" "Carnal Armour" "Chiming Spirit Shield" "Citadel Bow" "Clasped Boots" "Clasped Mitts" "Coiled Wand" "Conjurer Boots" "Conjurer Gloves" "Conquest Chainmail" "Copper Kris" "Coronal Maul" "Corsair Sword" "Crusader Helmet" "Crystal Sceptre" "Crystal Wand" "Deerskin Boots" "Desert Brigandine" "Destiny Leather" "Dragonscale Doublet" "Ebony Tower Shield" "Eclipse Staff" "Eelskin Gloves" "Elegant Foil" "Elegant Ringmail" "Engraved Hatchet" "Engraved Wand" "Exquisite Blade" "Exquisite Leather" "Ezomyte Blade" "Ezomyte Dagger" "Ezomyte Spiked Shield" "Festival Mask" "Fleshripper" "General's Brigandine" "Gilded Sallet" "Gladiator Plate" "Goathide Boots" "Golden Kris" "Golden Mask" "Great Crown" "Grove Bow" "Gutting Knife" "Harbinger Bow" "Hunter Hood" "Imp Dagger" "Imperial Skean" "Infernal Axe" "Ironscale Boots" "Ironscale Gauntlets" "Ivory Bow" "Jewelled Foil" "Judgement Staff" "Karui Chopper" "Karui Sceptre" "Lacewood Spirit Shield" "Maelström Staff" "Meatgrinder" "Mesh Boots" "Midnight Blade" "Mind Cage" "Nightmare Mace" "Noble Tricorne" "Pagan Wand" "Penetrating Arrow Quiver" "Piledriver" "Plated Greaves" "Platinum Sceptre" "Polished Spiked Shield" "Raven Mask" "Reaver Helmet" "Reinforced Greaves" "Riveted Boots" "Riveted Gloves" "Royal Sceptre" "Royal Skean" "Sai" "Saint's Hauberk" "Sambar Sceptre" "Samite Gloves" "Samite Slippers" "Satin Slippers" "Scholar Boots" "Secutor Helm" "Serrated Foil" "Shackled Boots" "Sharkskin Gloves" "Sharktooth Arrow Quiver" "Siege Helmet" "Slaughter Knife" "Solaris Circlet" "Sovereign Spiked Shield" "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" "Spiked Round Shield" "Spiny Round Shield" "Spiraled Foil" "Teak Round Shield" "Terror Claw" "Thorium Spirit Shield" "Throat Stabber" "Trapper Boots" "Trapper Mitts" "Twin Claw" "Two-Point Arrow Quiver" "Tyrant's Sekhem" "Vaal Buckler" "Vaal Greatsword" "Vaal Hatchet" "Vaal Regalia" "Vile Arrow Quiver" "Visored Sallet" "Void Axe" "Widowsilk Robe" "Zealot Gloves" "Zealot Helmet" SetFontSize 35 SetBackgroundColor 80 80 80 190 # !! Waypoint c6.rare.t4.all : "Rare Endgame Items - T4" Show # %D1 $type->rr $tier->t4endgamerares ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class == "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetFontSize 35 SetBackgroundColor 80 80 80 100 # !! Waypoint c6.rare.t4.chroms : "Rare Endgame Items - lowtierchromatics" Show # %D2 $type->rr $tier->rgbsmall1 Width 2 Height 2 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare SocketGroup "RGB" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 200 200 200 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 Show # %D2 $type->rr $tier->rgbsmall2 Width 1 Height <= 4 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare SocketGroup "RGB" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 200 200 200 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 Show # %D0 $type->rr $tier->rgblarge Width 2 Height 4 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare SocketGroup "RGB" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 Show # %D0 $type->rr $tier->rgbmedium Width 2 Height 3 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare SocketGroup "RGB" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 #=============================================================================================================== # [[2500]] Hide Layer 2 - Rare Gear #=============================================================================================================== Hide # $type->hidelayer $tier->raresendgame ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Rare Class "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" SetFontSize 18 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 0 DisableDropSound True #=============================================================================================================== # [[2600]] Jewels #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c7.jewels.identified : "Jewels - Identified with interesting mods" #------------------------------------ # [2601] Special Cases #------------------------------------ Show # %D4 $type->jewels->special $tier->1modcorrupted Corrupted True CorruptedMods >= 1 Rarity Rare BaseType == "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Ghastly Eye Jewel" "Hypnotic Eye Jewel" "Murderous Eye Jewel" "Searching Eye Jewel" "Viridian Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 220 220 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 120 120 0 225 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond Show # %D4 $type->jewels->special $tier->1moduncorrupted Identified True Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Viridian Jewel" HasExplicitMod "Shimmering" "Vivid" "Stalwart" "Resplendent" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond Show # %D3 $type->jewels->special $tier->any Corrupted True CorruptedMods >= 1 Rarity Magic BaseType == "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Viridian Jewel" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 75 250 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue #------------------------------------ # [2602] Leveling Exceptions #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c7.jewels.leveling : "Jewels - Leveling Overrides" Show # %D3 $type->jewels->leveling $tier->abyss ItemLevel <= 67 Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Ghastly Eye Jewel" "Hypnotic Eye Jewel" "Murderous Eye Jewel" "Searching Eye Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 75 250 255 SetBorderColor 0 75 250 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255 Show # %D3 $type->jewels->leveling $tier->generic ItemLevel <= 67 Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Viridian Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 75 250 255 SetBorderColor 0 75 250 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255 #------------------------------------ # [2603] Abyss Jewels #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c7.jewels.abyss.all : "Jewels - Abyss Jewels" Show # %H5 $type->jewels->abyss $tier->corruptedabyssjewel Corrupted True Rarity Rare Class == "Abyss Jewels" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 220 220 0 255 SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 120 120 0 225 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Diamond Show # %H5 $type->jewels->abyss $tier->veryhighrare ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Rare Class == "Abyss Jewels" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 220 220 0 255 SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 120 120 0 225 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Diamond Show # %HS4 $type->jewels->abyss $tier->veryhighmagic ItemLevel >= 86 Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Abyss Jewels" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 75 250 255 SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255 Show # %HS3 $type->jewels->abyss $tier->highrare ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Rare Class == "Abyss Jewels" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 220 220 0 255 SetBorderColor 200 120 0 220 SetBackgroundColor 120 120 0 225 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Diamond Show # %HS2 $type->jewels->abyss $tier->highmagic ItemLevel >= 82 Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Abyss Jewels" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 75 250 255 SetBorderColor 200 120 0 220 SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255 Show # %HS3 $type->jewels->abyss $tier->anyrare Rarity Rare Class == "Abyss Jewels" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 220 220 0 255 SetBorderColor 220 220 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 120 120 0 225 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Diamond Show # %H2 $type->jewels->abyss $tier->anymagic Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Abyss Jewels" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 75 250 255 SetBorderColor 0 75 250 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255 #------------------------------------ # [2604] Generic Jewels #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c7.jewels.generic.all : "Jewels - Generic Jewels" Show # %HS3 $type->jewels->generic $tier->anyrare Rarity Rare BaseType == "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Viridian Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 220 220 0 255 SetBorderColor 220 220 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 120 120 0 225 PlayEffect Grey Temp MinimapIcon 2 Grey Diamond Show # %H2 $type->jewels->generic $tier->anymagic Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Viridian Jewel" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 75 250 255 SetBorderColor 0 75 250 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255 #------------------------------------ # [2605] Cluster Jewels: Eco-Based-Large #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c7.jewels.cluster.all : "Jewels - Cluster - Economy-Based-Tiering" Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n12_i84_t1 ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 12 BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Attack Damage while holding a Shield" "Minion Damage" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n12_i75_t1 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 12 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n12_i68_t1 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 12 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n11_i84_t1 # ItemLevel >= 84 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 11 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n11_i75_t1 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 11 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n11_i68_t1 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 11 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n10_i84_t1 # ItemLevel >= 84 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 10 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n10_i75_t1 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 10 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n10_i68_t1 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 10 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n9_i84_t1 # ItemLevel >= 84 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 9 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n9_i75_t1 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 9 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n9_i68_t1 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 9 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n8_i84_t1 # ItemLevel >= 84 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 8 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n8_i75_t1 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 8 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n8_i68_t1 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 8 BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Attack Damage while holding a Shield" "Fire Damage" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n6_i84_t1 # ItemLevel >= 84 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 6 # BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n6_i75_t1 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 6 # BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n6_i68_t1 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 6 # BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n4_i84_t1 # ItemLevel >= 84 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum <= 5 # BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n4_i75_t1 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum <= 5 # BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n4_i68_t1 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum <= 5 # BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n3_i84_t1 ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 3 BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Reservation Efficiency" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n3_i75_t1 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 3 # BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n3_i68_t1 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 3 # BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n2_i84_t1 # ItemLevel >= 84 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 2 # BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n2_i75_t1 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 2 # BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n2_i68_t1 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 2 # BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 # SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n12_i84_t2 ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 12 BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Attack Damage" "Attack Damage while Dual Wielding" "Attack Damage while holding a Shield" "Axe and Sword Damage" "Bow Damage" "Chaos Damage" "Cold Damage" "Dagger and Claw Damage" "Damage with Two Handed Weapons" "Elemental Damage" "Fire Damage" "Lightning Damage" "Mace and Staff Damage" "Minion Damage" "Physical Damage" "Spell Damage" "Wand Damage" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n12_i75_t2 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 12 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n12_i68_t2 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 12 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n11_i84_t2 ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 11 BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Attack Damage while holding a Shield" "Axe and Sword Damage" "Bow Damage" "Dagger and Claw Damage" "Minion Damage" "Physical Damage" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n11_i75_t2 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 11 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n11_i68_t2 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 11 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n10_i84_t2 ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 10 BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Attack Damage while holding a Shield" "Axe and Sword Damage" "Bow Damage" "Dagger and Claw Damage" "Damage with Two Handed Weapons" "Minion Damage" "Physical Damage" "Spell Damage" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n10_i75_t2 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 10 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n10_i68_t2 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 10 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n9_i84_t2 ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 9 BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Attack Damage while holding a Shield" "Axe and Sword Damage" "Chaos Damage" "Dagger and Claw Damage" "Minion Damage" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n9_i75_t2 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 9 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n9_i68_t2 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 9 # BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n8_i84_t2 ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 8 BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Attack Damage while Dual Wielding" "Attack Damage while holding a Shield" "Axe and Sword Damage" "Bow Damage" "Chaos Damage" "Cold Damage" "Dagger and Claw Damage" "Damage with Two Handed Weapons" "Elemental Damage" "Fire Damage" "Lightning Damage" "Mace and Staff Damage" "Minion Damage" "Physical Damage" "Spell Damage" "Wand Damage" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n8_i75_t2 ItemLevel >= 75 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 8 BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Attack Damage while holding a Shield" "Axe and Sword Damage" "Bow Damage" "Chaos Damage" "Cold Damage" "Dagger and Claw Damage" "Damage with Two Handed Weapons" "Elemental Damage" "Fire Damage" "Lightning Damage" "Mace and Staff Damage" "Physical Damage" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n8_i68_t2 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 8 BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Attack Damage while Dual Wielding" "Attack Damage while holding a Shield" "Axe and Sword Damage" "Bow Damage" "Chaos Damage" "Cold Damage" "Dagger and Claw Damage" "Damage with Two Handed Weapons" "Fire Damage" "Lightning Damage" "Physical Damage" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n6_i84_t2 ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 6 BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Damage over Time" "Fire Damage over Time" "Flask Duration" "Minion Life" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n6_i75_t2 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 6 # BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n6_i68_t2 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 6 # BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n4_i84_t2 ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum <= 5 BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Area Damage" "Brand Damage" "Channelling Skill Damage" "Critical Chance" "Damage over Time" "Damage while you have a Herald" "Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments" "Exerted Attack Damage" "Fire Damage over Time" "Flask Duration" "Life and Mana recovery from Flasks" "Minion Damage while you have a Herald" "Minion Life" "Projectile Damage" "Totem Damage" "Trap and Mine Damage" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n4_i75_t2 ItemLevel >= 75 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum <= 5 BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Area Damage" "Brand Damage" "Critical Chance" "Damage over Time" "Fire Damage over Time" "Projectile Damage" "Trap and Mine Damage" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n4_i68_t2 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum <= 5 BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Brand Damage" "Damage over Time" "Fire Damage over Time" "Trap and Mine Damage" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n3_i84_t2 ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 3 BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Chance to Block Attack Damage" "Chance to Block Spell Damage" "Chaos Resistance" "Curse Effect" "Energy Shield" "Fire Resistance" "Life" "Lightning Resistance" "Mana" "Reservation Efficiency" "Suppres" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n3_i75_t2 ItemLevel >= 75 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 3 BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Reservation Efficiency" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n3_i68_t2 ItemLevel >= 68 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 3 BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Reservation Efficiency" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n2_i84_t2 ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum 2 BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" EnchantmentPassiveNode "Armour" "Chance to Block Attack Damage" "Chance to Block Spell Damage" "Chaos Resistance" "Cold Resistance" "Evasion" "Life" "Lightning Resistance" "Mana" "Reservation Efficiency" "Suppres" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n2_i75_t2 # ItemLevel >= 75 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 2 # BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon #Show # $type->jewels->clustereco $tier->n2_i68_t2 # ItemLevel >= 68 # Rarity Normal Magic Rare # EnchantmentPassiveNum 2 # BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 240 100 0 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon # !! Waypoint c7.jewels.cluster.good : "Jewels - Cluster - Others" #------------------------------------ # [2606] Cluster Jewels: Random #------------------------------------ Show # %D5 $type->jewels->cluster $tier->optimal1highlarge ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum >= 12 BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 34 0 67 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # %D5 $type->jewels->cluster $tier->optimalhighlarge ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum <= 8 BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 34 0 67 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # %D4 $type->jewels->cluster $tier->highlarge Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum <= 8 BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 34 0 67 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Pentagon Show # %H3 $type->jewels->cluster $tier->large Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Large Cluster Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 150 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 34 0 67 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey Temp MinimapIcon 2 Grey Pentagon Show # %D4 $type->jewels->cluster $tier->optimalhighmedium ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum <= 5 BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 34 0 67 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Pentagon Show # %D4 $type->jewels->cluster $tier->highmedium Rarity Normal Magic Rare EnchantmentPassiveNum <= 5 BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 34 0 67 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Pentagon Show # %H3 $type->jewels->cluster $tier->medium Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Medium Cluster Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 150 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 34 0 67 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey Temp MinimapIcon 2 Grey Pentagon Show # %D4 $type->jewels->cluster $tier->highsmall ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 34 0 67 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Pentagon Show # %H3 $type->jewels->cluster $tier->small Rarity Normal Magic Rare BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 150 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 150 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 34 0 67 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey Temp MinimapIcon 2 Grey Pentagon #=============================================================================================================== # [[2700]] Heist Gear #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c7.heist.all : "Heist Gear" #------------------------------------ # [2701] Heist Cloak #------------------------------------ Show # %HS5 $type->heist->cloak $tier->t1highlevel ItemLevel >= 83 Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Cloaks" BaseType == "Whisper-woven Cloak" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 250 165 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Raindrop Show # %H5 $type->heist->cloak $tier->t1 Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Cloaks" BaseType == "Whisper-woven Cloak" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 White Raindrop Show # %H4 $type->heist->cloak $tier->t2 Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Cloaks" BaseType == "Hooded Cloak" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 200 SetBackgroundColor 35 35 35 240 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 1 Grey Raindrop Show # %H3 $type->heist->cloak $tier->t3any Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Cloaks" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 200 SetBackgroundColor 35 35 35 240 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Raindrop #------------------------------------ # [2702] Heist Brooch #------------------------------------ Show # %HS5 $type->heist->brooch $tier->t1highlevel ItemLevel >= 84 Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Brooches" BaseType == "Foliate Brooch" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 250 165 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Raindrop Show # %H5 $type->heist->brooch $tier->t1 Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Brooches" BaseType == "Foliate Brooch" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 White Raindrop Show # %H4 $type->heist->brooch $tier->t2 Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Brooches" BaseType == "Enamel Brooch" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 200 SetBackgroundColor 35 35 35 240 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 1 Grey Raindrop Show # %H3 $type->heist->brooch $tier->t3any Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Brooches" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 200 SetBackgroundColor 35 35 35 240 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Raindrop #------------------------------------ # [2703] Heist Gear #------------------------------------ Show # %HS5 $type->heist->gear $tier->t1highlevel ItemLevel >= 81 Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Gear" BaseType == "Burst Band" "Obsidian Sharpening Stone" "Precise Arrowhead" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 250 165 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Raindrop Show # %H5 $type->heist->gear $tier->t1 Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Gear" BaseType == "Burst Band" "Obsidian Sharpening Stone" "Precise Arrowhead" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 White Raindrop Show # %H4 $type->heist->gear $tier->t2 Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Gear" BaseType == "Aggregator Charm" "Fine Sharpening Stone" "Hollowpoint Arrowhead" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 200 SetBackgroundColor 35 35 35 240 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 1 Grey Raindrop Show # %H3 $type->heist->gear $tier->t3any Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Gear" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 200 SetBackgroundColor 35 35 35 240 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Raindrop #------------------------------------ # [2704] Heist Tool #------------------------------------ Show # %HS5 $type->heist->tool $tier->t1highlevel ItemLevel >= 83 Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Tools" BaseType == "Grandmaster Keyring" "Master Lockpick" "Regicide Disguise Kit" "Silkweave Sole" "Steel Bracers" "Thaumaturgical Sensing Charm" "Thaumaturgical Ward" "Thaumetic Blowtorch" "Thaumetic Flashpowder" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 250 165 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Raindrop Show # %H5 $type->heist->tool $tier->t1 Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Tools" BaseType == "Grandmaster Keyring" "Master Lockpick" "Regicide Disguise Kit" "Silkweave Sole" "Steel Bracers" "Thaumaturgical Sensing Charm" "Thaumaturgical Ward" "Thaumetic Blowtorch" "Thaumetic Flashpowder" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 White Raindrop Show # %H4 $type->heist->tool $tier->t2 Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Tools" BaseType == "Azurite Flashpowder" "Espionage Disguise Kit" "Fine Lockpick" "Polished Sensing Charm" "Runed Bracers" "Shining Ward" "Skeleton Keyring" "Sulphur Blowtorch" "Winged Sole" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 200 SetBackgroundColor 35 35 35 240 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 1 Grey Raindrop Show # %H3 $type->heist->tool $tier->t3any Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Heist Tools" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 200 SetBackgroundColor 35 35 35 240 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Raindrop #=============================================================================================================== # [[2800]] Gem Tierlists #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c8.gems.all : "Gem Rules - Override All" #------------------------------------ # [2801] Exceptional Gems - Awakened and AltQuality #------------------------------------ Show # $type->gems-exceptional $tier->awat1 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType == "Awakened Ancestral Call Support" "Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support" "Awakened Empower Support" "Awakened Enhance Support" "Awakened Enlighten Support" "Awakened Fork Support" "Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support" "Awakened Increased Area of Effect Support" "Awakened Multistrike Support" "Awakened Spell Cascade Support" "Awakened Spell Echo Support" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 125 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 125 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->gems-exceptional $tier->awaany Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType "Awakened" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 20 240 240 255 SetBorderColor 240 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 70 0 20 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle Show # $type->gems-exceptional $tier->altany TransfiguredGem True Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 20 240 240 255 SetBorderColor 240 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 70 0 20 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle Show # $type->gems-exceptional $tier->2020z Corrupted False Quality >= 20 GemLevel >= 20 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType == "Ambush" "Anger" "Animate Guardian" "Arc" "Arcane Cloak" "Arcane Surge Support" "Arcanist Brand" "Archmage Support" "Arctic Armour" "Arrogance Support" "Assassin's Mark" "Autoexertion" "Automation" "Ballista Totem Support" "Barrage Support" "Battlemage's Cry" "Berserk" "Blade Vortex" "Blasphemy Support" "Block Chance Reduction Support" "Blood Rage" "Bone Offering" "Bonechill Support" "Cast On Critical Strike Support" "Cast when Damage Taken Support" "Cast when Stunned Support" "Caustic Arrow" "Charged Mines Support" "Charged Traps Support" "Clarity" "Close Combat Support" "Cold Penetration Support" "Cold to Fire Support" "Combustion Support" "Concentrated Effect Support" "Conductivity" "Cruelty Support" "Crushing Fist" "Culling Strike Support" "Cursed Ground Support" "Cyclone" "Damage on Full Life Support" "Dash" "Deadly Ailments Support" "Decoy Totem" "Defiance Banner" "Desecrate" "Despair" "Determination" "Detonate Dead" "Discipline" "Efficacy Support" "Elemental Army Support" "Elemental Damage with Attacks Support" "Elemental Focus Support" "Elemental Penetration Support" "Elemental Weakness" "Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support" "Enduring Cry" "Energy Blade" "Energy Leech Support" "Enfeeble" "Eternal Blessing Support" "Expert Retaliation Support" "Faster Attacks Support" "Faster Casting Support" "Feeding Frenzy Support" "Fireball" "Firestorm" "Flame Dash" "Flame Surge" "Flame Wall" "Flammability" "Flesh and Stone" "Flesh Offering" "Flicker Strike" "Fortify Support" "Freezing Pulse" "Frenzy" "Fresh Meat Support" "Frost Blades" "Frost Bomb" "Frost Shield" "Frostbite" "Frostblink" "Frostbolt" "Grace" "Greater Multiple Projectiles Support" "Greater Volley Support" "Guardian's Blessing Support" "Haste" "Hatred" "Hexblast" "High-Impact Mine Support" "Hydrosphere" "Hypothermia Support" "Ice Bite Support" "Ice Nova" "Ice Spear" "Immortal Call" "Impale Support" "Increased Critical Damage Support" "Increased Critical Strikes Support" "Infused Channelling Support" "Inspiration Support" "Intimidating Cry" "Item Rarity Support" "Kinetic Blast" "Leap Slam" "Less Duration Support" "Life Gain on Hit Support" "Lifetap Support" "Lightning Arrow" "Lightning Strike" "Lightning Warp" "Maim Support" "Malevolence" "Manaforged Arrows Support" "Mark On Hit Support" "Meat Shield Support" "Minefield Support" "Minion Life Support" "Mirage Archer Support" "Molten Shell" "Molten Strike" "Momentum Support" "More Duration Support" "Multiple Totems Support" "Multistrike Support" "Nightblade Support" "Overcharge Support" "Overexertion Support" "Petrified Blood" "Phase Run" "Physical to Lightning Support" "Pierce Support" "Pinpoint Support" "Power Charge On Critical Support" "Power Siphon" "Precision" "Pride" "Pulverise Support" "Punishment" "Purifying Flame" "Pyroclast Mine" "Rage Support" "Raise Spectre" "Rallying Cry" "Reap" "Returning Projectiles Support" "Righteous Fire" "Ruthless Support" "Sacred Wisps Support" "Second Wind Support" "Seismic Cry" "Shield Charge" "Shock Nova" "Slower Projectiles Support" "Smite" "Sniper's Mark" "Spark" "Spell Cascade Support" "Spell Echo Support" "Spell Totem Support" "Spellblade Support" "Spirit Offering" "Splitting Steel" "Steelskin" "Storm Brand" "Storm Call" "Storm Rain" "Summon Chaos Golem" "Summon Holy Relic" "Summon Ice Golem" "Summon Lightning Golem" "Summon Skeletons" "Summon Skitterbots" "Summon Stone Golem" "Swift Affliction Support" "Swiftbrand Support" "Tempest Shield" "Temporal Chains" "Tornado" "Tornado Shot" "Trap and Mine Damage Support" "Trinity Support" "Unbound Ailments Support" "Urgent Orders Support" "Vengeful Cry" "Vile Toxins Support" "Vitality" "Void Manipulation Support" "Volatility Support" "Voltaxic Burst" "Vulnerability" "War Banner" "Warlord's Mark" "Whirling Blades" "Wither" "Withering Step" "Withering Touch Support" "Wrath" "Zealotry" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 20 240 240 255 SetBorderColor 240 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 70 0 20 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle Show # $type->gems-exceptional $tier->2120 Quality >= 20 GemLevel >= 21 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType == "Additional Accuracy Support" "Alchemist's Mark" "Ambush" "Anger" "Animate Guardian" "Arc" "Arcane Cloak" "Arcane Surge Support" "Arcanist Brand" "Archmage Support" "Arctic Armour" "Arrogance Support" "Arrow Nova Support" "Assassin's Mark" "Autoexertion" "Automation" "Ballista Totem Support" "Barrage Support" "Battlemage's Cry" "Behead Support" "Berserk" "Bladefall" "Bladestorm" "Blasphemy Support" "Blazing Salvo" "Block Chance Reduction Support" "Blood Rage" "Bloodthirst Support" "Bodyswap" "Bone Offering" "Bonechill Support" "Brutality Support" "Burning Damage Support" "Cast On Critical Strike Support" "Cast when Damage Taken Support" "Cast when Stunned Support" "Chance to Poison Support" "Charged Mines Support" "Charged Traps Support" "Clarity" "Close Combat Support" "Cold to Fire Support" "Combustion Support" "Concentrated Effect Support" "Conductivity" "Controlled Destruction Support" "Conversion Trap" "Cruelty Support" "Crushing Fist" "Culling Strike Support" "Cursed Ground Support" "Cyclone" "Damage on Full Life Support" "Dark Pact" "Dash" "Deadly Ailments Support" "Decoy Totem" "Defiance Banner" "Desecrate" "Despair" "Determination" "Detonate Dead" "Devouring Totem" "Discipline" "Dominating Blow" "Earthshatter" "Efficacy Support" "Elemental Army Support" "Elemental Damage with Attacks Support" "Elemental Focus Support" "Elemental Penetration Support" "Elemental Weakness" "Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support" "Enduring Cry" "Energy Blade" "Energy Leech Support" "Enfeeble" "Eternal Blessing Support" "Eviscerate" "Expert Retaliation Support" "Exsanguinate" "Faster Attacks Support" "Faster Casting Support" "Faster Projectiles Support" "Feeding Frenzy Support" "Fire Trap" "Firestorm" "Flame Dash" "Flame Surge" "Flame Wall" "Flammability" "Flesh and Stone" "Flesh Offering" "Flicker Strike" "Focused Ballista Support" "Forbidden Rite" "Fortify Support" "Freezing Pulse" "Frenzy" "Fresh Meat Support" "Frigid Bond Support" "Frost Blades" "Frost Bomb" "Frost Shield" "Frostbite" "Frostblink" "Frostbolt" "Galvanic Field" "Generosity Support" "Grace" "Greater Multiple Projectiles Support" "Greater Volley Support" "Guardian's Blessing Support" "Haste" "Hatred" "Hexblast" "High-Impact Mine Support" "Hydrosphere" "Hypothermia Support" "Ice Bite Support" "Ice Nova" "Ice Spear" "Ice Trap" "Ignite Proliferation Support" "Immolate Support" "Immortal Call" "Impale Support" "Impending Doom Support" "Increased Critical Damage Support" "Increased Critical Strikes Support" "Infernal Cry" "Infused Channelling Support" "Innervate Support" "Inspiration Support" "Intensify Support" "Intimidating Cry" "Iron Grip Support" "Item Rarity Support" "Kinetic Blast" "Leap Slam" "Less Duration Support" "Life Gain on Hit Support" "Lifetap Support" "Lightning Arrow" "Lightning Strike" "Lightning Warp" "Locus Mine Support" "Maim Support" "Malevolence" "Mana Leech Support" "Manaforged Arrows Support" "Mark On Hit Support" "Meat Shield Support" "Melee Physical Damage Support" "Minefield Support" "Minion Life Support" "Mirage Archer Support" "Molten Shell" "Molten Strike" "Momentum Support" "More Duration Support" "Multiple Totems Support" "Multistrike Support" "Nightblade Support" "Overcharge Support" "Overexertion Support" "Penance Brand" "Petrified Blood" "Phase Run" "Physical to Lightning Support" "Pierce Support" "Pinpoint Support" "Plague Bearer" "Poacher's Mark" "Power Charge On Critical Support" "Power Siphon" "Precision" "Predator Support" "Pride" "Pulverise Support" "Punishment" "Purifying Flame" "Rage Support" "Raise Spectre" "Raise Zombie" "Rallying Cry" "Rejuvenation Totem" "Returning Projectiles Support" "Righteous Fire" "Rolling Magma" "Ruthless Support" "Sacred Wisps Support" "Second Wind Support" "Seismic Cry" "Shield Charge" "Shock Nova" "Shockwave Support" "Shockwave Totem" "Shrapnel Ballista" "Siege Ballista" "Slower Projectiles Support" "Smite" "Smoke Mine" "Sniper's Mark" "Soul Link" "Spark" "Spectral Shield Throw" "Spell Cascade Support" "Spell Echo Support" "Spell Totem Support" "Spellblade Support" "Spirit Offering" "Splitting Steel" "Static Strike" "Steelskin" "Storm Rain" "Summon Carrion Golem" "Summon Chaos Golem" "Summon Flame Golem" "Summon Ice Golem" "Summon Lightning Golem" "Summon Phantasm Support" "Summon Raging Spirit" "Summon Skitterbots" "Summon Stone Golem" "Swift Affliction Support" "Swiftbrand Support" "Tempest Shield" "Temporal Chains" "Tornado" "Tornado Shot" "Toxic Rain" "Trap and Mine Damage Support" "Trinity Support" "Unbound Ailments Support" "Urgent Orders Support" "Vaal Absolution" "Vaal Animate Weapon" "Vaal Arc" "Vaal Arctic Armour" "Vaal Blade Flurry" "Vaal Blade Vortex" "Vaal Blight" "Vaal Breach" "Vaal Burning Arrow" "Vaal Caustic Arrow" "Vaal Clarity" "Vaal Cleave" "Vaal Cyclone" "Vaal Detonate Dead" "Vaal Discipline" "Vaal Domination" "Vaal Double Strike" "Vaal Earthquake" "Vaal Fireball" "Vaal Firestorm" "Vaal Flameblast" "Vaal Flicker Strike" "Vaal Glacial Hammer" "Vaal Grace" "Vaal Ground Slam" "Vaal Haste" "Vaal Ice Nova" "Vaal Ice Shot" "Vaal Lightning Arrow" "Vaal Lightning Strike" "Vaal Lightning Trap" "Vaal Molten Shell" "Vaal Molten Strike" "Vaal Power Siphon" "Vaal Reap" "Vaal Reave" "Vaal Rejuvenation Totem" "Vaal Righteous Fire" "Vaal Smite" "Vaal Spark" "Vaal Spectral Throw" "Vaal Storm Call" "Vaal Summon Skeletons" "Vaal Venom Gyre" "Vaal Volcanic Fissure" "Vampiric Link" "Vengeful Cry" "Vile Toxins Support" "Vitality" "Void Manipulation Support" "Volatility Support" "Voltaxic Burst" "Vulnerability" "War Banner" "Warlord's Mark" "Whirling Blades" "Wither" "Withering Step" "Withering Touch Support" "Wrath" "Zealotry" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 20 240 240 255 SetBorderColor 240 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 70 0 20 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle Show # $type->gems-exceptional $tier->2023 Quality >= 23 GemLevel >= 20 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType == "Alchemist's Mark" "Ambush" "Anger" "Animate Guardian" "Arcane Cloak" "Arcane Surge Support" "Arcanist Brand" "Arctic Armour" "Arrogance Support" "Arrow Nova Support" "Assassin's Mark" "Autoexertion" "Automation" "Ballista Totem Support" "Barrage Support" "Battlemage's Cry" "Bear Trap" "Berserk" "Bladefall" "Blasphemy Support" "Blazing Salvo" "Block Chance Reduction Support" "Blood Rage" "Bodyswap" "Bone Offering" "Bonechill Support" "Cast On Critical Strike Support" "Cast when Damage Taken Support" "Cast when Stunned Support" "Charged Mines Support" "Charged Traps Support" "Clarity" "Close Combat Support" "Cold to Fire Support" "Combustion Support" "Concentrated Effect Support" "Conductivity" "Controlled Destruction Support" "Conversion Trap" "Cruelty Support" "Culling Strike Support" "Cursed Ground Support" "Cyclone" "Damage on Full Life Support" "Dark Pact" "Dash" "Deadly Ailments Support" "Decoy Totem" "Defiance Banner" "Desecrate" "Despair" "Determination" "Devouring Totem" "Discipline" "Dominating Blow" "Efficacy Support" "Elemental Army Support" "Elemental Damage with Attacks Support" "Elemental Focus Support" "Elemental Penetration Support" "Elemental Weakness" "Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support" "Enduring Cry" "Energy Blade" "Energy Leech Support" "Enfeeble" "Eternal Blessing Support" "Eviscerate" "Expert Retaliation Support" "Faster Attacks Support" "Faster Casting Support" "Faster Projectiles Support" "Feeding Frenzy Support" "Fire Penetration Support" "Flame Dash" "Flame Surge" "Flame Wall" "Flammability" "Flesh and Stone" "Flesh Offering" "Flicker Strike" "Fortify Support" "Freezing Pulse" "Frenzy" "Fresh Meat Support" "Frigid Bond Support" "Frost Bomb" "Frost Shield" "Frostbite" "Frostblink" "Frostbolt" "Galvanic Field" "Grace" "Greater Multiple Projectiles Support" "Greater Volley Support" "Guardian's Blessing Support" "Haste" "Hatred" "High-Impact Mine Support" "Hydrosphere" "Hypothermia Support" "Ice Spear" "Ignite Proliferation Support" "Immolate Support" "Immortal Call" "Impale Support" "Impending Doom Support" "Increased Critical Damage Support" "Increased Critical Strikes Support" "Infernal Cry" "Infused Channelling Support" "Inspiration Support" "Intensify Support" "Intimidating Cry" "Iron Grip Support" "Item Rarity Support" "Kinetic Blast" "Leap Slam" "Less Duration Support" "Life Gain on Hit Support" "Lifetap Support" "Lightning Warp" "Maim Support" "Malevolence" "Mana Leech Support" "Manaforged Arrows Support" "Mark On Hit Support" "Meat Shield Support" "Minefield Support" "Minion Life Support" "Mirage Archer Support" "Molten Shell" "Molten Strike" "Momentum Support" "More Duration Support" "Multiple Totems Support" "Multistrike Support" "Nightblade Support" "Overcharge Support" "Overexertion Support" "Petrified Blood" "Phase Run" "Physical to Lightning Support" "Pierce Support" "Pinpoint Support" "Power Charge On Critical Support" "Power Siphon" "Precision" "Pride" "Pulverise Support" "Punishment" "Purifying Flame" "Rage Support" "Rallying Cry" "Rejuvenation Totem" "Returning Projectiles Support" "Righteous Fire" "Ruthless Support" "Sacred Wisps Support" "Second Wind Support" "Seismic Cry" "Shield Charge" "Shock Nova" "Slower Projectiles Support" "Smite" "Smoke Mine" "Sniper's Mark" "Soul Link" "Spell Cascade Support" "Spell Echo Support" "Spell Totem Support" "Spellblade Support" "Splitting Steel" "Steelskin" "Storm Rain" "Summon Chaos Golem" "Summon Flame Golem" "Summon Ice Golem" "Summon Lightning Golem" "Summon Skitterbots" "Summon Stone Golem" "Swift Affliction Support" "Swiftbrand Support" "Tempest Shield" "Temporal Chains" "Tornado" "Tornado Shot" "Trap and Mine Damage Support" "Trinity Support" "Unbound Ailments Support" "Urgent Orders Support" "Vaal Absolution" "Vaal Animate Weapon" "Vaal Arc" "Vaal Arctic Armour" "Vaal Blade Flurry" "Vaal Blade Vortex" "Vaal Blight" "Vaal Breach" "Vaal Burning Arrow" "Vaal Caustic Arrow" "Vaal Clarity" "Vaal Cleave" "Vaal Cyclone" "Vaal Detonate Dead" "Vaal Discipline" "Vaal Domination" "Vaal Double Strike" "Vaal Earthquake" "Vaal Fireball" "Vaal Firestorm" "Vaal Flameblast" "Vaal Flicker Strike" "Vaal Glacial Hammer" "Vaal Grace" "Vaal Ground Slam" "Vaal Haste" "Vaal Ice Nova" "Vaal Ice Shot" "Vaal Lightning Arrow" "Vaal Lightning Strike" "Vaal Lightning Trap" "Vaal Molten Shell" "Vaal Molten Strike" "Vaal Power Siphon" "Vaal Reap" "Vaal Reave" "Vaal Rejuvenation Totem" "Vaal Righteous Fire" "Vaal Smite" "Vaal Spark" "Vaal Spectral Throw" "Vaal Storm Call" "Vaal Summon Skeletons" "Vaal Venom Gyre" "Vaal Volcanic Fissure" "Vampiric Link" "Vengeful Cry" "Vile Toxins Support" "Vitality" "Void Manipulation Support" "Volatility Support" "Vulnerability" "War Banner" "Warlord's Mark" "Whirling Blades" "Wither" "Withering Step" "Withering Touch Support" "Wrath" "Zealotry" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 20 240 240 255 SetBorderColor 240 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 70 0 20 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle Show # $type->gems-exceptional $tier->2123any Quality >= 23 GemLevel >= 21 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 20 240 240 255 SetBorderColor 240 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 70 0 20 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle Show # $type->gems-exceptional $tier->vaal20 Quality >= 20 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType == "Vaal Arc" "Vaal Arctic Armour" "Vaal Blade Vortex" "Vaal Blight" "Vaal Breach" "Vaal Burning Arrow" "Vaal Caustic Arrow" "Vaal Clarity" "Vaal Discipline" "Vaal Domination" "Vaal Double Strike" "Vaal Earthquake" "Vaal Firestorm" "Vaal Haste" "Vaal Ice Shot" "Vaal Lightning Arrow" "Vaal Molten Shell" "Vaal Reave" "Vaal Rejuvenation Totem" "Vaal Smite" "Vaal Spark" "Vaal Storm Call" "Vaal Summon Skeletons" "Vaal Venom Gyre" "Vaal Volcanic Fissure" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 20 240 240 255 SetBorderColor 240 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 70 0 20 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle #------------------------------------ # [2802] Exceptional Gems - Special gems #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c8.gems.empowerclass : "Gem Rules - Empower Class" Show # $type->gems-special $tier->exspeciale4 GemLevel >= 4 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType == "Empower Support" "Enhance Support" "Enlighten Support" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 125 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 125 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->gems-special $tier->exspeciale3 Corrupted False GemLevel >= 2 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType == "Empower Support" "Enhance Support" "Enlighten Support" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 125 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 125 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->gems-special $tier->specialworlddrops Corrupted False Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType == "Enlighten Support" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 125 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 125 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->gems-special $tier->exspecial Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType == "Empower Support" "Enhance Support" "Enlighten Support" "Item Quantity Support" "Vaal Breach" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 20 240 240 255 SetBorderColor 240 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 70 0 20 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle Show # $type->gems-special $tier->ex6lvlgems GemLevel >= 6 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType == "Blood and Sand" "Brand Recall" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 20 240 240 255 SetBorderColor 20 240 240 255 SetBackgroundColor 6 0 60 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle Show # $type->gems-special $tier->exportal Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType == "Portal" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 20 240 240 255 SetBorderColor 20 240 240 255 SetBackgroundColor 6 0 60 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle #------------------------------------ # [2803] High Quality and Leveled Gems #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c8.gems.qualityandlevel : "Gem Rules - Quality and Leveled versions" Show # $type->gems-generic $tier->lt1 GemLevel >= 21 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 20 240 240 255 SetBorderColor 20 240 240 255 SetBackgroundColor 6 0 60 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle Show # $type->gems-generic $tier->qt1 Quality >= 23 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 20 240 240 255 SetBorderColor 20 240 240 255 SetBackgroundColor 6 0 60 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle #Show # $type->gems-generic $tier->plusonegemcold # Quality >= 5 # Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" # BaseType == "Added Cold Damage Support" "Arctic Armour" "Bonechill Support" "Cold Penetration Support" "Cold Snap" "Cold to Fire Support" "Creeping Frost" "Discharge" "Elemental Hit" "Elemental Proliferation Support" "Explosive Concoction" "Eye of Winter" "Freezing Pulse" "Frigid Bond Support" "Frost Blades" "Frost Bomb" "Frost Shield" "Frost Wall" "Frostbite" "Frostblink" "Frostbolt" "Frozen Legion" "Glacial Cascade" "Glacial Hammer" "Glacial Shield Swipe" "Hatred" "Herald of Ice" "Hydrosphere" "Hypothermia Support" "Ice Bite Support" "Ice Crash" "Ice Nova" "Ice Shot" "Ice Spear" "Ice Trap" "Icicle Mine" "Prismatic Burst Support" "Purity of Ice" "Siphoning Trap" "Summon Ice Golem" "Summon Skitterbots" "Vaal Arctic Armour" "Vaal Cold Snap" "Vaal Glacial Hammer" "Vaal Ice Nova" "Vaal Ice Shot" "Vaal Impurity of Ice" "Vortex" "Wild Strike" "Winter Orb" "Wintertide Brand" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 30 190 190 255 # SetBorderColor 74 230 58 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Grey # MinimapIcon 1 Green Triangle #Show # $type->gems-generic $tier->plusonegemfire # Quality >= 5 # Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" # BaseType == "Added Fire Damage Support" "Alchemist's Mark" "Anger" "Armageddon Brand" "Artillery Ballista" "Blast Rain" "Blazing Salvo" "Bodyswap" "Burning Arrow" "Burning Damage Support" "Cold to Fire Support" "Combustion Support" "Consecrated Path" "Controlled Blaze Support" "Cremation" "Detonate Dead" "Discharge" "Elemental Hit" "Elemental Proliferation Support" "Explosive Arrow" "Explosive Concoction" "Explosive Trap" "Fire Penetration Support" "Fireball" "Firestorm" "Flame Dash" "Flame Link" "Flame Surge" "Flame Wall" "Flameblast" "Flamethrower Trap" "Flamewood Support" "Flammability" "Herald of Ash" "Holy Flame Totem" "Ignite Proliferation Support" "Immolate Support" "Incinerate" "Infernal Blow" "Infernal Cry" "Infernal Legion Support" "Molten Shell" "Molten Strike" "Prismatic Burst Support" "Purifying Flame" "Purity of Fire" "Pyroclast Mine" "Righteous Fire" "Rolling Magma" "Scorching Ray" "Searing Bond" "Summon Flame Golem" "Summon Raging Spirit" "Tectonic Slam" "Vaal Burning Arrow" "Vaal Fireball" "Vaal Firestorm" "Vaal Flameblast" "Vaal Impurity of Fire" "Vaal Molten Shell" "Vaal Molten Strike" "Vaal Righteous Fire" "Vaal Volcanic Fissure" "Volatile Dead" "Volcanic Fissure" "Wave of Conviction" "Wild Strike" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 30 190 190 255 # SetBorderColor 74 230 58 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Grey # MinimapIcon 1 Green Triangle #Show # $type->gems-generic $tier->plusonegemlight # Quality >= 5 # Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" # BaseType == "Absolution" "Added Lightning Damage Support" "Arc" "Arcane Cloak" "Archmage Support" "Ball Lightning" "Charged Dash" "Conductivity" "Crackling Lance" "Discharge" "Divine Ire" "Divine Retribution" "Elemental Hit" "Elemental Proliferation Support" "Energy Blade" "Explosive Concoction" "Galvanic Arrow" "Galvanic Field" "Herald of Thunder" "Hydrosphere" "Innervate Support" "Lightning Arrow" "Lightning Conduit" "Lightning Penetration Support" "Lightning Spire Trap" "Lightning Strike" "Lightning Tendrils" "Lightning Trap" "Lightning Warp" "Manabond" "Orb of Storms" "Overcharge Support" "Penance Brand" "Physical to Lightning Support" "Prismatic Burst Support" "Purity of Lightning" "Shock Nova" "Sigil of Power" "Smite" "Spark" "Static Strike" "Storm Brand" "Storm Burst" "Storm Call" "Storm Rain" "Stormbind" "Stormblast Mine" "Summon Lightning Golem" "Summon Skitterbots" "Tempest Shield" "Vaal Absolution" "Vaal Arc" "Vaal Impurity of Lightning" "Vaal Lightning Arrow" "Vaal Lightning Strike" "Vaal Lightning Trap" "Vaal Lightning Warp" "Vaal Smite" "Vaal Spark" "Vaal Storm Call" "Voltaxic Burst" "Wave of Conviction" "Wild Strike" "Wrath" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 30 190 190 255 # SetBorderColor 74 230 58 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Grey # MinimapIcon 1 Green Triangle #Show # $type->gems-generic $tier->plusonegemchaos # Quality >= 5 # Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" # BaseType == "Added Chaos Damage Support" "Alchemist's Mark" "Bane" "Blight" "Caustic Arrow" "Chance to Poison Support" "Cobra Lash" "Contagion" "Dark Pact" "Decay Support" "Desecrate" "Despair" "Essence Drain" "Forbidden Rite" "Herald of Agony" "Hexblast" "Impending Doom Support" "Pestilent Strike" "Plague Bearer" "Poisonous Concoction" "Sacrifice Support" "Scourge Arrow" "Summon Chaos Golem" "Toxic Rain" "Vaal Blight" "Vaal Caustic Arrow" "Vaal Venom Gyre" "Venom Gyre" "Vicious Projectiles Support" "Viper Strike" "Void Manipulation Support" "Void Sphere" "Voltaxic Burst" "Wither" "Withering Step" "Withering Touch Support" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 30 190 190 255 # SetBorderColor 74 230 58 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Grey # MinimapIcon 1 Green Triangle #Show # $type->gems-generic $tier->plusonegemphys # Quality >= 5 # Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" # BaseType == "Absolution" "Added Fire Damage Support" "Animate Weapon" "Bear Trap" "Blade Blast" "Bladefall" "Blood Rage" "Bloodlust Support" "Bloodthirst Support" "Boneshatter" "Brutality Support" "Chance to Bleed Support" "Corrupting Cry Support" "Corrupting Fever" "Determination" "Divine Ire" "Divine Retribution" "Double Strike" "Ethereal Knives" "Eviscerate" "Explosive Trap" "Exsanguinate" "Flesh and Stone" "Glacial Cascade" "Glacial Shield Swipe" "Herald of Agony" "Herald of Purity" "Holy Flame Totem" "Hydrosphere" "Impale Support" "Intimidating Cry" "Iron Grip Support" "Lacerate" "Lancing Steel" "Maim Support" "Melee Physical Damage Support" "Molten Shell" "Penance Brand" "Phase Run" "Physical to Lightning Support" "Pride" "Puncture" "Punishment" "Purifying Flame" "Reap" "Rupture Support" "Seismic Trap" "Shattering Steel" "Shield Charge" "Shield Crush" "Shockwave Totem" "Snipe" "Spectral Shield Throw" "Splitting Steel" "Storm Burst" "Summon Carrion Golem" "Summon Reaper" "Summon Stone Golem" "Tornado" "Trauma Support" "Unearth" "Vaal Absolution" "Vaal Animate Weapon" "Vaal Blade Vortex" "Vaal Double Strike" "Vaal Molten Shell" "Vaal Reap" "Vicious Projectiles Support" "Void Sphere" "Vulnerability" "War Banner" "Wave of Conviction" "Withering Touch Support" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 30 190 190 255 # SetBorderColor 74 230 58 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Grey # MinimapIcon 1 Green Triangle #Show # $type->gems-generic $tier->plusonegemminion # Quality >= 5 # Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" # BaseType == "Absolution" "Animate Guardian" "Animate Weapon" "Blink Arrow" "Bone Offering" "Convocation" "Dark Pact" "Dominating Blow" "Elemental Army Support" "Feeding Frenzy Support" "Flesh Offering" "Fresh Meat Support" "Guardian's Blessing Support" "Herald of Agony" "Herald of Purity" "Infernal Legion Support" "Meat Shield Support" "Minion Damage Support" "Minion Life Support" "Minion Speed Support" "Mirror Arrow" "Predator Support" "Raise Spectre" "Raise Zombie" "Spirit Offering" "Summon Carrion Golem" "Summon Chaos Golem" "Summon Flame Golem" "Summon Holy Relic" "Summon Ice Golem" "Summon Lightning Golem" "Summon Phantasm Support" "Summon Raging Spirit" "Summon Reaper" "Summon Skeletons" "Summon Skitterbots" "Summon Stone Golem" "Vaal Summon Skeletons" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 30 190 190 255 # SetBorderColor 74 230 58 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Grey # MinimapIcon 1 Green Triangle Show # $type->gems-generic $tier->decogemsvaalbgdrop Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType "Vaal" SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 55 0 0 255 Continue Show # %D5 $type->gems-generic $tier->qt2 Quality >= 20 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 20 240 240 255 SetBorderColor 20 240 240 255 SetBackgroundColor 6 0 60 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle Show # %D5 $type->gems-generic $tier->lt2 GemLevel >= 20 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 30 190 190 255 SetBorderColor 30 190 190 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 1 White Triangle Show # %D4 $type->gems-generic $tier->qt3 Quality >= 14 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 30 190 190 255 SetBorderColor 30 190 190 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 1 White Triangle Show # %D3 $type->gems-generic $tier->lt3 GemLevel >= 18 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 30 190 190 255 SetBorderColor 40 130 130 255 PlayEffect Grey Temp MinimapIcon 1 Grey Triangle Show # %D4 $type->gems-generic $tier->qt4lvl Quality >= 1 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 30 190 190 255 SetBorderColor 30 190 190 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 1 White Triangle Show # %D3 $type->gems-generic $tier->qt4 Quality >= 1 Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 30 190 190 255 SetBorderColor 40 130 130 255 PlayEffect Grey Temp MinimapIcon 1 Grey Triangle #Show # %D0 $type->gems-generic $tier->lt4 # GemLevel >= 2 # Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 30 190 190 255 # SetBorderColor 40 130 130 255 # PlayEffect Grey Temp # MinimapIcon 1 Grey Triangle # !! Waypoint c8.gems.low : "Gem Rules - First Zones, Leveling, Vaal" Show # $type->gems-generic $tier->firstzone Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" AreaLevel 1 SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 Show # %H4 $type->gems-generic $tier->levelingvaal Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType "Vaal" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 55 0 0 255 MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle Show # %H2 $type->gems-generic $tier->leveling Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 Show # %D3 $type->gems-generic $tier->corruptedvaalany Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" BaseType "Vaal" SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 55 0 0 255 Show # %H0 $type->gems-generic $tier->any Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" SetFontSize 30 SetTextColor 40 130 130 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 #=============================================================================================================== # [[2900]] REPLICA UNIQUES #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c9.replicas.all : "Tierlists - Replicas" Show # $type->uniques->replicas $tier->t1 Replica True Rarity Unique BaseType == "Blood Raiment" "Chain Belt" "Ebony Tower Shield" "Great Crown" "Imperial Bow" "Leather Belt" "Maelström Staff" "Ornate Quiver" "Relic Chambers Map" "Soldier Boots" "Synthesised Map" "Terror Maul" "Triumphant Lamellar" "Turquoise Amulet" "Vaal Gauntlets" "Void Sceptre" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->uniques->replicas $tier->t2 Replica True Rarity Unique BaseType == "Assassin's Boots" "Carnal Armour" "Cloth Belt" "Death Bow" "Elegant Ringmail" "Eternal Sword" "Ezomyte Axe" "Ezomyte Burgonet" "Ezomyte Dagger" "Glorious Plate" "Granite Flask" "Great Mallet" "Heavy Belt" "Lacquered Buckler" "Leather Hood" "Onyx Amulet" "Opal Wand" "Ornate Mace" "Paua Amulet" "Ruby Ring" "Siege Axe" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Spidersilk Robe" "Stibnite Flask" "Temple Map" "Titan Greaves" "Tornado Wand" "Vaal Claw" "Vaal Rapier" "Zealot Gloves" "Zodiac Leather" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Star #Show # $type->uniques->replicas $tier->multi # Replica True # Rarity Unique # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Blue # MinimapIcon 1 Blue Star Show # $type->uniques->replicas $tier->t3 Replica True Rarity Unique BaseType == "Arcanist Gloves" "Arcanist Slippers" "Boot Knife" "Bronzescale Boots" "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Crusader Chainmail" "Decimation Bow" "Dunes Map" "Elder Sword" "Engraved Wand" "Festival Mask" "Gnarled Branch" "Gold Amulet" "Great Helmet" "Grinning Fetish" "Gut Ripper" "Infernal Sword" "Jade Amulet" "Jasper Chopper" "Laminated Kite Shield" "Murder Boots" "Nailed Fist" "Paua Ring" "Royal Skean" "Rustic Sash" "Sage Wand" "Samite Gloves" "Sanctified Mana Flask" "Sapphire Ring" "Satin Gloves" "Shadow Sceptre" "Shagreen Boots" "Short Bow" "Silk Slippers" "Sinner Tricorne" "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" "Stiletto" "Sulphur Flask" "Unset Ring" "Viridian Jewel" "War Sword" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 White Star Show # $type->uniques->replicas $tier->restex Replica True Rarity Unique SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #=============================================================================================================== # [[3000]] Special Maps #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c9.maps.all : "Maps - All" #------------------------------------ # [3001] Unique Maps #------------------------------------ Show # $type->uniques->maps $tier->exharbinger MapTier 16 Rarity Unique Class == "Maps" BaseType == "Harbinger Map" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star # !! Waypoint c9.maps.unique.all : "Maps - Unique Tierlists" Show # $type->uniques->maps $tier->t1 Rarity Unique Class == "Maps" BaseType == "Maze Map" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->uniques->maps $tier->t2 Rarity Unique Class == "Maps" BaseType == "Courtyard Map" "Cursed Crypt Map" "Harbinger Map" "Moon Temple Map" "Museum Map" "Synthesised Map" "Vaal Pyramid Map" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Star Show # %H5 $type->uniques->maps $tier->t3 Rarity Unique Class == "Maps" BaseType == "Necropolis Map" "Temple Map" "Underground River Map" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Brown MinimapIcon 1 Brown Star Show # %H4 $type->uniques->maps $tier->t4 Rarity Unique Class == "Maps" BaseType == "Atoll Map" "Bone Crypt Map" "Cemetery Map" "Dunes Map" "Overgrown Shrine Map" "Promenade Map" "Shore Map" "Strand Map" "Underground Sea Map" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Brown MinimapIcon 2 Brown Star Show # $type->uniques->maps $tier->restex Rarity Unique Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #------------------------------------ # [3002] T17 #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c9.maps.special.t17 : "Maps - T17 purple tier maps" Show # $type->maps->t17uber $tier->any MapTier >= 17 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 100 0 122 255 SetBorderColor 100 0 122 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Square #------------------------------------ # [3003] Blighted maps #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c9.maps.special.all : "Maps - Blighted, Enchanted, Delirium maps" Show # $type->maps->blighted $tier->uber UberBlightedMap True Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 145 30 220 255 SetBorderColor 145 30 220 255 SetBackgroundColor 235 220 245 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 0 Purple Square Show # $type->maps->blighted $tier->t1 BlightedMap True MapTier >= 13 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 145 30 220 255 SetBorderColor 145 30 220 255 SetBackgroundColor 235 220 245 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 0 Purple Square Show # %H5 $type->maps->blighted $tier->any BlightedMap True Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 145 30 220 255 SetBorderColor 145 30 220 255 SetBackgroundColor 200 200 200 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Square #------------------------------------ # [3004] Special Maps #------------------------------------ Show # $type->maps->vaaltemple $tier->any MapTier >= 16 Class == "Maps" BaseType == "Vaal Temple Map" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 100 0 122 255 SetBorderColor 100 0 122 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Square Show # $type->maps->corruptedspecial $tier->mod8 Corrupted True Identified True Class == "Maps" HasExplicitMod >=8 "a" "e" "i" "o" "u" "y" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 145 30 220 255 SetBorderColor 145 30 220 255 SetBackgroundColor 235 220 245 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 0 Purple Square Show # %D6 $type->maps->enchanted $tier->t1 AnyEnchantment True MapTier >= 14 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 145 30 220 255 SetBorderColor 145 30 220 255 SetBackgroundColor 235 220 245 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 0 Purple Square Show # %D5 $type->maps->enchanted $tier->any AnyEnchantment True Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 145 30 220 255 SetBorderColor 145 30 220 255 SetBackgroundColor 200 200 200 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Purple MinimapIcon 1 Purple Square #Show # $type->maps->corruptedimplicit $tier->t1 # MapTier >= 14 # CorruptedMods >= 1 # Rarity Rare # Class == "Maps" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 145 30 220 255 # SetBorderColor 145 30 220 255 # SetBackgroundColor 235 220 245 255 # PlayAlertSound 5 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 0 Purple Square #Show # $type->maps->corruptedimplicit $tier->any # CorruptedMods >= 1 # Class == "Maps" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 145 30 220 255 # SetBorderColor 145 30 220 255 # SetBackgroundColor 200 200 200 255 # PlayAlertSound 5 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 1 Purple Square #Show # $type->maps->implicitmod $tier->t1 # HasImplicitMod True # MapTier >= 14 # Class == "Maps" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 145 30 220 255 # SetBorderColor 145 30 220 255 # SetBackgroundColor 235 220 245 255 # PlayAlertSound 5 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 0 Purple Square #Show # $type->maps->implicitmod $tier->any # HasImplicitMod True # Class == "Maps" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 145 30 220 255 # SetBorderColor 145 30 220 255 # SetBackgroundColor 200 200 200 255 # PlayAlertSound 5 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 1 Purple Square #=============================================================================================================== # [[3100]] Normal Map Progression #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c9.maps.generic.specialcases : "Maps - generic - optional special cases" #Hide # $type->maphiders $tier->corruptedmaphider # Corrupted True # Rarity Normal Magic # Class == "Maps" # SetFontSize 35 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 #Hide # $type->maphiders $tier->mirroredmaphider # Mirrored True # Rarity Normal Magic # Class == "Maps" # SetFontSize 35 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 #------------------------------------ # [3101] Generic Decorators #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c9.maps.decorators.all : "Maps - decorators" Show # $type->maps $tier->deco_zone1general MapTier >= 14 Class == "Maps" SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 Continue Show # $type->maps $tier->deco_zone2general MapTier >= 11 MapTier <= 13 Class == "Maps" SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 Continue Show # $type->maps $tier->deco_zone3general MapTier >= 6 MapTier <= 10 Class == "Maps" SetBorderColor 200 200 200 255 Continue Show # $type->maps $tier->deco_zone4general MapTier >= 1 MapTier <= 5 Class == "Maps" SetBorderColor 200 200 200 255 Continue Show # $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t16 MapTier >= 16 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 83 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t15 MapTier >= 15 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 82 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t14 MapTier >= 14 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 81 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # %D4 $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t13 MapTier >= 13 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 80 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # %D4 $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t12 MapTier >= 12 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 79 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # %D4 $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t11 MapTier >= 11 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 78 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # %D3 $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t10 MapTier >= 10 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 77 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # %D3 $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t9 MapTier >= 9 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 76 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # %D3 $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t8 MapTier >= 8 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 75 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # %D3 $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t7 MapTier >= 7 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 74 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # %D3 $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t6 MapTier >= 6 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 73 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # %D3 $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t5 MapTier >= 5 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 72 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # %D3 $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t4 MapTier >= 4 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 71 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # %D3 $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t3 MapTier >= 3 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 70 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # %D3 $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t2 MapTier >= 2 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 69 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # %D3 $type->maps $tier->deco_mapup_t1 MapTier >= 1 Class == "Maps" AreaLevel < 68 SetBorderColor 220 50 0 255 Continue Show # $type->maps $tier->decor_implicit HasImplicitMod True Class == "Maps" SetBorderColor 255 180 0 255 Continue Show # $type->maps $tier->deco_corruptedmod CorruptedMods >= 1 Class == "Maps" SetBorderColor 255 180 0 255 Continue #------------------------------------ # [3102] Map progression #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c9.maps.generic.t16 : "Maps - t14-t16 - high reds" Show # $type->maps $tier->maps_a_t16 MapTier >= 16 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 235 235 235 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Red Square Show # $type->maps $tier->maps_a_t15 MapTier 15 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 235 235 235 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Red Square Show # $type->maps $tier->maps_a_t14 MapTier 14 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 235 235 235 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Red Square # !! Waypoint c9.maps.generic.t14 : "Maps - t11-t13 - low reds" Show # %H5 $type->maps $tier->maps_b_t13 MapTier 13 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 200 200 200 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Red Square Show # %H5 $type->maps $tier->maps_b_t12 MapTier 12 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 200 200 200 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Red Square Show # %H5 $type->maps $tier->maps_b_t11 MapTier 11 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 200 200 200 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Red Square # !! Waypoint c9.maps.generic.t10 : "Maps - t6-t10 - yellow maps" Show # %H4 $type->maps $tier->maps_c_t10 MapTier 10 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 4 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Square Show # %H4 $type->maps $tier->maps_c_t9 MapTier 9 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 4 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Square Show # %H4 $type->maps $tier->maps_c_t8 MapTier 8 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 4 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Square Show # %H4 $type->maps $tier->maps_c_t7 MapTier 7 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 4 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Square Show # %H4 $type->maps $tier->maps_c_t6 MapTier 6 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 4 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Square # !! Waypoint c9.maps.generic.t5 : "maps - T1-T5 - white maps" Show # %H4 $type->maps $tier->maps_d_t5 MapTier 5 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 4 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Square Show # %H4 $type->maps $tier->maps_d_t4 MapTier 4 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 4 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Square Show # %H4 $type->maps $tier->maps_d_t3 MapTier 3 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 4 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Square Show # %H4 $type->maps $tier->maps_d_t2 MapTier 2 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 4 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Square Show # %H4 $type->maps $tier->maps_d_t1 MapTier 1 Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 4 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Square Show # $type->maps $tier->restex Class == "Maps" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #=============================================================================================================== # [[3200]] Pseudo-Map-Items #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c9.maplike.all : "Maplike - contracts, logbooks, blueprints, memories" Show # $type->uniques->heist $tier->any Rarity Unique Class == "Blueprints" "Contracts" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Star Show # $type->expedition->logbook $tier->any BaseType == "Expedition Logbook" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 85 85 255 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 255 SetBackgroundColor 40 0 30 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow UpsideDownHouse Show # %H5 $type->heist->contract $tier->handpicked Rarity Normal Magic Rare Class == "Contracts" BaseType == "Contract: Bunker" "Contract: Laboratory" "Contract: Mansion" "Contract: Prohibited Library" "Contract: Records Office" "Contract: Repository" "Contract: Smuggler's Den" "Contract: Tunnels" "Contract: Underbelly" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 220 60 60 255 SetBorderColor 220 60 60 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 4 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White UpsideDownHouse Hide # $type->heist->contract $tier->exhide Class == "Contracts" SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 Show # $type->heist->blueprint $tier->handpicked Class == "Blueprints" BaseType == "Blueprint: Bunker" "Blueprint: Laboratory" "Blueprint: Mansion" "Blueprint: Prohibited Library" "Blueprint: Records Office" "Blueprint: Repository" "Blueprint: Smuggler's Den" "Blueprint: Tunnels" "Blueprint: Underbelly" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 85 85 255 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 255 SetBackgroundColor 40 0 30 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow UpsideDownHouse Show # $type->heist->blueprint $tier->any Class == "Blueprints" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 85 85 255 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 255 SetBackgroundColor 40 0 30 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow UpsideDownHouse Show # $type->exoticmap->memory $tier->t1 Class == "Memories" BaseType == "Alva's Memory" "Einhar's Memory" "Kirac's Memory" "Niko's Memory" HasExplicitMod >=1 "of Harvest Beasts" "of the Sacred Grove" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 240 100 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->exoticmap->memory $tier->any Class == "Memories" BaseType == "Alva's Memory" "Einhar's Memory" "Kirac's Memory" "Niko's Memory" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 85 85 255 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 255 SetBackgroundColor 40 0 30 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow UpsideDownHouse Show # $type->exoticmap->sanctum $tier->ilvl83 ItemLevel >= 83 Class == "Sanctum Research" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 85 85 255 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 255 SetBackgroundColor 40 0 30 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow UpsideDownHouse Show # $type->exoticmap->sanctum $tier->any Class == "Sanctum Research" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 85 85 255 SetBorderColor 255 85 85 255 SetBackgroundColor 40 0 30 255 PlayAlertSound 5 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow UpsideDownHouse #=============================================================================================================== # [[3300]] Fragments #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c9.fragments.all : "Tierlist - Fragments" #------------------------------------ # [3301] Exceptions #------------------------------------ Show # %DS3 $type->fragments->stacked $tier->t3 StackSize >= 3 Class == "Map Fragments" BaseType == "Divine Vessel" "Sacrifice at Dawn" "Sacrifice at Dusk" "Sacrifice at Midnight" "Sacrifice at Noon" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 180 0 255 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Hexagon Show # $type->fragments->stackedscarabs $tier->t3 StackSize >= 3 Class == "Map Fragments" BaseType == "Abyss Scarab" "Abyss Scarab of Edifice" "Abyss Scarab of Emptiness" "Abyss Scarab of Multitudes" "Abyss Scarab of Profound Depth" "Ambush Scarab of Hidden Compartments" "Ambush Scarab of Potency" "Anarchy Scarab" "Anarchy Scarab of Gigantification" "Anarchy Scarab of Partnership" "Bestiary Scarab" "Bestiary Scarab of Duplicating" "Bestiary Scarab of the Herd" "Betrayal Scarab" "Betrayal Scarab of Intelligence" "Betrayal Scarab of Perpetuation" "Betrayal Scarab of Reinforcements" "Beyond Scarab" "Beyond Scarab of Corruption" "Beyond Scarab of Haemophilia" "Beyond Scarab of Resurgence" "Beyond Scarab of the Invasion" "Blight Scarab" "Blight Scarab of Invigoration" "Blight Scarab of the Blightheart" "Breach Scarab" "Breach Scarab of Lordship" "Breach Scarab of Snares" "Breach Scarab of Splintering" "Cartography Scarab of Escalation" "Cartography Scarab of Risk" "Delirium Scarab" "Delirium Scarab of Delusions" "Delirium Scarab of Mania" "Delirium Scarab of Neuroses" "Delirium Scarab of Paranoia" "Divination Scarab of Plenty" "Domination Scarab" "Domination Scarab of Apparitions" "Domination Scarab of Evolution" "Essence Scarab" "Essence Scarab of Adaptation" "Essence Scarab of Ascent" "Essence Scarab of Stability" "Expedition Scarab" "Expedition Scarab of Archaeology" "Expedition Scarab of Runefinding" "Expedition Scarab of Verisium Powder" "Harbinger Scarab" "Harbinger Scarab of Obelisks" "Harvest Scarab" "Horned Scarab of Tradition" "Incursion Scarab" "Incursion Scarab of Champions" "Incursion Scarab of Invasion" "Influencing Scarab of Conversion" "Influencing Scarab of Hordes" "Influencing Scarab of the Elder" "Influencing Scarab of the Shaper" "Legion Scarab" "Legion Scarab of Command" "Legion Scarab of Officers" "Legion Scarab of The Sekhema" "Ritual Scarab of Selectiveness" "Ritual Scarab of Wisps" "Scarab of Adversaries" "Scarab of Bisection" "Scarab of Divinity" "Scarab of Hunted Traitors" "Scarab of Monstrous Lineage" "Scarab of Radiant Storms" "Scarab of Stability" "Scarab of Wisps" "Sulphite Scarab" "Sulphite Scarab of Fumes" "Titanic Scarab" "Titanic Scarab of Legend" "Titanic Scarab of Treasures" "Torment Scarab" "Torment Scarab of Peculiarity" "Torment Scarab of Possession" "Torment Scarab of Release" "Ultimatum Scarab" "Ultimatum Scarab of Bribing" "Ultimatum Scarab of Inscription" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 180 0 255 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Hexagon #------------------------------------ # [3302] Scarabs #------------------------------------ Show # $type->fragments->scarabs $tier->t1 Class == "Map Fragments" BaseType == "Ambush Scarab of Containment" "Bestiary Scarab of the Shadowed Crow" "Breach Scarab of the Dreamer" "Horned Scarab of Awakening" "Horned Scarab of Bloodlines" "Horned Scarab of Glittering" "Horned Scarab of Pandemonium" "Horned Scarab of Preservation" "Ultimatum Scarab of Catalysing" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 180 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 180 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->fragments->scarabs $tier->t2 Class == "Map Fragments" BaseType == "Ambush Scarab of Discernment" "Cartography Scarab of Singularity" "Domination Scarab of Terrors" "Essence Scarab of Calcification" "Harvest Scarab of Cornucopia" "Harvest Scarab of Doubling" "Incursion Scarab of Timelines" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 180 0 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Hexagon Show # $type->fragments->scarabs $tier->t3 Class == "Map Fragments" BaseType == "Ambush Scarab" "Blight Scarab of Blooming" "Blight Scarab of Bounty" "Breach Scarab of Resonant Cascade" "Cartography Scarab of Corruption" "Cartography Scarab of the Multitude" "Divination Scarab of Pilfering" "Divination Scarab of The Cloister" "Expedition Scarab of the Skald" "Harbinger Scarab of Regency" "Harbinger Scarab of Warhoards" "Horned Scarab of Nemeses" "Legion Scarab of Eternal Conflict" "Ritual Scarab of Abundance" "Sulphite Scarab of Greed" "Ultimatum Scarab of Dueling" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 180 0 255 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Hexagon Show # %H5 $type->fragments->scarabs $tier->t4 Class == "Map Fragments" BaseType == "Bestiary Scarab of Duplicating" "Betrayal Scarab of Perpetuation" "Breach Scarab of Snares" "Cartography Scarab of Risk" "Delirium Scarab of Paranoia" "Essence Scarab of Adaptation" "Harbinger Scarab" "Scarab of Wisps" "Titanic Scarab of Legend" "Titanic Scarab of Treasures" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 120 230 240 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Hexagon Show # %HS4 $type->fragments->scarabs $tier->t5 Class == "Map Fragments" BaseType == "Abyss Scarab" "Abyss Scarab of Edifice" "Abyss Scarab of Emptiness" "Abyss Scarab of Multitudes" "Abyss Scarab of Profound Depth" "Ambush Scarab of Hidden Compartments" "Ambush Scarab of Potency" "Anarchy Scarab" "Anarchy Scarab of Gigantification" "Anarchy Scarab of Partnership" "Bestiary Scarab" "Bestiary Scarab of the Herd" "Betrayal Scarab" "Betrayal Scarab of Intelligence" "Betrayal Scarab of Reinforcements" "Beyond Scarab" "Beyond Scarab of Corruption" "Beyond Scarab of Haemophilia" "Beyond Scarab of Resurgence" "Beyond Scarab of the Invasion" "Blight Scarab" "Blight Scarab of Invigoration" "Blight Scarab of the Blightheart" "Breach Scarab" "Breach Scarab of Lordship" "Breach Scarab of Splintering" "Cartography Scarab of Escalation" "Delirium Scarab" "Delirium Scarab of Delusions" "Delirium Scarab of Mania" "Delirium Scarab of Neuroses" "Divination Scarab of Plenty" "Domination Scarab" "Domination Scarab of Apparitions" "Domination Scarab of Evolution" "Essence Scarab" "Essence Scarab of Ascent" "Essence Scarab of Stability" "Expedition Scarab" "Expedition Scarab of Archaeology" "Expedition Scarab of Runefinding" "Expedition Scarab of Verisium Powder" "Harbinger Scarab of Obelisks" "Harvest Scarab" "Horned Scarab of Tradition" "Incursion Scarab" "Incursion Scarab of Champions" "Incursion Scarab of Invasion" "Influencing Scarab of Conversion" "Influencing Scarab of Hordes" "Influencing Scarab of the Elder" "Influencing Scarab of the Shaper" "Legion Scarab" "Legion Scarab of Command" "Legion Scarab of Officers" "Legion Scarab of The Sekhema" "Ritual Scarab of Selectiveness" "Ritual Scarab of Wisps" "Scarab of Adversaries" "Scarab of Bisection" "Scarab of Divinity" "Scarab of Hunted Traitors" "Scarab of Monstrous Lineage" "Scarab of Radiant Storms" "Scarab of Stability" "Sulphite Scarab" "Sulphite Scarab of Fumes" "Titanic Scarab" "Torment Scarab" "Torment Scarab of Peculiarity" "Torment Scarab of Possession" "Torment Scarab of Release" "Ultimatum Scarab" "Ultimatum Scarab of Bribing" "Ultimatum Scarab of Inscription" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 120 230 240 SetBorderColor 175 120 230 240 PlayEffect Grey Temp MinimapIcon 2 White Hexagon #Show # %HS3 $type->fragments->scarabs $tier->t6 # Class == "Map Fragments" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 175 120 230 240 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 Show # $type->fragments->scarabs $tier->restex Class == "Map Fragments" BaseType "Scarab" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #------------------------------------ # [3303] Regular Fragment Tiering #------------------------------------ Show # $type->fragments $tier->t1 Class == "Map Fragments" BaseType == "An Audience With The King" "Dedication to the Goddess" "Gift to the Goddess" "Sacred Blossom" "The Maven's Writ" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 180 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 180 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->fragments $tier->t2 Class == "Map Fragments" BaseType == "Al-Hezmin's Crest" "Awakening Fragment" "Baran's Crest" "Blazing Fragment" "Cosmic Fragment" "Decaying Fragment" "Devouring Fragment" "Drox's Crest" "Fragment of Constriction" "Fragment of Emptiness" "Fragment of Enslavement" "Fragment of Eradication" "Fragment of Knowledge" "Fragment of Purification" "Fragment of Shape" "Fragment of Terror" "Mortal Ignorance" "Reality Fragment" "Simulacrum" "Synthesising Fragment" "Tribute to the Goddess" "Unrelenting Timeless Eternal Emblem" "Unrelenting Timeless Karui Emblem" "Unrelenting Timeless Maraketh Emblem" "Unrelenting Timeless Templar Emblem" "Unrelenting Timeless Vaal Emblem" "Veritania's Crest" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 180 0 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Hexagon Show # $type->fragments $tier->t4 Class == "Map Fragments" BaseType == "Blood-filled Vessel" "Fragment of the Chimera" "Fragment of the Hydra" "Fragment of the Minotaur" "Fragment of the Phoenix" "Mortal Grief" "Mortal Hope" "Mortal Rage" "Offering to the Goddess" "Timeless Eternal Emblem" "Timeless Karui Emblem" "Timeless Maraketh Emblem" "Timeless Templar Emblem" "Timeless Vaal Emblem" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 120 230 240 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Hexagon Show # %HS3 $type->fragments $tier->t5 Class == "Map Fragments" BaseType == "Divine Vessel" "Sacrifice at Dawn" "Sacrifice at Dusk" "Sacrifice at Midnight" "Sacrifice at Noon" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 120 230 240 SetBorderColor 175 120 230 240 PlayEffect Grey Temp MinimapIcon 2 White Hexagon Show # $type->fragments $tier->restex Class == "Map Fragments" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle Show # $type->breachstone $tier->t1 Class == "Breachstones" BaseType == "Chayula's Breachstone" "Chayula's Flawless Breachstone" "Esh's Flawless Breachstone" "Tul's Flawless Breachstone" "Uul-Netol's Flawless Breachstone" "Xoph's Flawless Breachstone" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 180 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 180 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->breachstone $tier->t2 Class == "Breachstones" BaseType == "Uul-Netol's Breachstone" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 180 0 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Hexagon Show # $type->breachstone $tier->t3 Class == "Breachstones" BaseType == "Esh's Breachstone" "Tul's Breachstone" "Xoph's Breachstone" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 180 0 255 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Hexagon Show # $type->breachstone $tier->restex Class == "Breachstones" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #=============================================================================================================== # [[3400]] Currency - Exceptions - Leveling Currencies #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c9.currency.leveling.all : "Tierlist - Currency - Leveling Stacked Currency" Show # %D4 $type->currency->levelingstacked $tier->chance StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Chromatic Orb" "Orb of Alteration" "Orb of Chance" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # %D4 $type->currency->levelingstacked $tier->trans StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Orb of Transmutation" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # %D4 $type->currency->levelingstacked $tier->aug StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Armourer's Scrap" "Orb of Augmentation" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 190 178 135 255 SetBorderColor 190 178 135 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %D4 $type->currency->levelingstacked $tier->portal StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Portal Scroll" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 60 100 200 255 SetBackgroundColor 5 8 40 255 Show # %D4 $type->currency->levelingstacked $tier->wisdom StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Scroll of Wisdom" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 200 100 60 255 SetBackgroundColor 30 5 5 255 # !! Waypoint c9.currency.leveling.nonstacked : "Tierlist - Currency - Leveling Currency" Show # %D5 $type->currency->leveling $tier->binding Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Orb of Binding" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # %D5 $type->currency->leveling $tier->essences Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Muttering Essence of" "Wailing Essence of" "Weeping Essence of" "Whispering Essence of" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 213 159 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # %D4 $type->currency->leveling $tier->chance Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Chromatic Orb" "Orb of Alteration" "Orb of Chance" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # %D4 $type->currency->leveling $tier->trans Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Orb of Transmutation" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 190 178 135 255 SetBorderColor 190 178 135 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # %D4 $type->currency->leveling $tier->aug Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Armourer's Scrap" "Orb of Augmentation" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 170 158 130 255 SetBorderColor 170 158 130 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %D3 $type->currency->leveling $tier->portal Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Portal Scroll" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 30 50 100 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %D3 $type->currency->leveling $tier->wisdom Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Scroll of Wisdom" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 100 50 30 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 #=============================================================================================================== # [[3500]] Currency - Exceptions - Stacked Currency #=============================================================================================================== #------------------------------------ # [3501] Supplies: High Stacking #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c9.currency.stacked.all : "Tierlist - Currency - Endgame Stacked" Show # %DS4 $type->currency->stackedsupplieshigh $tier->t1 StackSize >= 10 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Orb of Transmutation" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 213 159 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %DS3 $type->currency->stackedsupplieshigh $tier->t2 StackSize >= 5 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Orb of Transmutation" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 Show # %D2 $type->currency->stackedsupplieshigh $tier->t3 StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Orb of Transmutation" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 #------------------------------------ # [3502] Supplies: Low Stacking #------------------------------------ Show # %DS4 $type->currency->stackedsupplieslow $tier->t1 StackSize >= 10 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Orb of Augmentation" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # %DS3 $type->currency->stackedsupplieslow $tier->t2 StackSize >= 5 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Orb of Augmentation" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 Show # %D2 $type->currency->stackedsupplieslow $tier->t3 StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Orb of Augmentation" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 190 178 135 255 SetBorderColor 190 178 135 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 #------------------------------------ # [3503] Supplies: Portal Stacking #------------------------------------ Show # %DS4 $type->currency->stackedsuppliesportal $tier->t1 StackSize >= 10 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Portal Scroll" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 60 100 200 255 SetBackgroundColor 5 8 40 255 Show # %D3 $type->currency->stackedsuppliesportal $tier->t2 StackSize >= 5 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Portal Scroll" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 60 100 200 255 SetBackgroundColor 5 8 40 255 Show # %D2 $type->currency->stackedsuppliesportal $tier->t3 StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Portal Scroll" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 30 50 100 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 #------------------------------------ # [3504] Supplies: Wisdom Stacking #------------------------------------ Show # %DS4 $type->currency->stackedsupplieswisdom $tier->t1 StackSize >= 10 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Scroll of Wisdom" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 200 100 60 255 SetBackgroundColor 30 5 5 255 Show # %D3 $type->currency->stackedsupplieswisdom $tier->t2 StackSize >= 5 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Scroll of Wisdom" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 200 100 60 255 SetBackgroundColor 30 5 5 255 Show # %D2 $type->currency->stackedsupplieswisdom $tier->t3 StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Scroll of Wisdom" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 100 50 30 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 #------------------------------------ # [3505] Stacked Currencies: 6x #------------------------------------ Show # %D9 $type->currency->stackedsix $tier->t1 StackSize >= 6 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Fracturing Shard" "Prismatic Catalyst" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # %D8 $type->currency->stackedsix $tier->t2 StackSize >= 6 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Ancient Orb" "Chaos Orb" "Exotic Coinage" "Fertile Catalyst" "Grand Eldritch Ember" "Grand Eldritch Ichor" "Orb of Annulment" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle Show # %D7 $type->currency->stackedsix $tier->t3 StackSize >= 6 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Accelerating Catalyst" "Burial Medallion" "Cartographer's Chisel" "Exalted Shard" "Gemcutter's Prism" "Greater Eldritch Ember" "Harbinger's Orb" "Intrinsic Catalyst" "Stacked Deck" "Tempering Catalyst" "Turbulent Catalyst" "Unstable Catalyst" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle Show # %D6 $type->currency->stackedsix $tier->t4 StackSize >= 6 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Abrasive Catalyst" "Ancient Shard" "Annulment Shard" "Astragali" "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Blessed Orb" "Engineer's Orb" "Enkindling Orb" "Glassblower's Bauble" "Greater Eldritch Ichor" "Imbued Catalyst" "Lesser Eldritch Ember" "Lesser Eldritch Ichor" "Noxious Catalyst" "Orb of Alteration" "Orb of Horizons" "Orb of Regret" "Orb of Scouring" "Orb of Unmaking" "Regal Orb" "Scrap Metal" "Vaal Orb" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %DS4 $type->currency->stackedsix $tier->t5 StackSize >= 6 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Armourer's Scrap" "Chaos Shard" "Chromatic Orb" "Harbinger's Shard" "Instilling Orb" "Jeweller's Orb" "Orb of Alchemy" "Orb of Binding" "Orb of Chance" "Orb of Fusing" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 213 159 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %DS3 $type->currency->stackedsix $tier->t6 StackSize >= 6 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Regal Shard" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # %DS2 $type->currency->stackedsix $tier->t7 StackSize >= 6 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Horizon Shard" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 #------------------------------------ # [3506] Stacked Currencies: 3x #------------------------------------ Show # %D9 $type->currency->stackedthree $tier->t1 StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Fracturing Shard" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # %D8 $type->currency->stackedthree $tier->t2 StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Ancient Orb" "Fertile Catalyst" "Grand Eldritch Ember" "Prismatic Catalyst" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle Show # %D7 $type->currency->stackedthree $tier->t3 StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Burial Medallion" "Chaos Orb" "Exotic Coinage" "Grand Eldritch Ichor" "Orb of Annulment" "Stacked Deck" "Tempering Catalyst" "Unstable Catalyst" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle Show # %D6 $type->currency->stackedthree $tier->t4 StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Abrasive Catalyst" "Accelerating Catalyst" "Ancient Shard" "Cartographer's Chisel" "Engineer's Orb" "Enkindling Orb" "Exalted Shard" "Gemcutter's Prism" "Glassblower's Bauble" "Greater Eldritch Ember" "Greater Eldritch Ichor" "Harbinger's Orb" "Imbued Catalyst" "Intrinsic Catalyst" "Noxious Catalyst" "Regal Orb" "Scrap Metal" "Turbulent Catalyst" "Vaal Orb" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %DS4 $type->currency->stackedthree $tier->t5 StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Annulment Shard" "Astragali" "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Blessed Orb" "Chaos Shard" "Instilling Orb" "Jeweller's Orb" "Lesser Eldritch Ember" "Lesser Eldritch Ichor" "Orb of Alchemy" "Orb of Alteration" "Orb of Horizons" "Orb of Regret" "Orb of Scouring" "Orb of Unmaking" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 213 159 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %DS3 $type->currency->stackedthree $tier->t6 StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Armourer's Scrap" "Chromatic Orb" "Harbinger's Shard" "Orb of Fusing" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # %DS2 $type->currency->stackedthree $tier->t7 StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Orb of Binding" "Orb of Chance" "Regal Shard" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 # !! Waypoint c9.currency.heistcoins : "Tierlist - Currency - Heist Coins" #------------------------------------ # [3507] Heist Coins #------------------------------------ Show # %H5 $type->currency->heist $tier->highstack StackSize >= 500 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Rogue's Marker" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 178 135 255 SetBorderColor 255 178 135 255 SetBackgroundColor 150 90 70 255 PlayEffect Orange Show # %H4 $type->currency->heist $tier->any Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Rogue's Marker" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 178 135 255 SetBorderColor 255 178 135 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayEffect Orange Temp Hide # $type->currency->heist $tier->exhide Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Rogue's Marker" SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 #=============================================================================================================== # [[3600]] Currency - Regular Currency Tiering #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c9.currency.single : "Tierlist - Currency - General" Show # $type->currency $tier->t1exalted Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Albino Rhoa Feather" "Awakener's Orb" "Blessing of Chayula" "Blessing of Esh" "Blessing of Tul" "Blessing of Uul-Netol" "Blessing of Xoph" "Crusader's Exalted Orb" "Divine Orb" "Eldritch Chaos Orb" "Eldritch Orb of Annulment" "Eternal Orb" "Exceptional Eldritch Ember" "Exceptional Eldritch Ichor" "Fracturing Orb" "Hinekora's Lock" "Hunter's Exalted Orb" "Mirror of Kalandra" "Mirror Shard" "Orb of Conflict" "Orb of Dominance" "Redeemer's Exalted Orb" "Reflecting Mist" "Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce" "Tailoring Orb" "Tainted Divine Teardrop" "Tempering Orb" "Valdo's Puzzle Box" "Veiled Orb" "Warlord's Exalted Orb" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->currency $tier->t2divine Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Comprehensive Scouting Report" "Crescent Splinter" "Exalted Orb" "Fracturing Shard" "Maven's Chisel of Proliferation" "Maven's Chisel of Scarabs" "Sacred Orb" "Tainted Catalyst" "Tainted Exalted Orb" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle Show # $type->currency $tier->t3annul Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Ancient Orb" "Eldritch Exalted Orb" "Fertile Catalyst" "Grand Eldritch Ember" "Maven's Chisel of Avarice" "Maven's Chisel of Divination" "Otherworldly Scouting Report" "Prismatic Catalyst" "Ritual Vessel" "Tainted Chaos Orb" "Tainted Mythic Orb" "Tainted Orb of Fusing" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle Show # $type->currency $tier->t4chaos Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Accelerating Catalyst" "Blighted Scouting Report" "Burial Medallion" "Chaos Orb" "Delirious Scouting Report" "Exotic Coinage" "Gemcutter's Prism" "Grand Eldritch Ichor" "Greater Eldritch Ember" "Harbinger's Orb" "Influenced Scouting Report" "Intrinsic Catalyst" "Maven's Chisel of Procurement" "Operative's Scouting Report" "Orb of Annulment" "Orb of Unmaking" "Primal Crystallised Lifeforce" "Ritual Splinter" "Singular Scouting Report" "Stacked Deck" "Tainted Armourer's Scrap" "Tainted Chromatic Orb" "Tempering Catalyst" "Unstable Catalyst" "Veiled Scarab" "Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce" "Wild Crystallised Lifeforce" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %HS4 $type->currency $tier->t5alchemy Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Abrasive Catalyst" "Ancient Shard" "Annulment Shard" "Astragali" "Bestiary Orb" "Cartographer's Chisel" "Engineer's Orb" "Enkindling Orb" "Exalted Shard" "Explorer's Scouting Report" "Facetor's Lens" "Glassblower's Bauble" "Greater Eldritch Ichor" "Imbued Catalyst" "Noxious Catalyst" "Orb of Alchemy" "Regal Orb" "Scrap Metal" "Tainted Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Tainted Jeweller's Orb" "Turbulent Catalyst" "Vaal Orb" "Vaal Scouting Report" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 213 159 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %HS3 $type->currency $tier->t6chrom Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Blessed Orb" "Lesser Eldritch Ember" "Lesser Eldritch Ichor" "Orb of Fusing" "Orb of Horizons" "Orb of Regret" "Orb of Scouring" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # %HS2 $type->currency $tier->t7chance Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Armourer's Scrap" "Chromatic Orb" "Instilling Orb" "Jeweller's Orb" "Orb of Alteration" "Orb of Binding" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 Show # %H2 $type->currency $tier->t8trans Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Alchemy Shard" "Alteration Shard" "Binding Shard" "Chaos Shard" "Harbinger's Shard" "Horizon Shard" "Orb of Chance" "Orb of Transmutation" "Regal Shard" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 190 178 135 255 SetBorderColor 190 178 135 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %H1 $type->currency $tier->t9armour Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Engineer's Shard" "Orb of Augmentation" "Transmutation Shard" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 170 158 130 255 SetBorderColor 170 158 130 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %H1 $type->currency $tier->tportal Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Portal Scroll" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 30 50 100 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %H1 $type->currency $tier->twisdom Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Scroll of Wisdom" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 100 50 30 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 #=============================================================================================================== # [[3700]] Currency - SPECIAL #=============================================================================================================== #------------------------------------ # [3701] Incursion - Vials #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c9.currency.vials.all : "Tierlist - Currency - Vials" Show # $type->vials $tier->t1 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Vial of Sacrifice" "Vial of Summoning" "Vial of the Ghost" "Vial of Transcendence" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #Show # $type->vials $tier->t2 # Class == "Stackable Currency" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle Show # %HS4 $type->vials $tier->t3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Vial of Awakening" "Vial of Consequence" "Vial of Dominance" "Vial of Fate" "Vial of the Ritual" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # $type->vials $tier->restex Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Vial of" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #------------------------------------ # [3702] Delirum Orbs #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c9.currency.delirium.all : "Tierlist - Currency - Delirium Orbs" #Show # $type->currency->deliriumorbs $tier->t1 # Class == "Stackable Currency" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # PlayAlertSound 6 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->currency->deliriumorbs $tier->t2 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Skittering Delirium Orb" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle Show # $type->currency->deliriumorbs $tier->t3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Abyssal Delirium Orb" "Armoursmith's Delirium Orb" "Blacksmith's Delirium Orb" "Blighted Delirium Orb" "Cartographer's Delirium Orb" "Diviner's Delirium Orb" "Fine Delirium Orb" "Foreboding Delirium Orb" "Fossilised Delirium Orb" "Fragmented Delirium Orb" "Jeweller's Delirium Orb" "Obscured Delirium Orb" "Singular Delirium Orb" "Thaumaturge's Delirium Orb" "Timeless Delirium Orb" "Whispering Delirium Orb" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # $type->currency->deliriumorbs $tier->restex Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Delirium Orb" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #------------------------------------ # [3703] Delve - Resonators #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c9.currency.resonators.all : "Tierlist - Resonators" Show # $type->currency->resonator $tier->t1 Class == "Delve Stackable Socketable Currency" BaseType == "Prime Chaotic Resonator" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle Show # %H5 $type->currency->resonator $tier->t2 Class == "Delve Stackable Socketable Currency" BaseType == "Potent Chaotic Resonator" "Powerful Chaotic Resonator" "Primitive Chaotic Resonator" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle #Show # %H4 $type->currency->resonator $tier->t3 # Class == "Delve Stackable Socketable Currency" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Grey # MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # $type->currency->resonator $tier->restex Class == "Delve Stackable Socketable Currency" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #------------------------------------ # [3704] Delve - Fossils #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c9.currency.fossils.all : "Tierlist - Fossils" Show # $type->currency->fossil $tier->t1 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Faceted Fossil" "Hollow Fossil" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->currency->fossil $tier->t2 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Fractured Fossil" "Glyphic Fossil" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle Show # %HS5 $type->currency->fossil $tier->t3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Aberrant Fossil" "Aetheric Fossil" "Bloodstained Fossil" "Bound Fossil" "Corroded Fossil" "Deft Fossil" "Dense Fossil" "Frigid Fossil" "Fundamental Fossil" "Gilded Fossil" "Jagged Fossil" "Lucent Fossil" "Metallic Fossil" "Opulent Fossil" "Prismatic Fossil" "Pristine Fossil" "Sanctified Fossil" "Scorched Fossil" "Serrated Fossil" "Shuddering Fossil" "Tangled Fossil" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle #Show # %HS4 $type->currency->fossil $tier->t4 # Class == "Stackable Currency" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Grey # MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # $type->currency->fossil $tier->restex Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Fossil" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #------------------------------------ # [3705] Blight - Oils #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c9.currency.oils.all : "Tierlist - Oils" Show # $type->currency->oil $tier->t1 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Golden Oil" "Prismatic Oil" "Silver Oil" "Tainted Oil" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->currency->oil $tier->t2 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Opalescent Oil" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle Show # %HS5 $type->currency->oil $tier->t3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Black Oil" "Reflective Oil" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle Show # %HS4 $type->currency->oil $tier->t4 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Crimson Oil" "Violet Oil" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %HS3 $type->currency->oil $tier->t5 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Amber Oil" "Azure Oil" "Clear Oil" "Indigo Oil" "Sepia Oil" "Teal Oil" "Verdant Oil" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Hide # $type->currency->oil $tier->exhide Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Amber Oil" "Azure Oil" "Black Oil" "Clear Oil" "Crimson Oil" "Golden Oil" "Indigo Oil" "Opalescent Oil" "Prismatic Oil" "Reflective Oil" "Sepia Oil" "Silver Oil" "Tainted Oil" "Teal Oil" "Verdant Oil" "Violet Oil" SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 Show # $type->currency->oil $tier->restex Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Oil" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #------------------------------------ # [3706] Runes #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c9.runes.all : "Tierlist - Runes" Show # $type->runes $tier->t1 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Power Rune" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->runes $tier->t2 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Mountain Rune" "Time Rune" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle Show # $type->runes $tier->t3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Bounty Rune" "Journey Rune" "River Rune" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle Show # $type->runes $tier->t4 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Bound Rune" "Life Rune" "Sun Rune" "War Rune" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle #Show # $type->runes $tier->t5 # Class == "Stackable Currency" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Grey # MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # $type->runes $tier->restex Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Rune" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #------------------------------------ # [3707] Corpses #------------------------------------ Show # $type->corpses $tier->t1 Class == "Corpses" BaseType == "Perfect Forest Tiger" "Perfect Warlord" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->corpses $tier->t2 Class == "Corpses" BaseType == "Perfect Blasphemer" "Perfect Blood Demon" "Perfect Dancing Sword" "Perfect Dark Marionette" "Perfect Dark Reaper" "Perfect Druidic Alchemist" "Perfect Eldritch Eye" "Perfect Fiery Cannibal" "Perfect Forest Warrior" "Perfect Frozen Cannibal" "Perfect Guardian Turtle" "Perfect Half-remembered Goliath" "Perfect Hulking Miscreation" "Perfect Hydra" "Perfect Judgemental Spirit" "Perfect Meatsack" "Perfect Naval Officer" "Perfect Needle Horror" "Perfect Pain Artist" "Perfect Primal Demiurge" "Perfect Primal Thunderbird" "Perfect Runic Skeleton" "Perfect Sanguimancer Demon" "Perfect Sawblade Horror" "Perfect Serpent Warrior" "Perfect Shadow Construct" "Perfect Slashing Horror" "Perfect Spider Matriarch" "Perfect Spirit of Fortune" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle Show # $type->corpses $tier->t3 Class == "Corpses" BaseType == "Blasphemer" "Blood Demon" "Dancing Sword" "Dark Marionette" "Dark Reaper" "Druidic Alchemist" "Eldritch Eye" "Fiery Cannibal" "Forest Tiger" "Forest Warrior" "Frozen Cannibal" "Guardian Turtle" "Half-remembered Goliath" "Hulking Miscreation" "Hydra" "Judgemental Spirit" "Meatsack" "Naval Officer" "Needle Horror" "Pain Artist" "Primal Demiurge" "Primal Thunderbird" "Runic Skeleton" "Sanguimancer Demon" "Sawblade Horror" "Serpent Warrior" "Shadow Construct" "Slashing Horror" "Spider Matriarch" "Spirit of Fortune" "Warlord" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle Show # $type->corpses $tier->t4 Class == "Corpses" BaseType == "Imperfect Blasphemer" "Imperfect Blood Demon" "Imperfect Dancing Sword" "Imperfect Dark Marionette" "Imperfect Dark Reaper" "Imperfect Druidic Alchemist" "Imperfect Eldritch Eye" "Imperfect Fiery Cannibal" "Imperfect Forest Tiger" "Imperfect Forest Warrior" "Imperfect Frozen Cannibal" "Imperfect Guardian Turtle" "Imperfect Half-remembered Goliath" "Imperfect Hulking Miscreation" "Imperfect Hydra" "Imperfect Judgemental Spirit" "Imperfect Meatsack" "Imperfect Naval Officer" "Imperfect Needle Horror" "Imperfect Pain Artist" "Imperfect Primal Demiurge" "Imperfect Primal Thunderbird" "Imperfect Runic Skeleton" "Imperfect Sanguimancer Demon" "Imperfect Sawblade Horror" "Imperfect Serpent Warrior" "Imperfect Shadow Construct" "Imperfect Slashing Horror" "Imperfect Spider Matriarch" "Imperfect Spirit of Fortune" "Imperfect Warlord" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle #Show # $type->corpses $tier->t5 # Class == "Corpses" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Grey # MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # $type->corpses $tier->restex Class == "Corpses" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #------------------------------------ # [3708] Essences #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c9.currency.essences.all : "Tierlist - Essences" Show # $type->currency->essence $tier->t1 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Deafening Essence of" "Essence of Delirium" "Essence of Horror" "Essence of Hysteria" "Essence of Insanity" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle Show # $type->currency->essence $tier->t2 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Remnant of Corruption" "Shrieking Essence of" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %HS4 $type->currency->essence $tier->t3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Screaming Essence of" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 213 159 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %HS2 $type->currency->essence $tier->t4 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Wailing Essence of" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 Show # %H2 $type->currency->essence $tier->t5 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Weeping Essence of" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 190 178 135 255 SetBorderColor 190 178 135 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %H1 $type->currency->essence $tier->t6 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Muttering Essence of" "Whispering Essence of" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 190 178 135 255 SetBorderColor 190 178 135 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Hide # $type->currency->essence $tier->exhide Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Essence of" SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 #------------------------------------ # [3709] Incubators #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c9.currency.incubators.all : "Tierlist - Incubators" Show # %D5 $type->currency->incubators $tier->leveledex ItemLevel >= 81 Class == "Incubators" BaseType == "Fragmented Incubator" "Maddening Incubator" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle #Show # $type->currency->incubators $tier->t2 # Class == "Incubators" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 # PlayAlertSound 1 300 # PlayEffect Red # MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle Show # $type->currency->incubators $tier->t3 Class == "Incubators" BaseType == "Ornate Incubator" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle Show # %H5 $type->currency->incubators $tier->t4 Class == "Incubators" BaseType == "Diviner's Incubator" "Foreboding Incubator" "Fossilised Incubator" "Geomancer's Incubator" "Infused Incubator" "Kalguuran Incubator" "Maddening Incubator" "Mysterious Incubator" "Obscured Incubator" "Otherworldly Incubator" "Singular Incubator" "Skittering Incubator" "Thaumaturge's Incubator" "Whispering Incubator" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %H2 $type->currency->incubators $tier->t5 Class == "Incubators" BaseType == "Abyssal Incubator" "Blighted Incubator" "Cartographer's Incubator" "Celestial Armoursmith's Incubator" "Celestial Blacksmith's Incubator" "Celestial Jeweller's Incubator" "Fragmented Incubator" "Primal Incubator" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Hide # $type->currency->incubators $tier->exhide Class == "Incubators" BaseType == "Abyssal Incubator" "Blighted Incubator" "Cartographer's Incubator" "Celestial Armoursmith's Incubator" "Celestial Blacksmith's Incubator" "Celestial Jeweller's Incubator" "Diviner's Incubator" "Foreboding Incubator" "Fossilised Incubator" "Fragmented Incubator" "Geomancer's Incubator" "Infused Incubator" "Kalguuran Incubator" "Maddening Incubator" "Mysterious Incubator" "Obscured Incubator" "Ornate Incubator" "Otherworldly Incubator" "Primal Incubator" "Singular Incubator" "Skittering Incubator" "Thaumaturge's Incubator" "Whispering Incubator" SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 Show # $type->currency->incubators $tier->restex Class == "Incubators" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #------------------------------------ # [3710] Trial of the Ancestors #------------------------------------ Show # $type->currency->trial->omen $tier->t1 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Omen of Connections" "Omen of Fortune" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->currency->trial->omen $tier->t2 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Omen of Amelioration" "Omen of Blanching" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle Show # $type->currency->trial->omen $tier->t3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Omen of Brilliance" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle Show # %H5 $type->currency->trial->omen $tier->t4 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Omen of Death-dancing" "Omen of the Jeweller" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %HS3 $type->currency->trial->omen $tier->t5 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Omen of Adrenaline" "Omen of Death's Door" "Omen of Refreshment" "Omen of Return" "Omen of the Soul Devourer" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # $type->currency->trial->omen $tier->restex Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Omen of" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle Show # $type->currency->trial->tattoo $tier->t1 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Journey Tattoo of the Body" "Journey Tattoo of the Mind" "Journey Tattoo of the Soul" "Tattoo of the Ngamahu Warmonger" "Tattoo of the Ramako Shaman" "Tattoo of the Rongokurai Turtle" "Tattoo of the Tasalio Scout" "Tattoo of the Valako Shieldbearer" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->currency->trial->tattoo $tier->t2 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Tattoo of the Hinekora Storyteller" "Tattoo of the Hinekora Warmonger" "Tattoo of the Ramako Fleetfoot" "Tattoo of the Tasalio Warrior" "Tattoo of the Tawhoa Herbalist" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle Show # $type->currency->trial->tattoo $tier->t3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Tattoo of the Arohongui Moonwarden" "Tattoo of the Arohongui Shaman" "Tattoo of the Hinekora Warrior" "Tattoo of the Kitava Shaman" "Tattoo of the Ngamahu Firewalker" "Tattoo of the Ngamahu Warrior" "Tattoo of the Ramako Archer" "Tattoo of the Ramako Scout" "Tattoo of the Ramako Sniper" "Tattoo of the Rongokurai Warrior" "Tattoo of the Tasalio Tideshifter" "Tattoo of the Tawhoa Shaman" "Tattoo of the Tukohama Warcaller" "Tattoo of the Tukohama Warmonger" "Tattoo of the Valako Stormrider" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle Show # $type->currency->trial->tattoo $tier->t4 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Tattoo of the Arohongui Scout" "Tattoo of the Arohongui Warmonger" "Tattoo of the Arohongui Warrior" "Tattoo of the Hinekora Deathwarden" "Tattoo of the Hinekora Shaman" "Tattoo of the Kitava Blood Drinker" "Tattoo of the Kitava Heart Eater" "Tattoo of the Kitava Rebel" "Tattoo of the Kitava Warrior" "Tattoo of the Ngamahu Shaman" "Tattoo of the Ngamahu Woodcarver" "Tattoo of the Rongokurai Brute" "Tattoo of the Rongokurai Goliath" "Tattoo of the Rongokurai Guard" "Tattoo of the Tasalio Bladedancer" "Tattoo of the Tasalio Shaman" "Tattoo of the Tawhoa Naturalist" "Tattoo of the Tawhoa Scout" "Tattoo of the Tawhoa Warrior" "Tattoo of the Tukohama Brawler" "Tattoo of the Tukohama Shaman" "Tattoo of the Tukohama Warrior" "Tattoo of the Valako Scout" "Tattoo of the Valako Shaman" "Tattoo of the Valako Warrior" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # $type->currency->trial->tattoo $tier->restex Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType "Tattoo of" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #------------------------------------ # [3711] Others #------------------------------------ Show # $type->currency->others $tier->harbinger Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Deregulation Scroll" "Electroshock Scroll" "Fragmentation Scroll" "Haemocombustion Scroll" "Specularity Scroll" "Time-light Scroll" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle Show # $type->currency->others $tier->misc Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Imprint" "Unshaping Orb" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle #=============================================================================================================== # [[3800]] Currency - Splinters #=============================================================================================================== #------------------------------------ # [3801] Breach and Legion Splinters - stacked #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c9.splinters.all : "Tierlist - Splinters" Show # %D6 $type->currency->stackedsplintershigh $tier->t1 StackSize >= 10 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Splinter of Chayula" "Timeless Maraketh Splinter" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle Show # %DS5 $type->currency->stackedsplintershigh $tier->t2 StackSize >= 5 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Splinter of Chayula" "Timeless Maraketh Splinter" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %DS4 $type->currency->stackedsplintershigh $tier->t3 StackSize >= 2 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Splinter of Chayula" "Timeless Maraketh Splinter" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %D5 $type->currency->stackedsplinterslow $tier->t1 StackSize >= 10 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Splinter of Esh" "Splinter of Tul" "Splinter of Uul-Netol" "Splinter of Xoph" "Timeless Eternal Empire Splinter" "Timeless Karui Splinter" "Timeless Templar Splinter" "Timeless Vaal Splinter" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %DS4 $type->currency->stackedsplinterslow $tier->t2 StackSize >= 5 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Splinter of Esh" "Splinter of Tul" "Splinter of Uul-Netol" "Splinter of Xoph" "Timeless Eternal Empire Splinter" "Timeless Karui Splinter" "Timeless Templar Splinter" "Timeless Vaal Splinter" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 213 159 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle Show # %DS3 $type->currency->stackedsplinterslow $tier->t3 StackSize >= 2 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Splinter of Esh" "Splinter of Tul" "Splinter of Uul-Netol" "Splinter of Xoph" "Timeless Eternal Empire Splinter" "Timeless Karui Splinter" "Timeless Templar Splinter" "Timeless Vaal Splinter" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 213 159 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Circle #------------------------------------ # [3802] Breach and Legion Splinters - single #------------------------------------ Show # %HS4 $type->currency->splinter $tier->t1 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Splinter of Chayula" "Timeless Maraketh Splinter" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 210 20 210 255 SetBackgroundColor 65 20 80 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Purple Temp MinimapIcon 1 Grey Kite Show # %HS3 $type->currency->splinter $tier->t3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Splinter of Esh" "Splinter of Tul" "Splinter of Uul-Netol" "Splinter of Xoph" "Timeless Eternal Empire Splinter" "Timeless Karui Splinter" "Timeless Templar Splinter" "Timeless Vaal Splinter" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 115 115 115 255 SetBackgroundColor 65 20 80 PlayEffect Purple Temp MinimapIcon 2 Grey Kite #------------------------------------ # [3803] Simulacrum Splinters #------------------------------------ Show # %D6 $type->currency->splinter->simulacrum $tier->t1 StackSize >= 150 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Simulacrum Splinter" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Kite Show # %D6 $type->currency->splinter->simulacrum $tier->t2 StackSize >= 60 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Simulacrum Splinter" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Kite Show # %D6 $type->currency->splinter->simulacrum $tier->t3 StackSize >= 20 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Simulacrum Splinter" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Kite Show # %D6 $type->currency->splinter->simulacrum $tier->t4 StackSize >= 3 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Simulacrum Splinter" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Kite Show # %H4 $type->currency->splinter->simulacrum $tier->t5 Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Simulacrum Splinter" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 130 15 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 65 20 80 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Purple Temp MinimapIcon 2 Grey Kite #=============================================================================================================== # [[3900]] Divination Cards #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c9.divination.all : "Tierlist - Cards - All" Show # $type->divination $tier->excustomstack StackSize >= 3 Class == "Divination Cards" BaseType == "The Fortunate" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->divination $tier->t1 Class == "Divination Cards" BaseType == "Assassin's Gift" "Auspicious Ambitions" "Avian Pursuit" "Beauty Through Death" "Broken Promises" "Brother's Gift" "Brother's Stash" "Choking Guilt" "Darker Half" "Desecrated Virtue" "Divine Beauty" "Divine Justice" "Father's Love" "Fire Of Unknown Origin" "House of Mirrors" "I See Brothers" "Imperfect Memories" "Lonely Warrior" "Love Through Ice" "Luminous Trove" "Matryoshka" "Misery in Darkness" "Remembrance" "Seven Years Bad Luck" "Succor of the Sinless" "The Apothecary" "The Cheater" "The Damned" "The Demon" "The Destination" "The Doctor" "The Emptiness" "The Endless Darkness" "The Enlightened" "The Fiend" "The Greatest Intentions" "The Gulf" "The Immortal" "The Insane Cat" "The Last One Standing" "The Last Supper" "The Price of Devotion" "The Progeny of Lunaris" "The Sacrifice" "The Samurai's Eye" "The Sephirot" "The Shieldbearer" "The Soul" "The World Eater" "Tranquillity" "Unrequited Love" "Wealth and Power" "Winter's Embrace" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->divination $tier->t2 Class == "Divination Cards" BaseType == "A Modest Request" "Alluring Bounty" "Anarchy's Price" "Burning Blood" "Chasing Risk" "Deadly Joy" "Doryani's Epiphany" "Duality" "Fateful Meeting" "Friendship" "Further Invention" "Gemcutter's Mercy" "Home" "Judging Voices" "Magnum Opus" "Silence and Frost" "Temperance" "Terrible Secret of Space" "The Artist" "The Astromancer" "The Deep Ones" "The Dragon's Heart" "The Dungeon Master" "The Enforcer" "The Eternal War" "The Eye of Terror" "The Fortunate" "The Leviathan" "The Life Thief" "The Long Con" "The Nurse" "The Price of Loyalty" "The Rabbit's Foot" "The Vast" "The Wedding Gift" "Who Asked" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 20 180 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle Show # $type->divination $tier->t3 Class == "Divination Cards" BaseType == "A Chilling Wind" "A Familiar Call" "A Fate Worse Than Death" "Abandoned Wealth" "Akil's Prophecy" "Altered Perception" "Ambitious Obsession" "Arrogance of the Vaal" "Azyran's Reward" "Baited Expectations" "Boon of the First Ones" "Chaotic Disposition" "Costly Curio" "Council of Cats" "Dementophobia" "Desperate Crusade" "Draped in Dreams" "Dying Light" "Etched in Blood" "Eternal Bonds" "Ever-Changing" "Gift of Asenath" "Guardian's Challenge" "Hunter's Reward" "Justified Ambition" "Lachrymal Necrosis" "Lethean Temptation" "Lingering Remnants" "Mawr Blaidd" "Nook's Crown" "Peaceful Moments" "Poisoned Faith" "Pride of the First Ones" "Rebirth" "Rebirth and Renewal" "Something Dark" "The Academic" "The Aspirant" "The Awakened" "The Bitter Blossom" "The Blessing of Moosh" "The Cartographer" "The Catch" "The Celestial Justicar" "The Celestial Stone" "The Chosen" "The Craving" "The Dreamer" "The Eldritch Decay" "The Escape" "The Eye of the Dragon" "The Fishmonger" "The Forgotten Treasure" "The Formless Sea" "The Forward Gaze" "The Garish Power" "The Hive of Knowledge" "The Hook" "The Mad King" "The Offering" "The Old Man" "The One That Got Away" "The Patient" "The Polymath" "The Professor" "The Risk" "The Saint's Treasure" "The Scout" "The Shepherd's Sandals" "The Shortcut" "The Spark and the Flame" "The Strategist" "The Transformation" "The Undaunted" "The Union" "The Valkyrie" "The Void" "The White Knight" "The Wilted Rose" "The Wretched" "Void of the Elements" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 220 240 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle #Show # $type->divination $tier->tnew # Class == "Divination Cards" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 40 255 217 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle # !! Waypoint c9.divination.t4 : "Tierlist - Cards - T4, T4c and lower" Show # %HS4 $type->divination $tier->t4c Class == "Divination Cards" BaseType == "A Sea of Blue" "Acclimatisation" "Bowyer's Dream" "Cameria's Cut" "Checkmate" "Demigod's Wager" "Disdain" "Emperor of Purity" "Emperor's Luck" "Harmony of Souls" "Humility" "Immortal Resolve" "Imperial Legacy" "Last Hope" "Lucky Connections" "Lucky Deck" "Man With Bear" "More is Never Enough" "No Traces" "Sambodhi's Vow" "Society's Remorse" "The Cacophony" "The Card Sharp" "The Chains that Bind" "The Dapper Prodigy" "The Ethereal" "The Finishing Touch" "The Fool" "The Heroic Shot" "The Hoarder" "The Innocent" "The Inventor" "The Obscured" "The Porcupine" "The Price of Prescience" "The Price of Protection" "The Rusted Bard" "The Seeker" "The Side Quest" "The Tinkerer's Table" "The Warlord" "The Wrath" "Three Faces in the Dark" "Vanity" "Vinia's Token" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 39 141 192 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle Show # %D4 $type->divination $tier->exstack StackSize >= 3 Class == "Divination Cards" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 39 141 192 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle Show # %HS2 $type->divination $tier->t5c Class == "Divination Cards" BaseType == "Boon of Justice" "Buried Treasure" "Coveted Possession" "Gemcutter's Promise" "Her Mask" "Loyalty" "Rain of Chaos" "The Catalyst" "The Dark Mage" "The Deal" "The Flora's Gift" "The Gambler" "The Gemcutter" "The Journey" "The Master Artisan" "The Puzzle" "The Scholar" "The Survivalist" "The Tireless Extractor" "Three Voices" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 39 141 192 255 SetBorderColor 39 141 192 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 Show # %HS3 $type->divination $tier->t4 Class == "Divination Cards" BaseType == "A Dusty Memory" "A Note in the Wind" "A Stone Perfected" "Alone in the Darkness" "Assassin's Favour" "Astral Protection" "Atziri's Arsenal" "Audacity" "Azure Rage" "Bijoux" "Blind Venture" "Broken Truce" "Brotherhood in Exile" "Brush, Paint and Palette" "Cursed Words" "Dark Dreams" "Deathly Designs" "Dialla's Subjugation" "Doedre's Madness" "Dying Anguish" "Earth Drinker" "Eldritch Perfection" "Endless Night" "Gift of the Gemling Queen" "Glimmer of Hope" "Haunting Shadows" "Heterochromia" "Hope" "Hubris" "Hunter's Resolve" "Jack in the Box" "Keeper's Corruption" "Left to Fate" "Lysah's Respite" "Merciless Armament" "Mitts" "Parasitic Passengers" "Perfection" "Prejudice" "Pride Before the Fall" "Prometheus' Armoury" "Reckless Ambition" "The Admirer" "The Aesthete" "The Avenger" "The Battle Born" "The Body" "The Bones" "The Brawny Battle Mage" "The Breach" "The Brittle Emperor" "The Cache" "The Calling" "The Cataclysm" "The Conduit" "The Darkest Dream" "The Doppelganger" "The Easy Stroll" "The Encroaching Darkness" "The Enthusiasts" "The Explorer" "The Fox" "The Gentleman" "The Gladiator" "The Hale Heart" "The Hunger" "The King's Heart" "The Landing" "The Lion" "The Long Watch" "The Magma Crab" "The Mercenary" "The Messenger" "The Mind's Eyes" "The Offspring" "The One With All" "The Pact" "The Penitent" "The Primordial" "The Prince of Darkness" "The Queen" "The Rite of Elements" "The Road to Power" "The Skeleton" "The Standoff" "The Stormcaller" "The Thaumaturgist" "The Tower" "The Traitor" "The Tumbleweed" "The Twilight Moon" "The Undisputed" "The Unexpected Prize" "The Watcher" "The Whiteout" "The Wind" "The Wolf" "The Wolf's Legacy" "The Wolven King's Bite" "The Wolverine" "Time-Lost Relic" "Toxic Tidings" "Treasure Hunter" "Triskaidekaphobia" "Unchained" "Volatile Power" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 39 141 192 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle Show # %H0 $type->divination $tier->t5 Class == "Divination Cards" BaseType == "A Dab of Ink" "A Mother's Parting Gift" "Alivia's Grace" "Boundless Realms" "Call to the First Ones" "Cartographer's Delight" "Dark Temptation" "Death" "Destined to Crumble" "Echoes of Love" "Forbidden Power" "From Bone to Ashes" "Grave Knowledge" "Lantador's Lost Love" "Light and Truth" "Lost Worlds" "Might is Right" "Prosperity" "Rain Tempter" "Rats" "Scholar of the Seas" "Shard of Fate" "Struck by Lightning" "The Adventuring Spirit" "The Archmage's Right Hand" "The Arena Champion" "The Army of Blood" "The Bear Woman" "The Beast" "The Betrayal" "The Blazing Fire" "The Carrion Crow" "The Coming Storm" "The Cursed King" "The Deceiver" "The Demoness" "The Dragon" "The Dreamland" "The Drunken Aristocrat" "The Endurance" "The Fathomless Depths" "The Feast" "The Fletcher" "The Forsaken" "The Fox in the Brambles" "The Golden Era" "The Harvester" "The Hermit" "The Incantation" "The Inoculated" "The Insatiable" "The Jester" "The Jeweller's Boon" "The Journalist" "The King's Blade" "The Lich" "The Lord in Black" "The Lord of Celebration" "The Lover" "The Lunaris Priestess" "The Master" "The Metalsmith's Gift" "The Mountain" "The Oath" "The Opulent" "The Pack Leader" "The Poet" "The Rabid Rhoa" "The Realm" "The Return of the Rat" "The Ruthless Ceinture" "The Scarred Meadow" "The Scavenger" "The Sigil" "The Siren" "The Spoiled Prince" "The Summoner" "The Sun" "The Surgeon" "The Surveyor" "The Sword King's Salute" "The Throne" "The Trial" "The Twins" "The Tyrant" "The Visionary" "The Warden" "The Web" "The Witch" "The Wolf's Shadow" "Thirst for Knowledge" "Thunderous Skies" "Turn the Other Cheek" "Vile Power" SetFontSize 35 SetTextColor 39 141 192 255 SetBorderColor 39 141 192 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # $type->divination $tier->restex Class == "Divination Cards" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #=============================================================================================================== # [[4000]] Remaining Currency #=============================================================================================================== #Hide # $type->currency $tier->untiereditems # Class == "Stackable Currency" # SetFontSize 35 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 Hide # $type->currency $tier->scrollfragments Class == "Stackable Currency" BaseType == "Scroll Fragment" SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 Show # $type->currency $tier->restex Class == "Stackable Currency" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #=============================================================================================================== # [[4100]] Questlike-Items1 (override uniques) #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c9.metamorph.all : "Heist Targets" Show # $type->heisttarget $tier->any Class == "Heist Targets" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 74 230 58 255 SetBorderColor 74 230 58 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Green MinimapIcon 0 Green Pentagon #=============================================================================================================== # [[4200]] Uniques #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c10.uniques.all : "Tierlist - Uniques - All" #------------------------------------ # [4201] Exceptions #1 #------------------------------------ Show # $type->uniques $tier->exuberimpresence HasInfluence "Shaper" HasInfluence "Elder" Rarity Unique BaseType == "Onyx Amulet" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->exkaom Sockets < 1 Rarity Unique BaseType == "Glorious Plate" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->exsquire Sockets >= 3WWW Rarity Unique BaseType == "Elegant Round Shield" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->extabula Rarity Unique SocketGroup "WWWWWW" BaseType == "Simple Robe" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->extriadgrip Sockets >= 4WWWW Rarity Unique BaseType == "Mesh Gloves" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->exforgesword HasInfluence "Elder" "Shaper" Rarity Unique BaseType == "Infernal Sword" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->exrationaljewel SynthesisedItem True Rarity Unique BaseType == "Cobalt Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->exsynth SynthesisedItem True Rarity Unique BaseType == "Amethyst Ring" "Iron Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->ex6link LinkedSockets 6 Rarity Unique SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->4xabysshelmet Sockets >= AAAA Rarity Unique BaseType == "Bone Circlet" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->3xabyss Sockets >= AAA Rarity Unique BaseType == "Carnal Armour" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star #------------------------------------ # [4202] Tier 1 and 2 uniques #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c10.uniques.t1 : "Tierlist - Uniques - T1, T2" Show # $type->uniques $tier->t1 Rarity Unique BaseType == "Cabalist Regalia" "Crusader Boots" "Engraved Greatsword" "Fluted Bascinet" "Foul Staff" "Ghastly Eye Jewel" "Girded Tower Shield" "Golden Buckler" "Greatwolf Talisman" "Imperial Maul" "Karui Maul" "Lacewood Spirit Shield" "Papyrus Relic" "Prismatic Jewel" "Processional Relic" "Ring" "Riveted Boots" "Ruby Flask" "Runic Helm" "Savant's Robe" "Siege Axe" "Slaughter Knife" "Unset Amulet" "Void Axe" "Wyrmscale Doublet" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->t2 Rarity Unique BaseType == "Antique Gauntlets" "Butcher Axe" "Candlestick Relic" "Champion Kite Shield" "Crimson Round Shield" "Deicide Mask" "Dusk Blade" "Ezomyte Spiked Shield" "Gemstone Sword" "Gladiator Plate" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Imperial Bow" "Jewelled Foil" "Jingling Spirit Shield" "Large Cluster Jewel" "Majestic Plate" "Medium Cluster Jewel" "Murder Mitts" "Murderous Eye Jewel" "Occultist's Vestment" "Ornate Quiver" "Pig-Faced Bascinet" "Prophecy Wand" "Quarterstaff" "Rawhide Boots" "Reinforced Greaves" "Runic Crown" "Runic Gages" "Runic Sabatons" "Runic Sollerets" "Sacrificial Garb" "Silk Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Studded Belt" "Timeless Jewel" "Vaal Gauntlets" "Vaal Rapier" "Wyrmscale Boots" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star #------------------------------------ # [4203] Exceptions #2 #------------------------------------ Show # $type->uniques $tier->2xcorrupteduniques Corrupted True CorruptedMods >= 2 Rarity Unique SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 240 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 0 Blue Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->2xabyss Sockets >= AA Rarity Unique BaseType == "Great Crown" "Mind Cage" "Murder Boots" "Riveted Gloves" "Steelscale Gauntlets" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->excrucibleunique HasCruciblePassiveTree True Rarity Unique SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Star #------------------------------------ # [4204] Multi-Unique bases. #------------------------------------ Show # $type->uniques $tier->multispecialhigh Rarity Unique BaseType == "Amethyst Flask" "Heavy Belt" "Hellion's Paw" "Imperial Skean" "Iron Flask" "Lapis Amulet" "Leather Belt" "Magistrate Crown" "Paua Amulet" "Small Cluster Jewel" "Spine Bow" "Vaal Claw" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Star #Show # $type->uniques $tier->exdust1 # Rarity Unique # BaseType == "Arcanist Gloves" "Arcanist Slippers" "Clutching Talisman" "Crystal Belt" "Deerskin Gloves" "Deicide Mask" "Demon Dagger" "Diamond Ring" "Eternal Sword" "Ezomyte Dagger" "Fiend Dagger" "Glorious Plate" "Harlequin Mask" "Jewelled Foil" "Lacquered Buckler" "Lion Pelt" "Marble Amulet" "Mind Cage" "Omen Wand" "Ornate Quiver" "Prismatic Ring" "Rotfeather Talisman" "Sadist Garb" "Sinner Tricorne" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Two-Point Arrow Quiver" "Two-Toned Boots" "Vaal Gauntlets" "Wereclaw Talisman" "Widowsilk Robe" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 # SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 # SetBackgroundColor 10 30 45 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 1 Purple Star #Show # $type->uniques $tier->exdust2 # Rarity Unique # BaseType == "Ambusher" "Archon Kite Shield" "Assassin's Garb" "Baroque Round Shield" "Black Maw Talisman" "Branded Kite Shield" "Carnal Sceptre" "Conjurer Boots" "Conjurer Gloves" "Corsair Sword" "Desert Brigandine" "Destiny Leather" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Eelskin Gloves" "Elegant Round Shield" "Embroidered Gloves" "Enameled Buckler" "Exquisite Leather" "Full Dragonscale" "Full Wyrmscale" "Gilded Sallet" "Gold Amulet" "Infernal Axe" "Ironwood Buckler" "Lathi" "Legion Gloves" "Lion Sword" "Meatgrinder" "Midnight Blade" "Mosaic Kite Shield" "Necromancer Silks" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Nubuck Gloves" "Platinum Sceptre" "Primal Arrow Quiver" "Ranger Bow" "Reaver Helmet" "Regicide Mask" "Royal Axe" "Royal Sceptre" "Royal Skean" "Serpentscale Boots" "Serpentscale Gauntlets" "Shagreen Boots" "Shagreen Gloves" "Sharkskin Boots" "Sharkskin Tunic" "Slink Gloves" "Soldier Boots" "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" "Steel Circlet" "Steel Gauntlets" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Terror Claw" "Throat Stabber" "Titan Gauntlets" "Tomahawk" "Trapper Boots" "Two-Stone Ring" "Vaal Buckler" "Vaal Hatchet" "Wyrmscale Gauntlets" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 # SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 # SetBackgroundColor 10 30 45 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 1 Purple Star #Show # $type->uniques $tier->exdust3 # Rarity Unique # BaseType == "Abyssal Axe" "Ancient Greaves" "Ancient Spirit Shield" "Antique Greaves" "Auric Mace" "Aventail Helmet" "Boot Blade" "Brass Spirit Shield" "Bronzescale Boots" "Chain Belt" "Chiming Spirit Shield" "Citadel Bow" "Clasped Mitts" "Close Helmet" "Compound Spiked Shield" "Conquest Chainmail" "Corrugated Buckler" "Crusader Chainmail" "Cutthroat's Garb" "Destroyer Regalia" "Dread Maul" "Eelskin Boots" "Elder Sword" "Engraved Wand" "Estoc" "Ezomyte Axe" "Ezomyte Blade" "Flaying Knife" "Fright Claw" "Golden Mask" "Graceful Sword" "Gut Ripper" "Harbinger Bow" "Heavy Arrow Quiver" "Holy Chainmail" "Karui Chopper" "Laminated Kite Shield" "Leather Cap" "Lunaris Circlet" "Maple Round Shield" "Mesh Gloves" "Military Staff" "Nubuck Boots" "Opal Sceptre" "Ornate Mace" "Ornate Ringmail" "Platinum Kris" "Polished Spiked Shield" "Reaver Sword" "Ritual Sceptre" "Samite Gloves" "Samnite Helmet" "Satin Gloves" "Scholar Boots" "Secutor Helm" "Shackled Boots" "Spiraled Wand" "Tarnished Spirit Shield" "Teak Round Shield" "Terror Maul" "Thresher Claw" "Timeworn Claw" "Tricorne" "Twilight Blade" "Tyrant's Sekhem" "Ursine Pelt" "Vile Arrow Quiver" "Vile Staff" "War Buckler" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 # SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 # SetBackgroundColor 10 30 45 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Purple # MinimapIcon 1 Purple Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->multispecial Rarity Unique BaseType == "Agate Amulet" "Amethyst Ring" "Archon Kite Shield" "Crusader Plate" "Ebony Tower Shield" "Fiend Dagger" "Goathide Boots" "Gold Ring" "Highborn Staff" "Lacquered Garb" "Moonstone Ring" "Onyx Amulet" "Prophet Crown" "Sadist Garb" "Sage Wand" "Sage's Robe" "Saint's Hauberk" "Spidersilk Robe" "Stealth Boots" "Stibnite Flask" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Topaz Ring" "Turquoise Amulet" "Two-Point Arrow Quiver" "Vaal Blade" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Star Show # %D4 $type->uniques $tier->5link LinkedSockets 5 Rarity Unique SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Star Show # %D4 $type->uniques $tier->6s Sockets >= 6 Rarity Unique SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Star #------------------------------------ # [4205] Low tier exceptions #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c10.uniques.t1 : "Tierlist - Uniques - Low Tier Uniques" #Show # %H5 $type->uniques $tier->earlyleague # Rarity Unique # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 # SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 # SetBackgroundColor 10 30 45 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Brown # MinimapIcon 2 Brown Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->exjewelscorrupted Corrupted True CorruptedMods 0 Rarity Unique BaseType == "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Viridian Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 1 Blue Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->exjewels Rarity Unique BaseType == "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Viridian Jewel" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star #Show # $type->uniques $tier->highvinktar # ItemLevel >= 82 # Rarity Unique # BaseType == "Imperial Staff" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 # PlayAlertSound 2 300 # PlayEffect Yellow # MinimapIcon 1 Brown Star #Show # $type->uniques $tier->recipeuniquerings # Rarity Unique # Class == "Rings" # SetFontSize 45 # SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 # SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 # SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13 255 # PlayAlertSound 3 300 # PlayEffect Blue # MinimapIcon 2 Blue Star Show # %D5 $type->uniques $tier->corrupteduniques Corrupted True CorruptedMods >= 1 Rarity Unique Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Boots" "Gloves" "Helmets" "Quivers" "Rings" "Shields" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 240 SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Star #------------------------------------ # [4206] Tier 3 uniques #------------------------------------ Show # %H5 $type->uniques $tier->t3boss Rarity Unique BaseType == "Amber Amulet" "Ambush Mitts" "Ambusher" "Ancient Gauntlets" "Assassin's Boots" "Assassin's Mitts" "Bismuth Flask" "Blood Raiment" "Blood Sceptre" "Bone Circlet" "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Carnal Armour" "Carnal Mitts" "Censer Relic" "Chain Belt" "Citadel Bow" "Cloth Belt" "Coffer Relic" "Coiled Staff" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Colosseum Plate" "Crusader Gloves" "Cutlass" "Dragonscale Boots" "Ezomyte Burgonet" "Ezomyte Staff" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Fugitive Boots" "Gladius" "Goliath Gauntlets" "Goliath Greaves" "Great Crown" "Harlequin Mask" "Hubris Circlet" "Hydrascale Boots" "Hypnotic Eye Jewel" "Imperial Claw" "Infernal Sword" "Jade Amulet" "Judgement Staff" "Lacquered Helmet" "Legion Gloves" "Legion Sword" "Maelström Staff" "Mirrored Spiked Shield" "Murder Boots" "Necromancer Circlet" "Nightmare Mace" "Opal Ring" "Opal Wand" "Paua Ring" "Praetor Crown" "Primal Arrow Quiver" "Primordial Staff" "Riveted Gloves" "Royal Burgonet" "Ruby Ring" "Runic Gauntlets" "Sapphire Ring" "Searching Eye Jewel" "Sentinel Jacket" "Serpentine Staff" "Shadow Sceptre" "Silken Hood" "Silver Flask" "Slink Boots" "Solaris Circlet" "Soldier Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Steel Kite Shield" "Steel Ring" "Steelscale Gauntlets" "Steelwood Bow" "Stygian Vise" "Sulphur Flask" "Titan Greaves" "Tome Relic" "Topaz Flask" "Tornado Wand" "Triumphant Lamellar" "Unset Ring" "Urn Relic" "Vaal Axe" "Vaal Greaves" "Vaal Mask" "Vaal Regalia" "Vaal Sceptre" "Vaal Spirit Shield" "Vanguard Belt" "Varnished Coat" "Void Sceptre" "Zealot Helmet" "Zodiac Leather" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Blue MinimapIcon 2 Blue Star Show # %H4 $type->uniques $tier->t3 Rarity Unique BaseType == "Ashbark Tincture" "Assassin Bow" "Astral Plate" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Carnal Boots" "Carved Wand" "Citrine Amulet" "Crude Bow" "Crystal Belt" "Crystal Sceptre" "Deerskin Gloves" "Demon Dagger" "Desert Brigandine" "Destiny Leather" "Devout Chainmail" "Eternal Burgonet" "Eternal Sword" "Exquisite Leather" "Ezomyte Blade" "Gavel" "Glorious Plate" "Golden Plate" "Graceful Sword" "Grand Mana Flask" "Granite Flask" "Harmonic Spirit Shield" "Imbued Wand" "Imperial Staff" "Iron Circlet" "Iron Ring" "Ironwood Tincture" "Karui Sceptre" "Large Hybrid Flask" "Leather Cap" "Leather Hood" "Legion Boots" "Maple Round Shield" "Marble Amulet" "Necromancer Silks" "Oakbranch Tincture" "Painted Tower Shield" "Plated Greaves" "Prismatic Tincture" "Ranger Bow" "Raven Mask" "Rawhide Tower Shield" "Royal Bow" "Royal Skean" "Saintly Chainmail" "Sapphire Flask" "Scholar's Robe" "Simple Robe" "Sinner Tricorne" "Sporebloom Tincture" "Two-Toned Boots" "Vaal Hatchet" "Widowsilk Robe" "Wolf Pelt" "Zealot Gloves" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Brown MinimapIcon 2 Brown Star #------------------------------------ # [4207] Tier 4 uniques #------------------------------------ Show # %H3 $type->uniques $tier->hideable2 Rarity Unique BaseType == "Blunt Arrow Quiver" "Bone Helmet" "Callous Mask" "Coral Amulet" "Coral Ring" "Despot Axe" "Elegant Ringmail" "Elegant Sword" "Nameless Ring" "Phantom Mace" "Piledriver" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Rustic Sash" "Siege Helmet" "Sovereign Spiked Shield" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Brown MinimapIcon 2 Brown Star Show # %H3 $type->uniques $tier->hideable Rarity Unique BaseType == "Abyssal Axe" "Ancient Greaves" "Ancient Spirit Shield" "Antique Greaves" "Antique Rapier" "Arcanist Gloves" "Arcanist Slippers" "Assassin's Garb" "Auric Mace" "Aventail Helmet" "Awl" "Barbute Helmet" "Baroque Round Shield" "Basket Rapier" "Bastard Sword" "Black Maw Talisman" "Blazing Arrow Quiver" "Bone Armour" "Boot Blade" "Boot Knife" "Branded Kite Shield" "Brass Maul" "Brass Spirit Shield" "Bronze Gauntlets" "Bronze Sceptre" "Bronzescale Boots" "Bronzescale Gauntlets" "Buckskin Tunic" "Carnal Sceptre" "Cedar Tower Shield" "Chain Gloves" "Chiming Spirit Shield" "Clasped Boots" "Clasped Mitts" "Cleaver" "Close Helmet" "Clutching Talisman" "Compound Spiked Shield" "Conjurer Boots" "Conjurer Gloves" "Conquest Chainmail" "Copper Plate" "Corrugated Buckler" "Corsair Sword" "Crusader Chainmail" "Cutthroat's Garb" "Death Bow" "Decimation Bow" "Decorative Axe" "Deerskin Boots" "Destroyer Regalia" "Diamond Flask" "Diamond Ring" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Dread Maul" "Dream Mace" "Driftwood Wand" "Eelskin Boots" "Eelskin Gloves" "Elder Sword" "Elegant Round Shield" "Embroidered Gloves" "Enameled Buckler" "Engraved Wand" "Estoc" "Etched Greatsword" "Ezomyte Axe" "Ezomyte Dagger" "Feathered Arrow Quiver" "Festival Mask" "Flaying Knife" "Fright Claw" "Full Dragonscale" "Full Wyrmscale" "Gilded Sallet" "Gnarled Branch" "Goat's Horn" "Goathide Gloves" "Gold Amulet" "Golden Mask" "Great Helmet" "Great Mallet" "Greater Mana Flask" "Grinning Fetish" "Gut Ripper" "Hallowed Hybrid Flask" "Harbinger Bow" "Headsman Axe" "Heavy Arrow Quiver" "Highland Blade" "Holy Chainmail" "Infernal Axe" "Iron Gauntlets" "Iron Hat" "Iron Mask" "Iron Staff" "Ironscale Boots" "Ironscale Gauntlets" "Ironwood Buckler" "Jade Hatchet" "Jagged Foil" "Jagged Maul" "Jasper Chopper" "Karui Chopper" "Lacquered Buckler" "Laminated Kite Shield" "Lathi" "Latticed Ringmail" "Lion Pelt" "Lion Sword" "Long Bow" "Lunaris Circlet" "Meatgrinder" "Mesh Boots" "Mesh Gloves" "Midnight Blade" "Military Staff" "Mind Cage" "Mosaic Kite Shield" "Nailed Fist" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Nubuck Boots" "Nubuck Gloves" "Omen Wand" "Opal Sceptre" "Ornate Mace" "Ornate Ringmail" "Ornate Sword" "Painted Buckler" "Penetrating Arrow Quiver" "Pine Buckler" "Plague Mask" "Plank Kite Shield" "Plate Vest" "Platinum Kris" "Platinum Sceptre" "Poleaxe" "Polished Spiked Shield" "Prismatic Ring" "Quartz Flask" "Quicksilver Flask" "Reaver Helmet" "Reaver Sword" "Recurve Bow" "Regicide Mask" "Reinforced Tower Shield" "Ritual Sceptre" "Rock Breaker" "Rotfeather Talisman" "Rotted Round Shield" "Royal Axe" "Royal Sceptre" "Royal Staff" "Rusted Sword" "Sabre" "Samite Gloves" "Samnite Helmet" "Sanctified Life Flask" "Sanctified Mana Flask" "Satin Gloves" "Scholar Boots" "Secutor Helm" "Serpentscale Boots" "Serpentscale Gauntlets" "Serrated Arrow Quiver" "Shackled Boots" "Shadow Axe" "Shagreen Boots" "Shagreen Gloves" "Sharkskin Boots" "Sharkskin Tunic" "Sharktooth Arrow Quiver" "Short Bow" "Silk Slippers" "Silken Vest" "Skinning Knife" "Sledgehammer" "Slink Gloves" "Soldier Boots" "Soldier Helmet" "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" "Spiked Club" "Spiraled Wand" "Steel Circlet" "Steel Gauntlets" "Steelhead" "Stiletto" "Strapped Boots" "Strapped Mitts" "Studded Round Shield" "Sun Leather" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Tarnished Spirit Shield" "Teak Round Shield" "Terror Claw" "Terror Maul" "Thresher Claw" "Throat Stabber" "Tiger Sword" "Timeworn Claw" "Titan Gauntlets" "Tomahawk" "Trapper Boots" "Tribal Circlet" "Tricorne" "Twilight Blade" "Two-Stone Ring" "Tyrant's Sekhem" "Ursine Pelt" "Vaal Buckler" "Velvet Gloves" "Velvet Slippers" "Vile Arrow Quiver" "Vile Staff" "Vine Circlet" "Visored Sallet" "War Buckler" "War Hammer" "War Sword" "Wereclaw Talisman" "Whalebone Rapier" "Wild Leather" "Woodsplitter" "Wool Gloves" "Wool Shoes" "Wrapped Mitts" "Wyrmscale Gauntlets" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Brown MinimapIcon 2 Brown Star Show # $type->uniques $tier->restex Rarity Unique SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #=============================================================================================================== # [[4300]] Misc Map Items #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c10.relics.all : "Relic Keys, Itemized Leagues" Show # $type->miscmapitemsextra $tier->relickeys BaseType == "Ancient Reliquary Key" "Archive Reliquary Key" "Cosmic Reliquary Key" "Decaying Reliquary Key" "Forgotten Reliquary Key" "Oubliette Reliquary Key" "Shiny Reliquary Key" "Timeworn Reliquary Key" "Vaal Reliquary Key" "Visceral Reliquary Key" "Voidborn Reliquary Key" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->miscmapitemsextra $tier->relickeyssafe Class == "Vault Keys" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # $type->miscmapitemsextra $tier->itemizedleagues BaseType == "Chronicle of Atzoatl" "Inscribed Ultimatum" "Mirrored Tablet" "Primeval Remnant" "Primordial Remnant" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 180 0 255 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Hexagon Show # $type->miscmapitems $tier->restex Class == "Misc Map Items" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle #=============================================================================================================== # [[4400]] Questlike-Items2 #=============================================================================================================== Show # $type->questlike $tier->invitations BaseType "Maven's" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 74 230 58 255 SetBorderColor 74 230 58 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Green MinimapIcon 0 Green Pentagon Show # $type->questlike $tier->labyrinthconsumable Class == "Labyrinth Items" "Labyrinth Trinkets" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 74 230 58 255 SetBorderColor 74 230 58 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Green MinimapIcon 0 Green Pentagon Show # $type->questlike $tier->incursionconsumable Class == "Incursion Items" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 74 230 58 255 SetBorderColor 74 230 58 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Green MinimapIcon 0 Green Pentagon #=============================================================================================================== # [[4500]] Hide outdated leveling flasks #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.all : "Leveling - ALL rules" Hide # $type->hidelayer $tier->outdatedlevelflaska Quality 0 Class == "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Large" "Medium" "Small" AreaLevel >= 15 SetFontSize 18 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 0 DisableDropSound True Hide # $type->hidelayer $tier->outdatedlevelflaskb Quality 0 Class == "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Grand" "Greater" AreaLevel >= 30 SetFontSize 18 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 0 DisableDropSound True Hide # $type->hidelayer $tier->outdatedlevelflaskc Quality 0 Class == "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Colossal" "Giant" "Sacred" AreaLevel >= 48 SetFontSize 18 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 0 DisableDropSound True Hide # $type->hidelayer $tier->outdatedlevelflaskd Quality 0 Class == "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Hallowed" "Sanctified" AreaLevel >= 60 SetFontSize 18 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 0 DisableDropSound True #=============================================================================================================== # [[4600]] Leveling - Utility Flasks and Tinctures #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.utilflasks : "Leveling - Utility flasks and Quality Flasks" Show # $type->leveling->flasks->utility $tier->quicksilver BaseType == "Quicksilver Flask" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 50 200 125 SetBorderColor 50 200 125 SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Raindrop Show # $type->leveling->flasks->utility $tier->asortedutility BaseType == "Amethyst Flask" "Aquamarine Flask" "Basalt Flask" "Bismuth Flask" "Diamond Flask" "Granite Flask" "Iron Flask" "Jade Flask" "Quartz Flask" "Quicksilver Flask" "Ruby Flask" "Sapphire Flask" "Silver Flask" "Stibnite Flask" "Sulphur Flask" "Topaz Flask" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 50 200 125 SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 PlayEffect Grey Temp MinimapIcon 2 Grey Raindrop Show # %H3 $type->leveling->flasks->utility $tier->any Class == "Utility Flasks" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 PlayEffect Grey Temp Show # %D3 $type->leveling->flasks->quality $tier->max Quality >= 20 Rarity Normal Class == "Hybrid Flasks" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Tinctures" "Utility Flasks" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 155 138 138 255 PlayEffect Grey Temp Show # %D1 $type->leveling->flasks->quality $tier->high Quality >= 14 Rarity Normal Class == "Hybrid Flasks" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Tinctures" "Utility Flasks" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 200 200 200 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 Show # %D0 $type->leveling->flasks->quality $tier->any Quality >= 1 Rarity Normal Class == "Hybrid Flasks" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Tinctures" "Utility Flasks" SetFontSize 35 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 Show # $type->leveling->tincture $tier->any ItemLevel <= 67 Class == "Tinctures" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 50 200 125 SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 PlayEffect Grey Temp MinimapIcon 2 Grey Raindrop #=============================================================================================================== # [[4700]] Leveling - Life, Mana, Hybrid #=============================================================================================================== #------------------------------------ # [4701] Hybrid Flasks #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.lifeflasks : "Leveling - life and mana flasks" Show # %H2 $type->leveling->flasks->hybrid $tier->t1 Class == "Hybrid Flasks" BaseType "Small" AreaLevel <= 20 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 100 0 100 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->flasks->hybrid $tier->t2 Class == "Hybrid Flasks" BaseType "Medium" AreaLevel <= 30 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 100 0 100 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->flasks->hybrid $tier->t3 Class == "Hybrid Flasks" BaseType "Large" AreaLevel <= 40 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 100 0 100 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->flasks->hybrid $tier->t4 Class == "Hybrid Flasks" BaseType "Colossal" AreaLevel <= 50 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 100 0 100 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->flasks->hybrid $tier->t5 Class == "Hybrid Flasks" BaseType "Sacred" AreaLevel <= 60 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 100 0 100 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->flasks->hybrid $tier->t6 Class == "Hybrid Flasks" BaseType "Hallowed" AreaLevel <= 67 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 100 0 100 #------------------------------------ # [4702] Life flasks #------------------------------------ Show # $type->leveling->flasks->life $tier->t1 Class == "Life Flasks" BaseType "Small" AreaLevel <= 9 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->life $tier->t2 Class == "Life Flasks" BaseType "Medium" AreaLevel <= 13 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->life $tier->t3 Class == "Life Flasks" BaseType "Large" AreaLevel <= 17 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->life $tier->t4 Class == "Life Flasks" BaseType "Greater" AreaLevel <= 19 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->life $tier->t5 Class == "Life Flasks" BaseType "Grand" AreaLevel <= 25 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->life $tier->t6 Class == "Life Flasks" BaseType "Giant" AreaLevel <= 31 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->life $tier->t7 Class == "Life Flasks" BaseType "Colossal" AreaLevel <= 37 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->life $tier->t8 Class == "Life Flasks" BaseType "Sacred" AreaLevel <= 43 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->life $tier->t9 Class == "Life Flasks" BaseType "Hallowed" AreaLevel <= 51 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->life $tier->t10 Class == "Life Flasks" BaseType "Sanctified" AreaLevel <= 60 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->life $tier->t11 Class == "Life Flasks" BaseType "Divine" AreaLevel <= 68 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->life $tier->t12 Class == "Life Flasks" BaseType "Eternal" AreaLevel <= 68 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 120 0 0 #------------------------------------ # [4703] Mana flasks #------------------------------------ Show # $type->leveling->flasks->mana $tier->t1 Class == "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Small" AreaLevel <= 9 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 120 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->mana $tier->t2 Class == "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Medium" AreaLevel <= 13 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 120 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->mana $tier->t3 Class == "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Large" AreaLevel <= 17 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 120 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->mana $tier->t4 Class == "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Greater" AreaLevel <= 19 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 120 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->mana $tier->t5 Class == "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Grand" AreaLevel <= 25 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 120 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->mana $tier->t6 Class == "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Giant" AreaLevel <= 31 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 120 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->mana $tier->t7 Class == "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Colossal" AreaLevel <= 37 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 120 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->mana $tier->t8 Class == "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Sacred" AreaLevel <= 43 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 120 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->mana $tier->t9 Class == "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Hallowed" AreaLevel <= 51 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 120 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->mana $tier->t10 Class == "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Sanctified" AreaLevel <= 60 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 120 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->mana $tier->t11 Class == "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Divine" AreaLevel <= 68 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 120 Show # $type->leveling->flasks->mana $tier->t12 Class == "Mana Flasks" BaseType "Eternal" AreaLevel <= 68 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 0 120 #=============================================================================================================== # [[4800]] Leveling - Rules #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.gear.all : "Leveling - Gear - All non-unique" #------------------------------------ # [4801] Links and Sockets #------------------------------------ Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->socketslinks $tier->4linkrares LinkedSockets >= 4 ItemLevel <= 67 Rarity Rare SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 140 240 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Diamond #------------------------------------ # [4802] Rares - Decorators #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.decorators.all : "Leveling - Rares - Decorators" Show # $type->decorators->leveling->rare $tier->largerares Width >= 2 Height >= 3 ItemLevel <= 67 Rarity Rare SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 Continue Show # $type->decorators->leveling->rare $tier->mediumrares1 Width 1 Height >= 3 ItemLevel <= 67 Rarity Rare SetBorderColor 180 180 180 255 Continue Show # $type->decorators->leveling->rare $tier->mediumrares2 Width 2 Height 2 ItemLevel <= 67 Rarity Rare SetBorderColor 180 180 180 255 Continue Show # $type->decorators->leveling->rare $tier->tinyrares Width <= 2 Height 1 ItemLevel <= 67 Rarity Rare SetBorderColor 50 200 50 255 Continue #------------------------------------ # [4803] Rares - Universal #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.rares.minions : "Leveling - Rares - Minion Items" Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->minion $tier->general Rarity Rare BaseType == "Bone Ring" "Bone Spirit Shield" "Calling Wand" "Convening Wand" "Fossilised Spirit Shield" "Ivory Spirit Shield" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 150 50 150 255 SetBackgroundColor 111 67 117 210 # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.rares.trinkets : "Leveling - Rares - Belts, Rings, Amulets" Show # %D5 $type->leveling->rare->universal $tier->jewellery Rarity Rare Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Rings" SetFontSize 45 SetBackgroundColor 0 80 30 255 # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.rares.armors : "Leveling - Rares - Armour Pieces" Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->armours $tier->bootsfocus Rarity Rare Class == "Boots" SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->armours $tier->general Rarity Rare Class == "Boots" "Gloves" "Helmets" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->armours $tier->bodyarmours Rarity Rare Class == "Body Armours" SetFontSize 40 SetBackgroundColor 35 35 35 240 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->armours $tier->shields Rarity Rare Class == "Shields" SetFontSize 40 SetBackgroundColor 35 35 35 240 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->armours $tier->quivers Rarity Rare Class == "Quivers" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 150 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 4 67 4 210 #------------------------------------ # [4804] Rares - Caster #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.rares.caster : "Leveling - Rares - Caster" Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->caster $tier->earlylevels ItemLevel <= 16 Rarity Rare Class == "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Staves" "Wands" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 50 50 150 255 SetBackgroundColor 43 43 100 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->caster $tier->general Rarity Rare Class == "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Staves" "Wands" SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 50 50 150 255 SetBackgroundColor 43 43 100 210 #------------------------------------ # [4805] Rares - Archer #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.rares.archer : "Leveling - Gear - Archer" Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->archer $tier->l1 Rarity Rare Class == "Bows" AreaLevel <= 25 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 150 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 4 67 4 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->archer $tier->l2 DropLevel >= 10 Rarity Rare Class == "Bows" AreaLevel <= 30 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 150 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 4 67 4 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->archer $tier->l3 DropLevel >= 15 Rarity Rare Class == "Bows" AreaLevel <= 35 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 150 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 4 67 4 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->archer $tier->l4 DropLevel >= 20 Rarity Rare Class == "Bows" AreaLevel <= 45 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 150 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 4 67 4 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->archer $tier->l5 DropLevel >= 25 Rarity Rare Class == "Bows" AreaLevel <= 55 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 150 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 4 67 4 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->archer $tier->l6 DropLevel >= 30 Rarity Rare Class == "Bows" AreaLevel <= 60 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 150 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 4 67 4 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->archer $tier->l7 DropLevel >= 35 Rarity Rare Class == "Bows" AreaLevel <= 65 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 150 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 4 67 4 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->archer $tier->l8 DropLevel >= 40 Rarity Rare Class == "Bows" AreaLevel <= 70 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 150 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 4 67 4 210 #------------------------------------ # [4806] Rares - Melee #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.rares.melee : "Leveling - Gear - Melee" Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee2h $tier->l1 Rarity Rare Class == "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" AreaLevel <= 25 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 150 50 50 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 43 43 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee2h $tier->l2 DropLevel >= 10 Rarity Rare Class == "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" AreaLevel <= 30 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 150 50 50 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 43 43 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee2h $tier->l3 DropLevel >= 15 Rarity Rare Class == "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" AreaLevel <= 35 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 150 50 50 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 43 43 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee2h $tier->l4 DropLevel >= 20 Rarity Rare Class == "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" AreaLevel <= 45 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 150 50 50 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 43 43 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee2h $tier->l5 DropLevel >= 25 Rarity Rare Class == "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" AreaLevel <= 55 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 150 50 50 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 43 43 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee2h $tier->l6 DropLevel >= 30 Rarity Rare Class == "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" AreaLevel <= 60 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 150 50 50 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 43 43 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee2h $tier->l7 DropLevel >= 35 Rarity Rare Class == "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" AreaLevel <= 65 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 150 50 50 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 43 43 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee2h $tier->l8 DropLevel >= 40 Rarity Rare Class == "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" AreaLevel <= 70 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 150 50 50 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 43 43 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee1h $tier->l1 Rarity Rare Class == "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" AreaLevel <= 25 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 180 180 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 150 90 0 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee1h $tier->l2 DropLevel >= 10 Rarity Rare Class == "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" AreaLevel <= 30 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 180 180 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 150 90 0 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee1h $tier->l3 DropLevel >= 15 Rarity Rare Class == "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" AreaLevel <= 35 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 180 180 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 150 90 0 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee1h $tier->l4 DropLevel >= 20 Rarity Rare Class == "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" AreaLevel <= 45 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 180 180 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 150 90 0 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee1h $tier->l5 DropLevel >= 25 Rarity Rare Class == "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" AreaLevel <= 55 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 180 180 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 150 90 0 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee1h $tier->l6 DropLevel >= 30 Rarity Rare Class == "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" AreaLevel <= 60 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 180 180 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 150 90 0 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee1h $tier->l7 DropLevel >= 35 Rarity Rare Class == "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" AreaLevel <= 65 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 180 180 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 150 90 0 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->rare->melee1h $tier->l8 DropLevel >= 40 Rarity Rare Class == "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" AreaLevel <= 70 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 180 180 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 150 90 0 210 #------------------------------------ # [4807] Rares - Other #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.rares.low : "Leveling - Gear - Low Tier" Show # %D3 $type->leveling->rare->remaining $tier->chromaticrares class == "body armours" "gloves" "boots" "helmets" "shields" "staves" "rune daggers" "sceptres" "wands" "daggers" "claws" "thrusting one hand swords" "one hand swords" "one hand maces" "one hand axes" "warstaves" "two hand swords" "two hand axes" "two hand maces" "bows" "quivers" "amulets" "belts" "rings" Rarity Rare SocketGroup "RGB" SetFontSize 40 SetBackgroundColor 80 80 80 100 Show # %D2 $type->leveling->rare->remaining $tier->underlevel68 class == "body armours" "gloves" "boots" "helmets" "shields" "staves" "rune daggers" "sceptres" "wands" "daggers" "claws" "thrusting one hand swords" "one hand swords" "one hand maces" "one hand axes" "warstaves" "two hand swords" "two hand axes" "two hand maces" "bows" "quivers" "amulets" "belts" "rings" Rarity Rare AreaLevel >= 42 SetFontSize 40 SetBackgroundColor 80 80 80 100 Show # %D2 $type->leveling->rare->remaining $tier->underlevel42 class == "body armours" "gloves" "boots" "helmets" "shields" "staves" "rune daggers" "sceptres" "wands" "daggers" "claws" "thrusting one hand swords" "one hand swords" "one hand maces" "one hand axes" "warstaves" "two hand swords" "two hand axes" "two hand maces" "bows" "quivers" "amulets" "belts" "rings" ItemLevel <= 42 Rarity Rare AreaLevel >= 24 SetFontSize 40 SetBackgroundColor 80 80 80 100 Show # %D2 $type->leveling->rare->remaining $tier->underlevel24 class == "body armours" "gloves" "boots" "helmets" "shields" "staves" "rune daggers" "sceptres" "wands" "daggers" "claws" "thrusting one hand swords" "one hand swords" "one hand maces" "one hand axes" "warstaves" "two hand swords" "two hand axes" "two hand maces" "bows" "quivers" "amulets" "belts" "rings" ItemLevel <= 24 Rarity Rare AreaLevel >= 16 SetFontSize 40 SetBackgroundColor 80 80 80 100 Show # %D3 $type->leveling->rare->remaining $tier->underlevel16 class == "body armours" "gloves" "boots" "helmets" "shields" "staves" "rune daggers" "sceptres" "wands" "daggers" "claws" "thrusting one hand swords" "one hand swords" "one hand maces" "one hand axes" "warstaves" "two hand swords" "two hand axes" "two hand maces" "bows" "quivers" "amulets" "belts" "rings" ItemLevel <= 16 Rarity Rare AreaLevel >= 1 SetFontSize 40 SetBackgroundColor 80 80 80 100 #=============================================================================================================== # [[4900]] Leveling - Useful magic and normal items #=============================================================================================================== # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.linked.all : "Leveling - Linked - 4link" #------------------------------------ # [4901] Purpose Picked Items #------------------------------------ Show # %D4 $type->leveling->normalmagic->4l $tier->general LinkedSockets >= 4 Rarity Normal Magic SetFontSize 45 SetBorderColor 0 140 240 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayEffect Grey MinimapIcon 2 Grey Diamond # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.rgb.all : "Leveling - Linked - RGB Recipe" Show # %D3 $type->leveling->normalmagic->rgb $tier->rgbsmall1 Width 2 Height 2 Rarity Normal Magic SocketGroup "RGB" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 200 200 200 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 Show # %D3 $type->leveling->normalmagic->rgb $tier->rgbsmall2 Width 1 Height <= 4 Rarity Normal Magic SocketGroup "RGB" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 200 200 200 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 Show # %D2 $type->leveling->normalmagic->rgb $tier->rgblarge Width 2 Height 4 Rarity Normal Magic SocketGroup "RGB" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 Show # %D2 $type->leveling->normalmagic->rgb $tier->rgbmedium Width 2 Height 3 Rarity Normal Magic SocketGroup "RGB" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 110 110 255 # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.3linked.all : "Leveling - Linked - 3links" Show # %D3 $type->leveling->normalmagic->3l $tier->earlythreelinks LinkedSockets >= 3 Rarity Normal Magic AreaLevel <= 16 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 120 120 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayEffect Grey Temp Show # %D2 $type->leveling->normalmagic->3l $tier->general LinkedSockets >= 3 Rarity Normal Magic AreaLevel <= 28 SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 0 120 120 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayEffect Grey Temp # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.act12.all : "Leveling - Normal and Magic - Act1, Act2 special gear" Show # %D4 $type->leveling->normalmagic->act1 $tier->casterweapons Sockets >= 3 Rarity Magic Class == "Sceptres" "Wands" AreaLevel <= 16 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 120 120 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 PlayEffect Grey Temp Show # %D4 $type->leveling->normalmagic->act1 $tier->castercraftrings Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Iron Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" AreaLevel <= 16 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->normalmagic->act1 $tier->general Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Amber Amulet" "Chain Belt" "Coral Ring" "Jade Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Leather Belt" AreaLevel <= 16 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->normalmagic->act1 $tier->boots Rarity Magic Class == "Boots" AreaLevel <= 16 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->normalmagic->act1 $tier->quivers Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Quivers" AreaLevel <= 16 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 150 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 4 67 4 210 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->normalmagic->act1 $tier->physical Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Iron Ring" "Rustic Sash" AreaLevel <= 16 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %D4 $type->leveling->normalmagic->act1 $tier->jewellery Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Rings" AreaLevel <= 16 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %D3 $type->leveling->normalmagic->act2 $tier->castercraftrings Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Iron Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" AreaLevel >= 16 AreaLevel <= 24 SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %D3 $type->leveling->normalmagic->act2 $tier->physical Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Rustic Sash" AreaLevel >= 16 AreaLevel <= 24 SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.actlater.all : "Leveling - Normal and Magic - Later Acts" Show # %D2 $type->leveling->normalmagic->otheracts $tier->highphysquivers Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Heavy Arrow Quiver" SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %D2 $type->leveling->normalmagic->otheracts $tier->fireresistgear Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Ruby Ring" AreaLevel >= 24 AreaLevel <= 51 SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %D2 $type->leveling->normalmagic->otheracts $tier->generalcrafting Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Leather Belt" "Onyx Amulet" "Prismatic Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" AreaLevel >= 24 SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %D2 $type->leveling->normalmagic->minion $tier->miniongear Rarity Normal Magic BaseType == "Bone Ring" "Calling Wand" "Convening Wand" "Convoking Wand" SetFontSize 35 SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 #Show # $type->leveling->normalmagic->minion $tier->minionshields # Rarity Normal Magic # BaseType == "Bone Spirit Shield" "Fossilised Spirit Shield" "Ivory Spirit Shield" # SetFontSize 35 # SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 # SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 #------------------------------------ # [4902] Normals #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.firstlevels.all : "Leveling - Normal and Magic - First Levels" Show # %H2 $type->leveling->firstlevels $tier->earlybodyarmours Rarity Normal Class == "Body Armours" AreaLevel >= 2 AreaLevel <= 9 SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H3 $type->leveling->firstlevels $tier->threesocketedgear Sockets >= 3 Rarity Normal Magic Class == "Boots" "Gloves" "Helmets" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Wands" AreaLevel <= 9 SetFontSize 40 SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 255 Show # %H3 $type->leveling->firstlevels $tier->firstareas Rarity Normal AreaLevel <= 4 SetFontSize 35 SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 #------------------------------------ # [4903] Weapon Progression #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.progression.all : "Leveling - Normal and Magic - Item Progression" Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r01 Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 9 DropLevel >= 5 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r02 Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 15 DropLevel >= 11 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r03 Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 18 DropLevel >= 15 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r04 Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 22 DropLevel >= 18 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r05 Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 26 DropLevel >= 22 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r06 Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 30 DropLevel >= 26 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r07 Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 34 DropLevel >= 30 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r08 Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 40 DropLevel >= 34 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r09 Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 44 DropLevel >= 40 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r10 Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 48 DropLevel >= 44 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r11 Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 52 DropLevel >= 48 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r12 Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 56 DropLevel >= 52 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r13 Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 60 DropLevel >= 56 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r14 Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 64 DropLevel >= 60 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->weaponprogression $tier->r15bas Sockets >= 3 ItemLevel <= 68 DropLevel >= 64 Rarity Normal Class == "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Warstaves" SetTextColor 180 180 180 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 180 #------------------------------------ # [4904] Remaining Magics #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c11.leveling.magicvendor.all : "Leveling - Normal and Magic - Magic Vendor Items" Show # $type->decorators->leveling->magic $tier->medium1 Width 1 Height >= 3 ItemLevel <= 67 Rarity Magic SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 Continue Show # $type->decorators->leveling->magic $tier->medium2 Width 2 Height 2 ItemLevel <= 67 Rarity Magic SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 Continue Show # $type->decorators->leveling->magic $tier->noticeearly ItemLevel <= 67 Rarity Magic AreaLevel <= 9 SetBorderColor 100 100 100 150 Continue Show # $type->decorators->leveling->magic $tier->tiny Width <= 2 Height 1 ItemLevel <= 67 Rarity Magic SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 Continue Hide # $type->leveling->magic->remaining $tier->largemagicblocker Width >= 2 Height >= 3 Rarity Magic Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" AreaLevel >= 16 SetFontSize 18 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 0 DisableDropSound True Hide # $type->leveling->magic->remaining $tier->mediummagicblocker Height > 1 Rarity Magic Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" AreaLevel >= 24 SetFontSize 18 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 0 DisableDropSound True Show # %H1 $type->leveling->magic->remaining $tier->rest Rarity Magic Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" AreaLevel >= 34 AreaLevel <= 67 Show # %H2 $type->leveling->magic->remaining $tier->act2 Rarity Magic Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" AreaLevel >= 16 AreaLevel <= 24 SetFontSize 35 Show # %H3 $type->leveling->magic->remaining $tier->act1 Rarity Magic Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" AreaLevel >= 9 AreaLevel <= 16 SetFontSize 35 Show # %H3 $type->leveling->magic->remaining $tier->untilmudflats Rarity Magic Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" AreaLevel <= 4 SetFontSize 40 Show # %H3 $type->leveling->magic->remaining $tier->firstlevels Rarity Magic Class == "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armours" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Gloves" "Helmets" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "One Hand Swords" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Daggers" "Sceptres" "Shields" "Staves" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wands" "Warstaves" AreaLevel >= 1 AreaLevel <= 9 SetFontSize 40 # !! Waypoint c12.hide.all : "HIDELAYER - Hide all known untiered items" #------------------------------------ # [4905] Hide All known Section #------------------------------------ Hide # $type->hidelayer $tier->final Class "Amulets" "Belts" "Body Armour" "Boots" "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "Flask" "Gloves" "Heist Brooch" "Heist Cloak" "Heist Gear" "Heist Tool" "Helmets" "Jewel" "One Hand" "Quivers" "Rings" "Rune Dagger" "Sceptre" "Sentinel Drone" "Shields" "Staves" "Tinctures" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Two Hand Swords" "Wand" "Warstaves" SetFontSize 18 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 20 20 0 0 DisableDropSound True #------------------------------------ # [4906] Show All unknown Section #------------------------------------ # !! Waypoint c13.show.all : "SAFETYLAYER - Show all unknown items" # THIS ENTRY IS CAUGHT IN 3 CASES: # 1) YOUR FILTER IS OUT OF DATE! # 2) YOU DID SOMETHING SILLY WHEN EDITING THE FILTER # 3) YOU ENCOUNTERED A PREVIOUSLY UNKNOWN ITEM (VERY UNLIKELY) Show # $type->anyremaining $tier->restex SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 255 PlayAlertSound 3 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Circle